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Status Updates posted by Tripredacus

  1. Portions of Photobucket are down right now. Some avatars and signature images may not show up.

  2. Shiva says "ahhhh" after new CMOS battery.

  3. Shiva says "Fatal Exception 06"

  4. Shiva says "no picture on the tv"

  5. Tihiy and BigMuscle get new forums in Member Contributed Projects!

  6. Is jaclaz on vacation?

    1. dencorso


      So it seems...

    2. dencorso


      It's all right! He's back already! :)

  7. Does jaclaz ever sleep?

    1. dencorso


      Sure. He actually searches the net while sleeping, to lose no time.

  8. Someone unplugged Uncle Socks!

  9. George R R Martin writes using WordStar 4!

    1. koganstyle


      That's awesome, George R R Martin is a legend LOL

  10. 35 sold since ga lol

  11. I uninstalled Windows 8 from my car.

  12. Game forum has a different icon! (Sorry, I'm easily amused)

  13. I moderated this content already!

    1. dencorso


      Me, too, you're not alone...

  14. Mega doesn't think Hcon STF is Chrome.

  15. I want to thank all members who report spam in forums other than GD. Its really helpful.

    1. xper


      I think i managed spam for now. Upgrade will come soon. I apologize to everyone.

  16. The strategy has failed. I am now boycotting ugg boots!

    1. Joseph_sw


      thanks to first successful spamdexing,

      many copying it, and start poluting most high-traffic board/forums

      i' m wonder why there no "ugg.com " then i found:

      "Udo Grebe Gamedesign"

      a non-boots-related ugg

  17. Vista Business, spammers' OS of choice.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. UltimateSilence


      I pointed that out quite some time ago, Tripredacus. :P

    3. UltimateSilence


      I pointed that out quite some time ago, Tripredacus. :P

    4. bphlpt


      Why can we not seem to do anything to block this recent flood of spam? It has gotten terrible!

  18. too fast for you nitro!

    1. nitroshift


      Yeah, I'm too stuffed with food nowadays, trying to put some weight hihihi

    2. nitroshift


      Yeah, I'm too stuffed with food nowadays, trying to put some weight hihihi

  19. Wow glad I don't get alerts to my phone!

  20. I can't wait to wear my new Windows 8 t-shirt out in public.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Joseph_sw
    3. Tripredacus


      it says "plays well with others" on the front and has the Windows 8 logo on the back.

    4. nitroshift


      Expect a rain of *beep* falling down on you :P

  21. Yaroslavl Lokomotiv 1 year anniversary

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