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Posts posted by cyberformer

  1. I just did a fresh install of win 98se. Then I installed IE6. I used the old W9x Power Patch to install the IE 6 SP1 update patch. I then installed sesp 30a3 -en.

    The machine rebooted and oddly enough, there was not one pop up asking me anything!

    I then used Norton Win Doc to check for problems; it found 61 problems and fixed them.

    Everything seems to work quite well.

    Now do I need to install the unofficial IE6 update?

    Seems to be another great manifestation of your dedication to 98se Gape! Thanks! Thanks! and more Thanks--!!!!

  2. So when I install 3.0 ALPHA 3, (or any pack for that matter)and those pop ups-- pop up asking me -- do I want to keep this file--am I supposed to click OK or NO? I've always had that problem, (the way its worded) confuses me! I've always clicked yes, but am checking here, just to see if I should be clicking no. It's Carnival over here so I am a tad foggy in the mind! In fact I have no idea at the moment if this post is going to end up in the right spot!

  3. So True!

    Windows 98se still has untapped potential. To me it represents the construct of what would have been perfect, had the carpet not been pulled out from beneath it. Yes, all other operating systems have their virtues, but when you consider it, 98se provides the perfect blend of speed, stability, practicality, user control--etc, etc.

    The projects of the members of this forum that have contributed so much to enhance and keep 98se going, is no thing short of amazing, and is not to be taken lightly!

    I thank them all for having added the utter most enjoyment to my use of the PC!

  4. This is my first posting though I've been a member for a tad. I looked about for this subject, so if it is not in the right place feel free to move it where it belongs.

    First, I thank every member of this site who has labored so hard to keep the world's best OS alive and viable.

    Now, what about the IPv6 compatability? I've heard 98 does not support it. There is supposed to be a program (you have to pay for it) that solves this problem; but I think it is dangerous to put all ones eggs in such a basket. BUt if there is no support for IPv6, should not that be of prime concern? Is anyone working on this? It would be a great loss not to have internet access.

    Once again, if this has been addressed elseware, please forgive.

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