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Which Memory Brand is the Best?


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Hey Guys, I know I haven't gotten my motherboard yet, but I just wanted to know which Memory Brand is good out there. The reason I haven't gotten my motherboard is because I am waiting for Intel to release the X38 Chipset. When it comes out, I plan to get the board. I know one thing and that is it is gona Support DDR-2 and DDR-3 and since DDR-3 is gona be really EXPENSIVE, I thought I go with DDR-2 way for now and get DDR-3 Later when the price goes down.

With my old system I have used Kingston and Mushkin and I had no problems with them. I just wanted to get your guys thoughts on what other Good Brands I should look at. So if you guys can share your opinion on this subject, it will really help me out!

Thx for all the help guys!

P.S. Fusion

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The best choice...... in my and many others opinion...... is Crucial memory. They have a guarantee that the memory will work with your hardware, a ("limited") lifetime warranty, and superb customer service in (that I know of) the US and UK.

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OCZ, hands down.

And by the way...

I know one thing and that is it is gona Support DDR-2 and DDR-3 and since DDR-3 is gona be really EXPENSIVE, I thought I go with DDR-2 way for now and get DDR-3 Later when the price goes down.
... sorry to say, you don't know anything. And I really don't mean that to be insulting. EVERYTHING about the X38 chipset at this time is speculation. Why? Because Intel has not released anything official.

Even things like this: http://www.tweaktown.com/popImg.php?img=news_intel_x38.jpg are still not written in stone. Until Intel makes an official press release saying that the X38 is launched and those are the final features, everything remains speculation. Chances are that the things mentioned in the image I just mentioned are going to make it through the final version, but nothing is ever final until it is. Especially at this time, there's a LOT of rumours going around about the X38.

As for DDR3, I wouldn't count on it being too expensive for too long considering how fast they're already progressing in bringing down timings. Don't forget, we've been using GDDR3 memory on video cards for years now. The tweaking and the timings are due to the fact that they've never produced DDR3 in such dense quantities (Most video cards are still 256MB or 512MB while we're up to 2GB memory sticks).

Edited by jcarle
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The question is: "Which Memory Brand is the Best?"...

That depends on how much you want to spend...

For example:

There are cheap sticks from Kingston and A-DATA (V-DATA) that are priced under 50 US$ for an 1GB 800MHz DDR2 RAM stick that works on every motherboard (1.8-1.85Volts that it needs to work)...

So you could spend twice as much on RAM with tight timings and some nice looking coolers but ask you self if you need it...

EDIT: I use A-DATA by the way and RMAs (returns) are very low...

Edited by puntoMX
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Yeah...best to wait and see what the final specs are gonna be and what kind of motherboard configurations are going to be offered.

Personally, I'm partcial to Crucial, Micron Technology's direct memory company. After that I go for Corsair. More often than not you'll find Corsair using Micron's memory chips on their PCB's as well though. The PCB design does have quite a bit to do with stability of the module though.

The one thing about Crucial is that they're usually a little slower in bringing the fastest speeds to market. They're also sometimes a little more conservative with their memory timings in the initial offerings. But they are known for selling some of the most compatible, stable memory you can get.

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