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Posts posted by cyberformer

  1. I am going to start testing some of these items on my test box today; even if one of them installs correctly, I've still to figure how to configure it.

    As an aside, if none of these things actually work, I wonder if:

    One can set up either a Linux or XP machine all set up for IPV6,

    and make some kind of server type---something or other, out of it,

    and then run a 9x box through it in some way---thereby going on the internet with that 9x box,

    using the Linux or XP box as a router, porting device?

    Does any one know if such a thing is possible?

    I will never be content running 9x in virtual mode through; it has to be real!

    If, none of these downloaded items work (I think one or two will) then the router method will be necessary.

    Remember, I am not so concerned with tunneling, routing---current 9x machines---having an IP address already;

    but am considering how to keep 9x alive, once these IPV4 addresses are no longer available.

    Believe it or not, before Katrina hit, those in charge of things, had at least 30 years to reinforce the canals;

    which they did not do!

    They did not pay heed to the "possibility" of an eventual canal breach, and we all know what happened.

    There is an old Chinese saying, that by dealing with problems long before they come to the starting stage, one will be well equipped to deal with them----when they eventually start to stir.

    I truly do think that any problems keeping our so called obsolete 9x systems going, for as long as we can go----is actually something well within our reach.

  2. Duffy98,

    I would not just go installing this until you know, as well I, exactly what it all means!

    If you have the original CD's, then no problem.

    I am going to test some of this stuff (once I've read up on it) on a test PC of mine.

    If any of these programs allow use of the internet the usual way--but under IPV6 rules, then we have a lot less to worry about.

    I wish someone who knew all about this IPV6 in 9x as a really workable thing, could inform us in a detailed way.

    If we can rest easy----it would be nice.

    If any of these progs allow me to see the "dancing turtle" that is supposed to tell me I am connected through IPV6, then I will indeed fret 2 thirds less than I have been.

    There is a site, that test if your IPV6 stack is working properly----if a turtle dances!

    If you do not have IPV6 protocols installed properly, then the turtle just sits there.

  3. WOW!!!

    All I can say is....Wow!!!!

    Thank you RetroOS, and Duffy98----for finding what I thought could not be found.

    Out of all this, some of it is bound to work! at keeping 9x going as long as humanly possible.

    From what I've read, this IPV6 configuring etc, seems somewhat complicated: nevertheless, I shall commence to read up on it, and apply whatever methods are possible to implement, so far as 9x is concerned.

    If any of these programs/patches----really do work, then we have a lot less to worry about.

    I realize I've a tendency to panic, when I think of not having my 95, and 98se fully functional for as long as possible (including the living aspect of going on the internet)----but it really is better to be safe, than sorry.

    Thanks a million for providing these materials for those who tend to worry as much as I am want to do!

  4. See what I mean!

    Actually, there is one active link out of all of those, which leads to a Greek website, where I was able to download one version of Trumpet for Win 3x and Win 95!

    It's as though someone is deliberately pulling this kind of stuff from the internet, just to make sure that us 9x lovers, will not have it easy going when IPV6 takes over.

    I will explore the router method too, as well as wait:

    If my fears about all the problems this is going to cause for 9xers is true, someone here who knows how to, will inevitably develop a work around or patch.

    If any thing such as developing some sort of real IPV6 protocol patch/ stack-- is possible, and becomes truly necessary, this is the place where such treasures shall come from!

    People working on keeping 9x alive, have come too far to not be at least looking into something that might be the ultimate challenge for keeping 9x a viable, and internet capable alternative for many, many, many, years to come.

  5. I am persistent in my “obsession” that the IPV6 issue, is going to be the ultimate challenge for 9x users.

    I have heard a few of my fellow members----assure me, as well as the few others sharing my concerns,

    that there is no real problem, as there will be routers, and tunneling etc---to take care of such problems.

    I am still not quite comforted by any of the explanations though, and I am bringing this issue up again, since I’ve thought of a new scenario or two---which paints a rather dismal picture.

    First, if we believe that the IPV4 addresses are really going to eventually run out, that would mean,

    that if your 9x machine is not hooked up to the internet already---with an IPV4 address, you will not be able to get one (since there will not be any left)---thus routers, or no routers, tunneling or no tunneling----will not help at all, meaning you will be up the creek!

    The only option then for people setting up new 9x machines in the future (having no IPV4 address to rout or tunnel) will be to make use of some kind of IPV6 patch------!!!!

    I know that there is the so called TOOLNET 6 patch from a while back by Hitachi; and the Trumpet thing,

    But try to find them!

    I’ve gone to the Hitachi site, using the supposed links---and can find no thing!

    The group that made Trumpet, seems to have been taken over by others---and any info concerning their process for establishing IPV6 on Win 9x machines seems to no longer exist.

    I challenge anyone to find a link to either of these two options, that really proves useful (as in being able to actually download something).

    I think the only solution for those who in the future choose to use the 9x system---is for those with the know how, to come up with a real and working patch enabling IPV6 for WIN 9x.

    I know this is a “touchy” subject, but I feel it has not been tackled with enough of the ferocious resolve and determination I think is necessary.

    Can anyone address my fear?

    If you can prove I am quite wrong, and making an a** of myself for being so obsessed about this, Please! Please! have at it.

    I want to be proven quite wrong concerning my great worry!

    If, any of my fellow forum members, think this is as important an issue as I do---your views and possible solutions, are exceedingly welcome.

  6. I am using Kerio 2--14, and think it's great.

    I also use the alpha shield external firewall.

    Now what I want to know, is this: are these firewall settings in any way defeating the functions of the external firewall?

    Out going ping command in/out------both denied.

    Incoming icmp--------denied

    Outgoing reply Time exceede---Icmp in----denied.

    Outgoingreply on ping comm...Icmpout-----denied.

    Other ICMP--Icomp (both)-------------------denied.

    Icmp-------other 2(both)---------------------denied.

    DHCP dynamic host..... UDP..................denied.

    Windows Explorer---------------------------denied.

    The only thing I allow is the DNS UDP (both)

    If system appears on the firewall setting on one of my computers, I deny that.

    I deny outgoing and incoming exho request too.

    Am I denying anything vital for the external firewall to function properly, does anyone know?

    Would greatly appreciate advice from anyone that really knows what they are doing---as I do not know anything much about firewall settings.

    My policy is deny everything, unless it is essential to me using the internet.

  7. BenoitRen said

    "Nonsense. There are routers that can do 6to4. That is, to be connected to an IPv6 Internet while being part of an IPv4 network. "

    Thank you for addressing this issue, that people seem to shun away from.

    I assume you are not talking about routers in our homes, but big routers used by people who offer DSL services etc. What's to stop them from blocking 9x systems from transmitting data, if they want to? Is such a thing possible?

    Anyway, thanks again from commenting on this possible problem.

    I still want to know where I can get that patch, to see how it takes in a 9x system: can anyone oblige me?

  8. Drugwash said.....

    "Final blow will be the introduction of IPv6 which will definitely kill all 9x web activity unless any of the well-known to us genii will take the Hitachi IPv6 driver for NT4 and bring it to 9x usability."

    Spot on Drugwash! Spot on indeed!

    I keep warning people of this danger, and no one seems to pay heed to my warnings!

    I looked for the Hitachi IPv6 driver, and cannot find it.

    Can anyone here post a link if they can; I want to see what it does in my 9x test box.

  9. I love to use an old acoustic, when I sit before the PC and sing love songs to Win 98Se!!

    Seriously though, I like finding electric guitars at pawn shops, and I also Like the old Crate amps that were made in the USA. That's right, I like Crate amps!

    I engage in Heavy Metal! I am always experimenting in trying to get the ultimate metal tone!

    Doom metal, yes---absolutely!

    Do not knock the Grunge pedal till you've tried it---are my words of advice.

  10. Three cheers for 98se!

    This so called outdated OS, is the OS for me.

    It does not matter what new “modern” OS appears,

    I shall use 98se, unto the end of my years.

    With the help from the members of this stupendous web site,

    my 98se works unbelievable grand, all through the day,

    and all through the night.

    I've no thing against Windows XP,

    but the OS I'm in love with, is 98se!

  11. Clamwin is the lightest I've found that works on 9x and xp. I wish it worked on 95 though!

    It's light on resources, but takes quite a while to scan to completion.

    Some people think it might not be so great, but it must have gotten better, being that it has been out long enough for improvements to have been made.

  12. Thank you 1000 + times over RetroOS!

    Now some might ask me, could you not have looked these things up yourself, but every time I searched for this info, and activated a link--I got a white page telling me something or other about something or other no longer there!

    I never could really work with "official" instructions, and had to have it retold to me by those who had gone that way before. Yes, I found a great amp head once and proceeded to read the 'official" instructions that came with it.

    It made it quite clear to use a special speaker cable, and not a guitar cord when hooking the head to the cab.

    Well, to make a long story short, I dismissed the instructions all together, saying to myself "what does this guy know, he only designed the amp" !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Needless to say, it cost about 200 dollars to re-do the head.

    Thanks again! And since that incident, I have forced myself to improve to such a degree that I actually relish reading instructions when I can actually find them readily available.

    But I still like to hear it spoken in plain simple English, rather than technical jargon.

    I am learning a lot from MSFN, even about things I have never tried to do, yet might end up doing.

  13. I've just installed this on a fresh, brand new reinstall of 98se, and so far everything is working really crisp, fast and lovely---a GREAT service pack!

    Where though do I find WMI----?

    I've used a few links I've found here and there, but cannot find a download link that works anyware!

    Also, I have installed WMP 7.1---and used the updates for that, found on Erpman's sight.

    I cannot repeat how great this is working!

  14. I have to agree wholeheartedly with your post Pointerovoid, Me has a rep that is not deserved.

    I had always heard from people, time after time--how bad Me is, .....and they did not even have Me on their machines!

    I finally got a used PC with Me, that had been butchered by the previous owner; I worked on it for a week---and it's great!

    After hearing about Me for so many years, it took on some mysterious quality for me.

    Using it for the first time put me into a state of absolute bliss---similiar to various states of mind achieved through the practice of certain yoga desceplines.

    Something about Me, just does it for me!!!!

    Anyone else here, dares to admit that they believe Me is a good OS?

    Speak up! Be not brow beaten by the weight of majority opinion!

  15. Since I've put Norton Systemworks 2001 on Me, it is very stable!

    So Me without those fix it up utilities, must be an altogether different animal.

    Also, I still think that Me is the most asthetically beautiful---!

    The worst OS from Windows would have to be Vista---when installed on machines that were known by those who installed it---to be machines inadequate for the task of running it properly!

    I think that when put on a PC fully capable of running it---it can be good enough to be productive.

  16. "Windows Me looks like... Windows 98SE with some unfortunate add-ons...

    Windows 2000 looks like... Windows 98SE...

    Windows XP looks like... Windows 98SE with UberSkin...

    Windows Vista looks like... MacOS... or Windows 98SE with UberSkin...

    Windows 7 looks like... KDE 4 (!)

    So... The only "real" Windows is 98SE! "


    I am going to dedicate an entire month looking for as many programs as I can possibly find that work in 98SE!

    I've a feeling there are some odd and excellent ones yet to be discovered!

  17. 98Guy!

    "When your system boots, press del or f2 and get into the BIOS menu and see if there's an option to auto-detect (or just detect) the hard drive while you watch. If not, then make sure you have all your IDE channels enabled and set to auto."

    Well, right now I am working with it in the Dell 900 + MHz PC, which is the most modern one I can easily test it on at the moment.

    Even though I know this PC is already set up that way "to auto detect the HD"

    I decided to do what you said above anyway.

    I am going to have to replicate these conditions, as the result, whilst not great,

    are interesting nevertheless.

    Upon going into the bios from the delete key as you said upon the PC booting up, and upon bringing up any HD auto setting activation from the bios, it would seem that the bios gave the message HD not detected, or drive not detected,

    then upon exiting the bios--for a split micro second---right before, or after booting up ( this all happened in the wink of an eye) the black screen had some words at the upper left that I did not catch (since this was a flash in the pan, so to say) but I distinctly saw in white letters (in the middle section of the screen)

    WDC---and then a series of numbers/and or letters that seemed to be a lot more or lengthy than just WD300.

    Then after this fleeting recognition of the HD --(By the bios?) the words,

    "Incorrect boot disk"--Insert boot disk (or insert proper boot disk) appeared followed with the A prompt at the bottom!

    Of course, I tried an Me, and a 98se boot disk---and the same message continued to appear.

    But, this shows that whatever happened in my fooling with the bios settings

    (and not just accepting the fact that they were already set to auto detect)

    seems to have triggered that split second recognition.

    Quite puzzling!

    I will continue to work on this (trying to replicate the conditions I described above, among other methods suggested.

  18. Jaclaz!

    Funny thing, that one I've got that really, really sounds like a cricket:

    I got it to work an entire year longer by taking it out of the PC and slamming it on the ground a couple of times, then putting it back in.

    It was from an old 95 PC someone gave me that I used to play that Elf bowling game on! Now there is only that free 1 level version available.

    I did not know anything back then about Hard Drive migration, or have knowledge of things like "Partition magic"!!!

    I am still, obviously---learning stuff---especially about so called "outdated" operating systems.

    I also hate to see a 30 GB go to waste!

    I need to find a place that sells cheap 2-6 Gb hard drives to experiment on.

    I have a couple of old PCs that I could install **** Small Linux, and Puppy Linux on! It's not enough for me, to just run them from a live CD!

    But right now, I've to tackle this problem and solve it if at all possible!

  19. Thanks to everyone for providing me with a wealth of info, and "starting points" from which to try and solve this problem

    Remember, that when I use any of these computers as a "testing host" for this HD, by just booting up in the normal way, without any diagnostic CD or floppy,

    the following occurs:

    The PC bios will start to unfold in the usual way, starting with the Bios maker, such as Star bios, Award, or whatever, and the video card ( or is it the other way round?)--then more of the usual and typical Bios talk---

    then it stops sometimes for a moment, and finds the CD ROM drives--such as Lite on, or whatnot---and then kicks in to the "drive not found".

    It finds the CD ROM drives, but not the HD, no matter what jumper setting I put it on.

    When I put the original HD back into these test computers (what they came with), or even some small

    test Hard drives (formatted, or unformatted)---or just pulled from another PC,

    the bios always finds (even if it stalls to search a bit) that original/or test HD--and names it,

    saying in the usual way--primary master, etc--etc found---!

    This one though, is never named or found---by any one of these computers,

    which find only the CDs---but not the "insane" hard drive.

    I once found a PC that someone tossed out that asked for a password, and I removed the PC battery for a couple of minutes, then put it back in and the PC booted up in the normal way!

    I am going to start all over again, using all the information you gave me, and see what I can do.

    I will begin with the easiest methods--and work on up.

    So I will commence to spend some hours (keeping a record of what I am doing in a notebook) and see if I am successful.

    If it comes to having to flash the HD with one of those free WD CDs I've

    downloaded and made---I will have come to the point of last resort, and

    tell you I am about to do it. Seems like a person could really screw a HD up if they did something wrong in that sort of undertaking! I would be interested in knowing the entire process.

    I have about four hard drives that do not work at all, that have died, and make endless clicking sounds when you boot up--and the bios has at least recognized that they were there. Even the Linux based diagnostic programs I've burned to boot CDs---find them!

    Wish me luck!

  20. The Hard drive is not original to the Gateway.

    I do not see now it could be dead, as it sounds no different from the healthy hard drives I've got.

    If it's locked, ( I do not know anything about locked hard drives---how its done) I guess its possible that one of the boot CDs given for free from WD, might have the option of flashing the HD bios--which I have never done.

    How does one "lock" a hard drive? And if it were locked, would you hear it "doing stuff"?

    Thanks everyone for the help so far! Tomorrow I will spend the whole day

    tackling this perplexing and most puzzling problem.

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