gora Posted December 10, 2007 Posted December 10, 2007 (edited) Would be nice if someone made a little GUI so no need to manually write text files and use command prompt. Like winrar SFX window GUI for write config file (interface Russian only)Creation of a config file Online service (interface Russian only)Creation 7z SFX archives in Total Commander (interface Russian and English, Help - Russian only)All on the basis of modified module Oleg_Sch Edited October 15, 2008 by gora
Jolli Posted December 12, 2007 Posted December 12, 2007 Hi there There is an other Guy (Georg Wittberger) who mod the SFX modules, with a really "eye-candy" user interface. So, if both can combine together, it would be perfect!Is this possible?Regards.Georg Wittberger HomepageThis projects aimes at improving the look and feel of 7-Zip's SFX modules. Currently there are two types of customized SFX modules: a simple basic module for general purposes and a professional-looking advanced module with a modern installer look and feel. All these modules are based on the original SFX modules so they do not provide any extra functionality.The main advantages of these customized SFX modules are the consistent look of the start dialog and the extraction dialog, the support of Windows XP visual styles and additional graphics and texts to tell unexperienced users what to do with the SFX archive.
Oleg_Sch Posted December 13, 2007 Author Posted December 13, 2007 I got a problem with the icon of the exe when the size of the archive is bigger than ~700mb.The problem is that the icon gets replaced to the boring "white rectangle".Is this a bug with 7zSD?If it's a known bug, is there any way to prevent it?I made some experiments and found that it is not a bug of the module.I found a description of such problems for Inno Setup. Read thisI do not know how to solve this problem
dll32 Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 I got a problem with the icon of the exe when the size of the archive is bigger than ~700mb.The problem is that the icon gets replaced to the boring "white rectangle".Is this a bug with 7zSD?If it's a known bug, is there any way to prevent it?I made some experiments and found that it is not a bug of the module.I found a description of such problems for Inno Setup. Read thisI do not know how to solve this problemThanks for the clarification and thanks for trying, now I at least know what's causing it.By the way...I just got an idea, i might just put the installer within another installer, that extract the installer silently and then executes it.// dLL32
LLL Posted December 25, 2007 Posted December 25, 2007 Hy,Your module is under GNU LGPL but i don't find the sources code on the douwload page. Can you give me the link please ?THANKS
Oleg_Sch Posted December 25, 2007 Author Posted December 25, 2007 Updates of the site and files (and sources) will be available in first or second week of January.Sorry, but now i'm too busy
coucou Posted January 1, 2008 Posted January 1, 2008 Hi,To add a language file to some apps, i'm using the following AutoIt script to check the "HKCU\Control Panel\International\sLanguage" registry value, if it equal to "FRA" the i copy/run my language file.$Lang = RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International", "sLanguage")If $Lang = "FRA" Then RunWait("HS62001_LangFR.exe")EndIfThe size of that compiled autoit script file is about 200K.To downsize the final archive file, i have to translate the above .au3 file to a .cmd file.Anyone can help writing that .cmd script?Regardscoucou
jpeachman Posted January 1, 2008 Posted January 1, 2008 To add a language file to some apps, i'm using the following AutoIt script to check the "HKCU\Control Panel\International\sLanguage" registry value, if it equal to "FRA" the i copy/run my language file.$Lang = RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International", "sLanguage")If $Lang = "FRA" Then RunWait("HS62001_LangFR.exe")EndIfThe size of that compiled autoit script file is about 200K.To downsize the final archive file, i have to translate the above .au3 file to a .cmd file.Anyone can help writing that .cmd script?Try:FOR /F "tokens=2*" %%a in ('REG QUERY "HKCU\Control Panel\International" /v sLanguage') DO @(SET Lang=%%b)IF "%Lang%"=="FRA" START /WAIT HS62001_LangFR.exeSET Lang=
Yzöwl Posted January 1, 2008 Posted January 1, 2008 Just an additional note to the above, there is no real need to either use a for loop or set a variable which isn't needed.@reg query "hkcu\control panel\international" /v slanguage|find "FRA">nul 2>&1&&start "" /wait hs62001_langfr.exeAll the above is one line!Also if you were to use program to hide the console window then you could shorten it a little too.reg query "hkcu\control panel\international" /v slanguage|find "FRA"&&start "" /wait hs62001_langfr.exeAll the above is one line again!
jpeachman Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 Excellent point about there being no need to set a variable! I confess I haven't written any AutoIT scripts and was just attempting a pretty literal translation of the original into a batch file. I didn't write the FOR loop so nicely, either. It can easily be done with a single iteration, and everything can go on one line with unwanted output suppressed too by using:@FOR /F "tokens=3 skip=4" %%a IN ('REG QUERY "HKCU\Control Panel\International" /v sLanguage') DO @IF "%%a"=="FRA" START /WAIT HS62001_LangFR.exeYzöwl's example of piping through FIND is still slightly shorter than this, though. Where using FOR rather than FIND might be shorter and more straightforward is if you were testing for more than one condition. For a three-language example:@FOR /F "tokens=3 skip=4" %%a IN ('REG QUERY "HKCU\Control Panel\International" /v sLanguage') DO @IF "%%a"=="FRA" (START /WAIT HS62001_LangFR.exe) ELSE IF "%%a"=="DEU" (START /WAIT HS62001_LangDE.exe) ELSE IF "%%a"=="ENU" (START /WAIT HS62001_LangEN.exe)It's probably good to know both techniques; still, Yzöwl's method is shortest for the specific need expressed by coucou!
weEvil Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 So exactly what does this application do?It would be nice to have a little snippet of info in the OPs post. Maybe a screenshot too if appropriate.
Yzöwl Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 So exactly what does this application do?It would be nice to have a little snippet of info in the OPs post. Maybe a screenshot too if appropriate.All the info you need is presented on the website through links provided in the opening post of this topic. Unfortunately the site is down for a while so you'd have to wait for it to come back up again for that info.If you've already got the module it has a reasonably good help file with it giving switches, options and usage examples etc.
coucou Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 Many Many Many TNX jpeachman and Yzöwl Happy New 2008coucou
albatros Posted January 7, 2008 Posted January 7, 2008 (edited) Hi, I'm AlbatroS :-)First of all, thanx to Oleg_Sch and all contributors here. It's great what we can do with those modified SFXs!Creation 7z SFX archives in Total CommanderHm, it seems AVs don't like its generated exe's: Edited January 8, 2008 by albatros
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