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Everything posted by mdes

  1. OK, I will test it again (perhaps I did a mistake: DVD not erased ? )
  2. Hi GM I'm coming back to make a XPCREATE CD starting from WIN+SP2, but I've still problem with WMP10 ("/DisallowSystemRestore " doesnot seem to work, Win asked me the question, and CDBURN doesnot want to burn my DVD: but, that's for later this week. Yes, certainly, you can use this image ps: I was never away, and has always an eye openned and looking at your threads.
  3. For icons: For ISS, see InstallShield
  4. Perhaps is it time to start another thread with update to SP2 only ?
  5. You should add "Transexual", "None", "Two" and "Don't know"
  6. The CAB files (e.g. OFFICE1.CAB,...) are not updated while slipstreaming with SP3 while all the other files are replaced by the new ones. Does anybody has an idea to solve this problem? Thanks. Michel. ps: Here is the slipstream commands I am using: SET HERE=%CD% PUSHD %CD%\..\OFFICE10+SP3 ECHO --- Installing MAINSP3ff.msp (OfficeXpSp3-kb832671-fullfile-fra.exe) START /WAIT msiexec /p %HERE%\MAINSP3ff.msp /a proplus.msi shortfilenames=true /qb ECHO --- Installing OWC10SP3ff.msp (OfficeXpSp3-kb832671-fullfile-fra.exe) START /WAIT msiexec /p %HERE%\OWC10SP3ff.msp /a owc10.msi shortfilenames=true /qb ECHO --- Installing VSDEBUGff.msp (officexp-kb833858-fullfile-fra.exe) START /WAIT msiexec /p %HERE%\VSDEBUGff.msp /a proplus.msi shortfilenames=true /qb POPD
  7. I'm using Layout.zip from the MS Windows NT 4.0 Resource Kit to save the icons layout in the registry.
  8. It is just a matter to describe dependance (inclusion) of data and tags <level n> <level n+1> ... </level n+1> </level n>
  9. This is because the user administrator was already existing on the target partition. (You didn't format it before installing ? )
  10. Very good idea <SilentSwitches>/s</SilentSwitches>because there not so much installation programs, it will be easyer to define something like <SilentMode> <InnoSetup>/s</InnoSetup> <Other installation prog>xxx</Other installation prog> </SilentMode>with <SilentMode> independant of the applications to install. Or something reversed, i.e. : Level n : Installation programs list tag Level n+1 : Installation program nr i Level n+2 : Silent switches tag Level n+3 : Silent switches values Level n+2 : Very Silent switches tag ... Level n : Appication list tag Level n+1 : Application nr x Level n+2 : Installation type tag Level n+3 : Installation type value (e.g. InnoSetup) ...
  11. How does work MapDrive.cmd? List all the reassignable drives Get all the letters the user wants to be fixed (search DRIVE.x on any drive, and CDR.x DVD.x on the system drive) Run DISKPART to deassign all drives Run DISKPART to reassign all drives The batch creates some files as input to DISKPART (SELECT <volume> / REMOVE or ASSIGN <letter>) Note: All the used files and all the environment variables are described in the batch itself.
  12. Create the following (empty) files (right click, choose New/Text document, and rename it): (I am assuming that your system drive is C:) C:\DVD.K C:\CDR.L D:\DRIVE.D E:\DRIVE.E F:\DRIVE.F T:\DRIVE.T P:\DRIVE.P S:\DRIVE.S I:\DRIVE.I (the PenDrive should be connected while the MapDrive.bat is running) And then, run MAKEDRIVE.CMD That'all
  13. OK, I flown over your QCHAIN remove information, but I didn't really read it
  14. Putting the following code in RunOnceEx.cmd (called in cmdlines.txt), gives an empty Windows Update REG ADD %KEY%\010 /VE /D "KB817778: Advanced Net Pack" /f REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\Install\HotFixes\WindowsXP-KB817778-x86-FRA.exe /Q /U /O /N /Z" /f REG ADD %KEY%\015 /VE /D "KB839643: DirectX9" /f REG ADD %KEY%\015 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\Install\HotFixes\DirectX90-KB839643-x86-FRA.EXE /Q /U /O /N /Z" /f REG ADD %KEY%\020 /VE /D "Q831167: WinInet" /f REG ADD %KEY%\020 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\Install\HotFixes\Q831167_IE6_SP1.exe /Q:A /R:N" /f
  15. Did you see this thread Reassigning drive letters automatically , Batch to do the job
  16. mdes


    Hi everybody, I'm back writing In XPCREATE (09 JUN 2004), while asking to CDERASE, an EXIT is missing at the created batch end (XPCTCDIM.CMD)
  17. I wrote the following script to change all the shortcut to point to %ProgramFiles%: (change the folder in the Find call) Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") kProgFiles = "\Program Files\" lProgFilesLen = Len(kProgFiles) EnvProgramFiles = "%ProgramFiles%" Find "FILESCD\$OEM$\$1\InstallFolders", "lnk" Function Find (strPath, strFileExt) Dim MyDir, MyFile, MySubDir If strFileExt = Empty Then Exit Function strFileExt = Ucase(strFileExt) Set MyDir = fso.GetFolder(strPath) For Each MyFile In MyDir.Files If UCase(Right(MyFile.Name, 3)) = strFileExt Then ChangePath strPath & "\" & MyFile.Name Next For Each MySubDir In MyDir.SubFolders Find strPath & "\" & MySubDir.Name, strFileExt Next End Function Function ChangePath(OldName) NewName = OldName & ".NEW.lnk" Set ExistLink = fso.GetFile(OldName) Set NewLink = WshShell.CreateShortcut(NewName) NewLink.Save ExistLink.Copy NewName, True Set NewLink = WshShell.CreateShortcut(NewName) NewTargetPath = NewLink.TargetPath NewIconLocation = NewLink.IconLocation NewWorkingDirectory = NewLink.WorkingDirectory NewArguments = NewLink.Arguments NewDescription = NewLink.Description NewLink.TargetPath = ChangeProgFiles(NewTargetPath) NewLink.IconLocation = ChangeProgFiles(NewIconLocation) NewLink.WorkingDirectory = ChangeProgFiles(NewWorkingDirectory) NewLink.Arguments = ChangeProgFiles(NewArguments) NewLink.Description = ChangeProgFiles(NewDescription) NewLink.Save ExistLink.Delete fso.MoveFile NewName, OldName End Function Function ChangeProgFiles(sPath) ChangeProgFiles = sPath If Mid(sPath,3,lProgFilesLen) = kProgFiles Then ChangeProgFiles = EnvProgramFiles & Mid(sPath,2 + lProgFilesLen) ' MsgBox "Old =" & sPath & vbCrLf & "New=" & ChangeProgFiles End FunctionThis .vbschanges all x:\Program Files to %ProgramFiles% (in TargetPath, IconLocation, WorkingDirectory, Arguments and Description)
  18. Out of subject, but related: When I use often a program, I buy it (generaly, it is not so expensive). That's especially the case with: 03. Beyond Compare 2 (great ) 15. Nero 6 (upgraded from free OEM version to v6) 21. WinRAR ??. UltraEdit
  19. That's what I am using at and of RunOnceEx.reg (which is called in command.txt): SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION TITLE Modifiy Boot Delay SET ProgPath=C: SET ORIG=%ProgPath%\Boot.ini SET NEW=%ProgPath%\Boot_New.ini ATTRIB -R -S -H %ORIG% IF EXIST "%NEW%" ( ATTRIB -R -S -H %NEW% DEL /Q "%NEW%" ) FOR /F "delims=*" %%L IN (%ORIG%) DO ( SET Begin=%%L IF "!Begin:~0,8!" == "timeout=" ( ECHO.timeout=5 >>"%NEW%" ) ELSE ( ECHO.%%L >>"%NEW%" ) ) COPY /Y %ORIG% %ORIG%_OLD COPY /Y %NEW% %ORIG%
  20. Hi swampy, I'm sorry You were right for the URL and the missing space. The correct URL is http://nirsoft.cjb.net where one should choose Utilities (which leads to another URL).
  21. There is a Search button at all pages right top See also this (with the correct URL)
  22. Why not creating an .INI file with the choosen options ? So, it will be easier to rerun nLite if something went wrong Great soft ps: displaying xx% instead of xx.xx% will be faster (in VB6, displaying someting in the status bar is much much slower; but I know, it is not written in VB6 )
  23. mdes


    There is also Active Registry Monitor
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