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Posts posted by FireGeier

  1. Hello Yurek!

    Change this here inside Autounattend.xml,

    <Path>cmd /c ";FOR %i IN (C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %i:\AppzRoot.txt SETX AppzRoot %i: -m";</Path>


    <Path>cmd /c "FOR %i IN (C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %i:\AppzRoot.txt SETX AppzRoot %i: -m"</Path>

    The ";" supposed not to be there. Don't know for the moment where it's comming from, but just remove it manually from your Autounattend.xml.



  2. Hello jfmartel!

    To disable UAC during setup insert the following synchronus command into specialize pass:

    cmd /c reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

    To enable UAC again use:

    cmd /c reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f


    If you execute this last command from within a batch you don't need the cmd /c at the beginning. But to disable UAC during specialize pass without using a batch the introducing cmd /c is a must!



    BTW, for an other way look here.

  3. Hello zedox!

    So what do you want to do? Do you want to set back the Vista installation after setup has finished - so you can a key at the end of setup? Or do you want to install full unattended without putting in any key?

    The latter is not possible without a prompt at the beginning, where you just click "No" to skip the product key.

    Or are you talking about something else?



  4. Hello, coucou!

    Sorry, have been very busy the last two weeks and forgot to let you know that you could build a pdf now. :whistle:

    The guide is not finished yet and new guide sections will be published the follwoing weeks, but I think there will not be to much changes now on the stuff published so far.

    Thanks & regards,



    This permit is grant to the member coucou only for the moment!


    There was the wrong path to etfsboot.com file inside "Create ISO" guide AND inside create_iso.cmd:

    Corrected path to etfsboot.com. So changed the following two lines inside create_iso.cmd, from:

    IF "%VVersion%"=="x86" SET bootL=%Programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\x86\etfsboot.com
    IF "%VVersion%"=="amd64" SET bootL=%Programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\amd64\etfsboot.com


    IF "%VVersion%"=="x86" SET bootL=%Programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\x86\boot\etfsboot.com
    IF "%VVersion%"=="amd64" SET bootL=%Programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\amd64\boot\etfsboot.com

    Corrected the path inside "Create ISO" guide, too, from:

    oscdimg -n -m -b"%Programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\x86\etfsboot.com" D:\VistaWork\DVD D:\VistaWork\ISO\Vistax86.iso


    oscdimg -n -m -b"%Programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\x86\boot\etfsboot.com" D:\VistaWork\DVD D:\VistaWork\ISO\Vistax86.iso

    and form:

    oscdimg -n -m -b"%Programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\amd64\etfsboot.com" D:\VistaWork\DVD D:\VistaWork\ISO\Vista64.iso


    oscdimg -n -m -b"%Programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\amd64\boot\etfsboot.com" D:\VistaWork\DVD D:\VistaWork\ISO\Vista64.iso

    Thanks, Jesper for pointing out that mistake!!! :thumbup



  6. Hello linstead!

    Audit user and oobe system passes should both work. I prefere audit user pass meanwhile, cause it's easier to do a reboot.

    If you use audit user pass, you need to boot to audit mode using sysprep command like described in guide. Than you insert synchronous commands form insert menu and put in like the following command for example:

    \\servername\appsshare\Install\Firefox\Firefox_Setup_2_0_0_2.exe -ms


    You don't need the cmd /c here, like described inside guide. I've used cmd /c to make the AppsRoot variable usable only!



  7. Well, I don't know for sure if a complete reboot is necessary and you don't have to set one. Please don't missunderstand.

    But system will logon to audit passes. That means from my point of view, that a new session is started and system environment is reloaded. Cause first it will run auditSystem pass and second auditUser when booting to audit mode.

    But I don't know everything. So might be wrong.



  8. but why it wont work in audit path?

    Well, can't tell for sure. But AFAIK system envrionment variables a loaded to the system environment only once - when the session starts. So if you let run the command in audit pass, than the session has already be started. SETX will set the AppzRoot variable to the registry than, but it will be present in during session after next logon.

    This is the reason, why I put it to specialize pass. The system will reboot, before logon to audit pass, so the session is started again and AppzRoot variable is present.



  9. your doing your SETX in <settings pass="specialize">

    but yet you run the Apps in <settings pass="auditUser">

    I would move the SETX to same Pass

    That's not the problem. SETX sets it to system environment (Registry), if everything is working properly. I've always been using the SETX command during specialize pass without any probs.

    But amit is not the first, having problems with the command. Just can't figure out why so far, cause I've to less feedback.


    First remove the ";" like maxXP said. Than please make sure, to move the command back to specialize pass!

    If you're using

    SETX AppzRoot %%i: -m

    than your command to call the installer must look like this:

    cmd /c %AppzRoot%\install\Acrobat Reader\AdobeReader80.exe /sAll /rs

    If you're using

    SETX AppzRoot %%i:\ -m

    than you have to use

    b]cmd /c %AppzRoot%install\Acrobat Reader\AdobeReader80.exe /sAll /rs

    In your actual Autounattend.xml you're setting AppzRoot without a "\", that means it will set AppzRoot=E: for example.

    Than you're calling the apps installers without a "\", so your actual call looks like this for example:

    cmd /c E:install\Acrobat Reader\AdobeReader80.exe /sAll /rs

    That means there is a missing "\" and setup can't find the path.

    If this still should not trouble shoot it, try that:

    Put all the commands into one single cmd file called run.cmd for example and than let run this batch from first logon command. Use the commads without cmd /c at the beginning. Look here for more details.

    Could you please check if Appsroot variable is set at all. In your final Vista installation click on Start, type cmd and in the opening command prompt type:


    please let me know, if you find an entry called Appsroot.



  10. Hello linstead!

    The guide describes the procedure for installation from media, like DVD or USB-Stick/HD. If you use WDS, I guess that you're holding your apps on Server. Than just use the UNC path to point to your applications share. You don't need the %appsroot% thing than. That's just to figure out the drive letter of removable media.



  11. Two Question :

    First here : http://firegeier.unattended-sponsor.de/en/regtweaks.html

    You said : "Synchronous Command" / "Pass 6 auditUser" ....

    Ok but "auditUser" exist only if you set "sysprep /audit /quiet" on "specialize" pass.


    Hello jacky!

    You're right. It does work only, if you boot to audit mode using sysprep. I've explained that in Applications section. But you're rigth, would be helpfull to make a note for that in Regtweaks section, too.

    I will add that later. Thanks! :thumbup


    It took about half a year - daily free time work - to write the German and English guide. Estimated 700 hours including writing, layout and testing.

    Thanks 'n' regards,


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