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Posts posted by FireGeier

  1. Guide Update:

    I've worked over Applications, Regtweaks and Copy Profile section of the guide. Everything is in one xml now.

    Applications are installed in auditMode now, cause

    - it provides a status window for application install (oobeSystem doesn't)

    - it supports reboots between installs


    In audit mode you need to call the installer using cmd /c. Otherwise it will not recognice the %AppsRoot% variable.



  2. ...

    it works but its takes like 20 min or so.

    how many minutes should de installation be?

    That is normal. It's taking longer on my test system, but that's an old one.


    sysprep doesnt pop up, do i need change something in xml?


    Sysprep is located in %Windir%\system32\sysprep. If you want to generalize the system for example, use the following command (Insert \ Synchronous Command):

    %WINDIR%\system32\sysprep\sysprep.exe /generalize /quiet /oobe /reboot

    If you need a company logo during oobe, check out here on Microsoft.



  3. Hello shampoo!

    First of all the InputLocale Value for Dutch should look like this, but this has nothing to do with you Problem:


    Your problem is caused by the following section and it's not looking like it supposed to:

    <MetaData wcm:action="add">
    <Value>Windows Vista Ultimate</Value>
    <Key>Windows Vista Business</Key>
    <MetaData wcm:action="add">
    <Value>Windows Home Premium</Value>

    1. Problem:

    You can't use two MetaData Properties, just ONE per xml at the same time!

    2. Problem:

    Key and Value setting do not correspond the wright way in your xml!

    The ImageInstall section should look like this if you want to install ULTIMATE:

    <MetaData wcm:action="add">
    <Value>Windows Vista ULTIMATE</Value>

    OR it should look like this for BUSINESS:

    <MetaData wcm:action="add">
    <Value>Windows Vista BUSINESS</Value>

    OR it should look like this for HOMEPREMIUM:

    <MetaData wcm:action="add">
    <Value>Windows Vista HOMEPREMIUM</Value>

    After choosing one of these alternates, depending on the Product Key you have, it should work!



  4. I have same problem with XP and IE7 so it looks to be IE7 cause have no problems with Firefox 2.0

    It's the background image with all of the grey lines. :)

    Well... the background image is an image with 2 pix only and will be repeated. But I will have a look at it.




    I think, I've fixed it. Changed the file format from png to gif. Did not know, that IE still has problems to "work" with png files. Seems to work faster now.

  5. @FireGeier

    BTW, is the site provided by your links your site. It has a problem loading in IE7. Whenever I open it in IE7, IE7 slooooows down and I can't do anything in IE7. Other programs aren't affected, only IE7. The site loads fine in FF.

    Hmm... it's working on my IE 7. However it could be, cause I'm not a to good HTML programmer. And there is no browser or OS check integrated so far.

    So... I know that the site could fail depending on the system.

    What is to complicated in your opinion?

    Well, I'm not a programmer so I don't understand some things like tokens, etc. I do understand that it's necessary to parse the xml's to make it into one. I don't know German so I didn't know what all those VU Batch Modules were for. Since I didn't know, I didn't want to run them.

    I did, however, strip your offline_update.cmd, took the necessary parts, modified it for my system folders and it worked without all the other files. So, I was just referring to all the VU Batch files. You're offline_update.cmd is pretty well organized.

    Well... I've translated it to English meanwhile. Could it be, that you're still using the German version or is my English such bad? My English teacher I've had in school years ago, would agree! :lol:

    Once you create a new catalog file, what do you do with it? Do you need to inject it back into ISO? Is it necessary?

    Well, I've not checked if it is a must. But it's always created inside Vista source folder. So it's automatically inside new ISO once I do any changes.

    AFAIK the catalog is important for WSIM only, not during setup. So it should not be necessary to put it back to the ISO.



  6. Hello!

    I've updated the offline_update.cmd of VU Batch Modules. It was failing on English based OS and may be on other languages, too.

    I've changed it, that it will now working for English OS by default but you may need to adjust it for other languages.

    Check out here inside offline_update.cmd to find out more about.



  7. FireGeier,

    Can you not apply the updates one by one using the individual xml files rather than combining the info from all the xml into one xml?

    What I mean is using a command such as:

    PUSHD %vupdate%\Temp
    FOR %%i IN (*.xml) DO (Call :update %%i)
    START "Starting Package Manager" /WAIT "%toolspath%\pkgmgr.exe" /o:"%vmount%;%vmount%\Windows" /n:%vupdates%\Temp\%1 /s:%vsandbox% /l:%vpath%\integrate.txt

    Thus, for each xml in temp, it would apply the update sequentially.

    This would eliminate the complicated code required to piece together the intergrate.xml.

    No, that's not possible, cause dependencies between the different updates will only be checked the right way, when using together in ONE xml file!

    Also, I'm going to put together an easy-to-use guide for updating based on your scripts. Is that okay? I didn't use your VU modules -- too complicated for me.

    Sure that's ok - if you're guide will be for free certainly! However I'm updating it for the moment, too. What is to complicated in your opinion? Would it be necessary to explain it more detailed?

    The idea was, that you just need to execute the modules. :unsure:



  8. Hello spacesurfer!

    It seems to be, that I missed this point. The output of DIR /OD command depends on the language you're using. I will add an explanation for that inside offline_update.cmd and at Update section of guide.

    This is caused by PM/AM Token. This Token does not exist for German based OS. So Token 4 is the file name in German OS, but in English it's Token 5. You're right!

    Haven't thought about that, while translating!

    Thanks, for your feedback!



  9. ... That's pretty ingenious.

    Well... if you ask me... that is pretty simple. First I did it the manual way. This is described in WAIK help. Than I've checked how the structure of the xml - which is created by WSIM for Updates - is looking like.

    Than you just rebuild the structure using ECHO command redirected to an file instead of screen.

    Ok... between is little bit try 'n' error but at least very simple.

    Is that XML the exact same as one generated by SIM?

    Yes, it's the same xml.



  10. You're welcome!

    Belive me... I had to play with it a whole bunch of time to find out about. It's not a problem of pkgmgr. That is a known problem of START command.

    BTW... I've described that problem in one of the batchs of VU Batch Modules, but I've not explained that in offline_updates.cmd, so I need to add the hint there, too.



  11. Hello spacesurfer!

    You need to change your command line like this:

    START "Integrate Updates..." /WAIT "%Programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\Servicing\pkgmgr.exe" /o:D:\Vista_Work\Mount;D:\Vista_Work\Mount\Windows /n:D:\Vista_Work\Updates\integrate.xml /s:D:\Vista_Work\Sandbox /l:D:\Vista_Work\integrate.log

    The problem is, that the first expression in quetes is interpreted as Window title.



  12. @ MarcJ:

    It could be the, that it's the DVD. Have you tried out to remove the oobe.xml? You may have to mount install.wim and remove it from there, but I'm not sure. Never have had a OEM DVD in my hands so far.

    BTW Upgrade DVD isn't a good sources for unattended setups, too, I guess.

    Would you be able to send a list with directory structure of OEM DVD?

    Would be important to know, cause the most private people will have to work with an OEM DVD at least. And this is the main target group of this guide.



  13. Newbie trying out BDD. I've ready through so much documentation I've gone blind from staring at the monitor. :ph34r:

    I've created a media image and for some reason it doesn't run the unattend.xml file.

    When I go into Builds, right click the build, properties, click on the settings tab, then click 'Edit Unattend.xml', it opens the Windows System Image Manager. I make all the modifications, save it, update my Lab deployment point, then up date my Media deployment point.

    When I boot off the iso, it prompts for me everything :angry:

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


    The first introducing screens are the BDD Deployment Wizard. To automate that, you need to adjust the roles. Look for zero touch installation in BDD docs. There is a further doc which describes the settings for roles configuration file. That is an ini file. I don't have the doc titles in mind, cause after trying out a little bit, I decided to go back to WAIK only. However I know that there are docs describing what you want to do.

    Keywords: Zero touch, roles

    That should help.



  14. ...

    I'm able to install all my apps during vista setup using RunSychronous command

    well that has no staus window. So you can build your Runoncex cmd and call it with FirstLogonCommands which allows everything like you was the actual Admin and try that

    Hello maxXPsoft!

    That is true for oobeSystem pass only. After doing further tests now, I've recognized that a status window is comming up for me during auditUser but not during oobeSystem pass.

    But I've not tested yet all kind of different combinations...



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