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Posted (edited)


7z SFX Modified Module

version 1.5.3 Stable (build 3819)

version 1.6.0 Beta (build 3819)

Home page || Download links

Hi All!

I am excited to finally present the modified 7z SFX module and accompany tools to the English speaking audience. I know some of you already got a hold of the module and used it a little. Now you can take full advantage of all feature thanks to fully translated documentation. I do encourage you to read the docs, because the module development was driven by Russian unattended community. You'll find a lot of features regular users would never think of smile.gif . I'll list just a few of them here:

- select between interactive, silent and hidden extraction
- control the appearance of dialog prompts and text
- consequently run several files (.exe, .msi, .reg and so on) after the extraction to install configured applications
- replace .bat and .cmd files and eliminate the need in supplementary utilities like "StartX.exe", "msistub.exe" and so on
- create shortcuts for programs with the icons of your choice

There's a lot, and you may want to start with usage examples to see some pics


You may also want to download 7z SFX Tools to see the installer in action.

I truly hope you like the module and start using it in your PC tasks. As you become familiar with its features, please share your experience with your peers through this thread. Although I understand written English relatively well, my writing skills are not that good and I may not be able to answer some questions with the level of detail they require (Honestly, I got a lot of help with this post ;) )

You're welcome to leave any thoughts or suggestions in this thread - I'm subscribed to it. Feel free to conact me by e-mail, but keep in mind that often you can get techincal help through the forum faster smile.gif

Thank you!

Only Russian pages was updated.

Latest versions also can be downloaded via SVN repository http://svn.7zsfx.info

Edited by Oleg_Sch

Posted (edited)

My Config.txt


; // Full silent install


; // Set environments

SetEnvironment="Var1=\"%ProgramFiles%\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe\""

SetEnvironment="Var2=\"%ProgramFiles%\\Mozilla Firefox\\extensions\\*.xpi\""

SetEnvironment="Var3=\"%ProgramFiles%\\Mozilla Firefox\\chrome\\*fx*\""


SetEnvironment="Var5=\"%ProgramFiles%\\Mozilla Firefox\\extensions\""

SetEnvironment="Var6=\"%ProgramFiles%\\Mozilla Firefox\\chrome\""

; // Silent install of Firefox

RunProgram="setup.exe -ms"

; // Set Firefox to default browser

RunProgram="hidcon:cmd %Var1% -setDefaultBrowser -silent"

; // Silent install of all extensions

RunProgram="hidcon:cmd FOR /f %%i IN ('DIR /b /a-d %Var2%') DO %Var1% -install-global-extension "%Var5%\\%%i""

; // Delete all unpacked extensions after install


; // Set Adblock Plus settings if exist

RunProgram="hidcon:cmd FOR /f %%i IN ('DIR /b /a:d %Var4%') DO md "%Var4%\\%%i\\adblockplus""

RunProgram="hidcon:cmd FOR /f %%i IN ('DIR /b /a:d %Var4%') DO copy "localized\adblockplus\patterns.ini" "%Var4%\\%%i\\adblockplus""

; // Silent install of unsigned Themes (not needed and set by default)

; RunProgram="hidcon:cmd FOR /f %%i IN ('DIR /b /a-d %Var3%') DO %Var1% -install-global-theme "%Var6%\\%%i"

; // Delete all unpacked themes after install

; Delete="%Var3%"



I've converted my working CMD to your SFX. If I opens my created installer I get this error:

Error in Line 18 of configuration data


%Var5%\%%i"" is also not working.

What I'm doing wrong?


Edited by Inferi0r
Posted (edited)


As a result, you MUST use DOUBLE backslashes (\\) wherever you normally use backslashes (\) (e.g. in paths or dialog texts). Similarly, if the Value contains double quotes ("), you MUST precede them with a backslash (\").

i.e. this line should look so:

RunProgram="hidcon:cmd FOR /f %%i IN ('DIR /b /a-d %Var2%') DO %Var1% -install-global-extension \"%Var5%\\%%i\""

I may be wrong, but you config file should be:


; // Full silent install


; // Set environments

SetEnvironment="Var1=%ProgramFiles%\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe"

SetEnvironment="Var2=%ProgramFiles%\\Mozilla Firefox\\extensions\\*.xpi"

SetEnvironment="Var3=%ProgramFiles%\\Mozilla Firefox\\chrome\\*fx*"


SetEnvironment="Var5=%ProgramFiles%\\Mozilla Firefox\\extensions"

SetEnvironment="Var6=%ProgramFiles%\\Mozilla Firefox\\chrome"

; // Silent install of Firefox

RunProgram="setup.exe -ms"

; // Set Firefox to default browser

RunProgram="hidcon:cmd \"%Var1%\" -setDefaultBrowser -silent"

; // Silent install of all extensions

RunProgram="hidcon:cmd FOR /f %%i IN ('DIR /b /a-d \"%Var2%\"') DO \"%Var1%\" -install-global-extension \"%Var5%\\%%i\""

; // Delete all unpacked extensions after install


; // Set Adblock Plus settings if exist

RunProgram="hidcon:cmd FOR /f %%i IN ('DIR /b /a:d \"%Var4%\"') DO md \"%Var4%\\%%i\\adblockplus\""

RunProgram="hidcon:cmd FOR /f %%i IN ('DIR /b /a:d \"%Var4%\"') DO copy \"localized\adblockplus\patterns.ini\" \"%Var4%\\%%i\\adblockplus\""

; // Silent install of unsigned Themes (not needed and set by default)

; RunProgram="hidcon:cmd FOR /f %%i IN ('DIR /b /a-d \"%Var3%\"') DO \"%Var1%\" -install-global-theme \"%Var6%\\%%i\""

; // Delete all unpacked themes after install

; Delete="%Var3%"


It's easer to do these tasks in a batch file and call it from the config file

Edited by Oleg_Sch
Posted (edited)


During today's update i made a mistake :(


Again, sorry :(

P.S. It is necessary to FORCE update page by Ctrl+F5 in browser...

Edited by Oleg_Sch


The access to page is OK for me.

And very thanks to translate the informations about the options in your SFX module, this will help me a lot to create advanced silent install.



Hey Oleg_Sch! Nice to see you're promoting your module here!

I gave info about it a while ago in the other 7z topic, especially because msistub and startx isn't needed anymore. Very nice!

All my installers use your module, in the -? or -h part I have put a thankyou note to you :)

(have to update them...)


Hi oleg,

Very nice tool... All my installers use yr module too.

What about extarcting SFX archive and creating a shortlinks (winrar like)? (see here bellow)

Path=%ProgramFiles%\HyperSnap 6

Shortcut=P, "HprSnap6.exe", "Capture\HyperSnap 6", "HyperSnap 6", "HyperSnap 6"
Shortcut=P, "HprSnap6Man.chm", "Capture\HyperSnap 6", "HyperSnap 6 Help", "HyperSnap 6 Help"
Shortcut=P, "readme.tx", "Capture\HyperSnap 6", "Read about HyperSnap 6", "Read about HyperSnap 6"
Shortcut=P, "HprUnInst.exe", "Capture\HyperSnap 6", "Uninstall HyperSnap 6", "Uninstall HyperSnap 6"

The problem by using winrar, the shortlinks can be created only in %UserProfile% folder.

It is possible to creat e an SFX archive and shortlinks in %AllUsersProfile% with yr module a shortlinks? If so, Thanks to show me an example.



Posted (edited)


But what about help ?

Parameter 'Shortcut':

'type' - one or two symbol field that can take the following values:

D - Creates shortcut on the Desktop

S - Creates shortcut in the "Start" menu

P - Creates shortcut in the "Start->Programs" menu

T - Creates shortcut in the "Startup" folder

The shortcuts are created for ALL USERS. In order to create a shortcut for the current user only, add 'u' to the values listed above. For example, Shortcut="Du, {cmd.exe}" creates shortcut on the current user's Desktop only.

Configuration file in you case should look:

InstallPath="%ProgramFiles%\\HyperSnap 6"
Shortcut="P, {HprSnap6.exe}, {}, {Capture\\HyperSnap 6}, {HyperSnap 6}, {HyperSnap 6}"

Change 'GUIMode' as you like ( see http://7zsfx.solta.ru/en/parameters.html#GUIMode ) or delete it (this is the same that GUIMode="0")

Or this dosn't working ?

Edited by Oleg_Sch

TNX Oleg for the info

The links are created but does NOT pointing the files. In other words, by clink on the created links, Nothing hapens :(

InstallPath="%ProgramFiles%\\HyperSnap 6"
Shortcut="P, {HprSnap6.exe}, {}, {Capture\\HyperSnap 6}, {HyperSnap 6}, {HyperSnap 6}"

It works ONLY if i add the path for each link :)

InstallPath="%ProgramFiles%\\HyperSnap 6"
Shortcut="P, {%ProgramFiles%\\HyperSnap 6\\HprSnap6.exe}, {}, {Capture\\HyperSnap 6}, {HyperSnap 6}, {HyperSnap 6}"

Is there anyhow to avoid adding the path for each link?



Posted (edited)

Oh, sorry. i mistaked :(

You CAN NOT exclude path to the source file of the link :( , but you can set extract path in shortcut parameters, for example:


InstallPath="%ProgramFiles%\\HyperSnap 6"


Shortcut="P, {%%T\\HprSnap6.exe}, {}, {Capture\\HyperSnap 6}, {HyperSnap 6}, {HyperSnap 6}"


In this case %%T always point to the extract/install folder (even if user will change it in ExtractPath dialog)

Edited by Oleg_Sch

TNX Oleg,

Wowww it works like a charm :thumbup

BTW, again comparing with winrar, is it possible to add, delete file inside the SFX archive. Do yr SUPER module allow that too???



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