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Everything posted by WolfX2

  1. @bongo333 - first off Take some time and read these and for your problem... try this
  2. while everyone was off in there own world, it looks like its allready happened ... http://news.com.com/2100-1046_3-6050431.html doesn't the irony just kill you?
  3. @hougtimo- Thank you! As you can see, i'm bad with photoshop
  4. @the-matrix - who are you addressing this to?
  5. what does this hav to do with windows xp? it should be moved to the software hangout @grimmy - please read the forum rules
  6. @Dime04 - The big deal is its against the Forum rules! take the time to read them please!and if you figured out you double posted, report your post and ask the MOD to delete it!
  7. @Dagonet' - That one really makes you think! good job!
  8. @computerMan - I did, no luck @ScubaSteve - it resized it and i used the link, i did not upload it it was this image if anyone cares or if it matters
  9. Very true indeed, although with Win95 you could type pretty much anything into the run box and it would BSOD its funny cuz its true
  10. Comments, Fixes, lemme know, dont candy coat it! (ok maby just a little )
  11. Hey, when i loged into msfn today my avatar was gone! so i took the web link and pasted it back in, i click update avatar but nothing! any advice?
  12. EH EM!! we have a signature section you know http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showforum=77
  13. @Shak3nNotStirr3d - well if you have a copy of Nero 7 laying around (which most people do), it had an excellent movie editing software right on it!
  14. You get a joke and health tips....ONLY HERE ON MSFN
  15. i'd like to agree with that, i'm a bit fed up of people 'who know everything and aren't afraid to tell you they are the best' telling people that you may as well just not use an antivirus instead of using one 'i would never use' at the end of the day, some protection even if its not the best, is better than none! and to those who insist they ahve used a computer for sixty thousand years and never had a virus, i guess thats because you are a super user and know everyfile in and out and how it works and commuicates with other files, as how can you know for sure you have no virus, if you have never run a virus scanner to enforce that fact? not all viruses are obvious they are there. Most people (ie normal peopel) just want there computer to email, use im and game on, they do'nt want to spend all there time checking files or logs for virus's, after all, at the end of the day they paid for a big paperwait to play solitare on, it should dam well play solitaire and if a virus comes on the computer it should dam well sort it out not to interupt solitiare! You bet buddy! even if its not "recently updated" its better than nothing! i have proved this... listen to my story....I was working on my friends computer and her anti-virus was not updated for many months, i did a on-line virus scan and, surprise surprise, NO VIRUSES! BUT>>>> I am not saying it is OK to go without updating your anti-virus for a month or even A WEEK! UPDATE EVERY DAY! or schedule it too
  16. "Daddy's Gonna Eat Your Fingers" This one is for all of you who: a) have kids B} had kids c) was a kid d) know a kid! As I was packing for my business trip, my 3-year old daughter was having a wonderful time playing on the bed. At one point, she said.... "Daddy look at this," and she stuck out two of her fingers. Trying to keep her entertained, I reached out and stuck her tiny fingers in my mouth and said, "Daddy"s gonna eat your fingers!" pretending to eat them before I rushed out of the room again. When I returned, my daughter was standing on the bed staring at her fingers with a devastated look on her face. I said, "What's wrong, honey?" She replied, "What happened to my booger?"
  17. i'm aware of all that but if people want to sign up, they should use this page! It returns you with an invite in less than a day!!!
  18. i assume ur talking about WLMe... not sure since you havent said a word about the product you are talking about. But try a repair if it! that should clear things up
  19. i suppose that would work, ur always thinking
  20. Sweet dude! I will have to take a look at it!
  21. @thorus - THX BUD!!! i have been useing this since the day you told me about it!!! Its THE BEST!, i believe they are on version 2.5 now, just so you know!
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