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Posts posted by FireGeier
What I wanna say is if you're using sysprep command with generalize option - like describe in Copy User Profile inside the guide - than you've to put the product key into WindowsPE pass and specialize pass.
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Hello Orsi!
Must I include this settings in WindowsPE AND specialize pass?Yes, you have to, if you're using sysprep.
So the <SkipMachineOOBE> was causing the problem? I need to know, cause I would have to make this more cleare inside the Guide!
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Hello Orsi!
Would you pleas post the logfiles. Look here (If something is going wrong) to find out where they are located.
To check, if the AppsRoot variable was set correctly. Please click on Start, type cmd and in the command prompt type set. You have to do that in your finished Vista setup. If the AppsRoot variable is listed there, than it's set correctly.
One more thing to try out:
Please remove this line here,
from your xml completly. To automate the OOBE pass you have to apply the setting described here inside the red box.
Please let me know, if this will fix the problem.
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Hello Orsi!
I miss the auditSystem pass inside your xml:
<settings pass="auditSystem">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
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Thank's for that info MC!
So, we need to wait for a fix of MS than!? Well, if it's just for that one update it's not a to big problem...
For the moment I'm still to busy to test anything. But I've already checked the .clg file and it would be possible to program a batch or script that checks for the double entries and removes them.
The only thing I don't know how to build a new catalogue from within a batch.
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I'm not to familiar with AutoIt, but as far as I can read the script, it's using peimg to integrate the hotfixes...
"My" method - which is at least the one from WAIK help - is using pkgmgr. Result: Largo was running into problems with it.
sp00f was using the Autitscript (peimg based for the hotfixes AFAIU) and was running into problems, too.
One more thing would be interesting to know: Which updates you all were integrating?
Maybe MC is right and one of the updates is causing the double entries...
I think this here is the part of hotfix integration:
RunWait($j_map2 & "\" & $j_tool2 & " " & $j_map_mount & " /import=" & $j_map_hotfix & "\Temp2\" & $file, $j_map2)
RunWait($j_map2 & "\" & $j_tool2 & " /install=* " & $j_map_mount, $j_map2)
DirRemove($j_map_hotfix & "\Temp2", 1)$j_tool2 is declared as "peimg.exe"
Do you agree?
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Thanks for your answers so far! Seems not be a problem of the method than - on the first view...
Who is the author of this tool - so I could try to find out which method it's using exactly.
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Hello guys!
Like maxXP I'm interested were these double entries are comming from exactly. Could have something to do with the method of integrating updates. So here are my questions:
Which procedure you were following to integrate the updates?
Like described in WAIK help? Like described in my Guide? If you were following my guide, you did it manually or using the batch?
Do you have used peimg to integrate the updates or pkgmgr?
Please answer as detailed as possible.
If it would be as complicated as described by sp00f and Largo to get the xml worked again - and this maybe every time you integrate new stuff - than it would be easier to install the stuff during setup instead of integrating. Or do I've missunderstood something?
Thanks & Regards,
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Hello spoof!
It's not quiet plain to me if you were asked to rebuild the catalogue after updating something. Just to make sure:
- You've opend the original install.wim in WSIM to build your first basic answer file (Autounattend.xml)
- You've used the catalogue from Vista DVD or you've builded it from original install.wim of Vista DVD
- Than you've started to add some updates and/or packages
- After that you've opend WSIM again and you've opend you're basic autounattend.xml
- You've rebuilded the catalogue to do so
- You've tried to do some changes and when you've tried to save you were getting the error
Is that right or not?
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Does that mean you both did not do any changes to install.wim before running into that problem?
Which OS you're using? XP or Vista?
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Hello MC & tonycrew!
Do you have integrated updates to your install.wim? If yes do you always update the catalogue after integrating them? If no did you do any other changes like removing or adding packages to install.wim.
So far I was only running in problems like this, if I've added or removed something from install.wim. I'm not sure if it's necessary to rebuild the xml completly. I could imagin it would be enough just to replace the publicKeyToken with the most recent one (of actual catalogue).
But could be, that's just one of these weird WSIM/WAIK bugs.
BTW, I've just recognized that tc's autounattend.xml does have this empty <servicing> tag at the beginning. I remember that MC's was looking the same. I know that removing it, was not fixing the problem. But could be a hint that WSIM is messing up the xml.
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PrepLab.cmd of VU Batch Modules has been changed and corrected some errors for 64bit environment:
Following two lines have been changed:
Example line:
SETX Imgx "%Programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64" -m
SETX ImgX "%Programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64" -m
Set VVersion line:
IF EXIST "%WorkDrive%\VistaWork\DVD\boot\cdboot.efi" SETX VVersion amd64 -m
IF EXIST "%WorkDrive%\VistaWork\DVD\bootmgr.efi" SETX VVersion amd64 -m
Much thanks goes to Spaceboy, who has reported the error and posted part of the fix!
p.s.: The full and corrected version of VU Batch Modules can be downloaded from here.
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"SETX Imgx" however should read "SETX ImgX". The X in ImgX being a capital Letter. Anyway problem solved now, thanks for the help
Hello Spaceboy!
You're right. Thank you for your feedback!
I will correct both things now, and upload the corrected version!
The VVersion problem was comming up cause MS changed the location and name of the 64bit boot file in the final release.
I just wanna mention again, that I've no 64bit environment here, so there is no guarantee that the batchs will run exactly the same way like under x86. So I'm depended from users feedback to improve the 64bit version.
Thanks again!
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Hello Spaceboy!
Please change the following line inside PrepLab.cmd from,
IF EXIST "%WorkDrive%\VistaWork\DVD\boot\cdboot.efi" SETX VVersion amd64 -m
IF EXIST "%WorkDrive%\VistaWork\DVD\bootmgr.efi" SETX VVersion amd64 -m
This should set the VVersion to amd64 than.
For the moment I can't find an error that would cause the ImgX problem. Would you please post your adapted PrepLab.cmd.
Thanks & Regards,
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...I believe thats it is caused by you being as the administrator in audit mode. ...
That is right.
I re-did my Opera installation specifying the ALLUSERs switch and it appeared in the Add/Remove.Another option should be to copy the Administrators user profile to the Default user profile when leaving audit mode like described here. This has the advantage that all user specific settings are moved to Default user profile and all user in future will inherit them, even if they were installed with an "AllUsers" switch or not.
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I'm using an OEM 32-bit Ultimate DVD. ...
I'm not sure if this is causing the problem, just can tell you that my guide is based on retail version and I know that OEM version acts different partly. Can't tell any details cause I don't have an OEM version.
The progress window briefly worked back when I was only installing a couple of drivers. ...This is the reason why I was asking how many installs you're running. I could imagine that the progress window might turn off once you fill it with more than 10 apps. Have not tested yet... I'm just thinking...
I don't use Autoit. So I can't reproduce your scenario exactly but I'll try out with more than 10 apps.
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Ok... if it's a driver than the easiest way ATM should be a solution with Autoit. That means you would have to install the driver in audit mode using an Autoit script. I'm not to familar with Autoit, so I can't provide a complete solution at this point.
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Hello tonycrew!
I've may understood you. If the popup is not from a driver installation and it's the "Open File - Security Warning" than you can disable it throug Internet Explorer Security Settings > Custom Level > Misecellaneous > Launch applications and unsafe files > set to Enable.
I know that this descirbes the manual way only but it means that there is a regkey for it. If you don't find a source on web for the regkey you could use Internet Explorer Administratio Kit to find out.
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Hello tonycrew!
AFAIK there is no switch - like DriverSigningIgnore under 2K/XP - that you can use with Vista unfortunatly.
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Hello Stacey Melissa!
Do you use a retail Ultimate, too? Or what kind of Disc is it exactly? Would you please post your Autounattend.xml. I would like to take your and VATERNL's Autounattend.xml for a test run on my system. Maybe I can reproduce the problem.
How many apps you're installing? As many as VATERNL?
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Guide Update:
I've changed the row inside manual updates section from:
# Alternative I - Manual Integration
* Step 1: Copying updates into one folder
* Step 2: Mounting install.wim
* Step 3: Creating temporary folder
* Step 4: Extracting update files
* Step 5: Importing update packages to WSIM
* Step 6: Adding update and hotfix packages to answer file
* Step 7: Saving answer file as Integrate.xml
* Step 8: Integrating updates using package manager pkgmgr.exe
* Step 9: Save changes to install.wim
* Step 10: Clearing Sandbox directory
* If something went wrongto
Alternative I - Manual Integration
* Step 1: Copying updates into one folder
* Step 2: Creating temporary folder
* Step 3: Extracting update files
* Step 4: Importing update packages to WSIM
* Step 5: Adding update and hotfix packages to answer file
* Step 6: Saving answer file as Integrate.xml
* Step 7: Mounting install.wim
* Step 8: Integrating updates using package manager pkgmgr.exe
* Step 9: Save changes to install.wim
* Step 10: Clearing Sandbox directory
* If something went wrongBefore you could recieve an error message while trying to open install.wim inside WSIM, telling that install.wim is in use already.
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i followed the guide and started the install and it works fine after i click next on the below window:
Hello komo!
Well, if you would have followed the guide correctly, you would not get this window!
Sorry, I'm kidding!
But I can't read tea leaves... so would you may post your Autounattend.xml.
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Hello gangsterhenk!
Like KD has described you can't put a command - like net use - into the path section of xml file. You just can put in the path there - like \\server\share, without net use.
So like KD has described you need to establish the connection to the share by using a batch.
BTW, make sure that you have access to your network at all by enabling the network support in your batch file. Use
wpeutil intializenetwork
as first command in your batch.
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Applications aren't being installed
in Unattended Windows Vista/Server 2008
Well, the chms are saying that you have to put the key to WindowsPE OR specialize pass to get that part automated during OOBE pass. However my experience is, that I had to put it in both to get it worked after running sysprep /generalize.
I have to mention that I've never seted back the drivers. So my guess it, that setup does not look in WindowsPE pass in this case and just goes on with generalize and specialize pass than. I link to the unattend.xml using /unattend switch with sysprep, too. Don't know if this has something to do with it...
I can't reproduce your error. Could you may post setupact.log and setuperr.log.
Could it be that you're may using the wrong key - means a corporate key with a normal retail full version for example?