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Posts posted by cyberformer

  1. Would some one here elaborate on what the Z Bot instigator means by this statement :"MS never updated the Windows TCP/IP stack to handle random port DNS, thus any machine identifying itself with that string, is actually a bot with a B.S user agent."

    Could someone explain the technical aspects of the process he alludes to, and how he (if serious) could misconstrue himself into believing no can still use 95 anymore?

  2. This is all rather depressing. The intrusiveness continues to escalate with no force suffucient to circumvent it. The only place I feel comfortably home yet still---is using my AOL mail (had it since the year 1999!). Even in the ancient sanctuary of nostalgic abiding...one wonders....!?!

  3. Hello! taunus17m

    I will have to check into that. I do know for sure, that Windows Me, installs all the drivers for the Optiplex GX110 right out the box!

    Also, it would seem that some, if not all of the drivers from the Dell "legacy" page work as well for Win 95 on this PC! The GX110 is an excellent PC to run 9x on. It would seem this series of Dell computers were manufactured before the dreaded "bad capacitor" problems reared its ugly head.

  4. In my device drivers, on my Gx110, it says 3Com 3C920 integrated Fast Ethernet Controller (3C905C-TX compatible). If I go into the Dell Driver folder, 1934v (the only folder labeled Dell) it says 3c90X There is a 3 com driver in my documents folder labeled ED5EA11 before I might have extracted it to what eventually became the contents of the 1934v driver folder. It would seem there are 3 to 4 3Com drivers available from that particular "legacy page" for the GX110. I am still looking for where I saved that particular page.


  5. Did you get this working? I am going to be using my GX110 later today, or tomorrow, and will see exactally what kind of 3 Com driver is recorded. There seems to be more than one. There is a Legacy driver page for all the Dell computers..(not the usuall page you are taken to when typing in drivers and support)...that has tons of old drivers for all the older models; I will see if I've got that book marked or saved somewhere.

  6. Hi Hoko!

    You must have visited the "usual" Dell support site most people usually find first.

    There is another Dell support site that contains an abundance of "Legacy" drivers for most of the old machines!

    I cannot find a link at this moment, since I am using another PC.

    ....I think I typed in "Optiplex GX110 video drivers", or something similiar. and found it that way.

  7. I just downloaded the Avast 4 defs on my XP machine, since I could no longer find a way to download it on my 9x machine. I could get to the page, but there was no way to use any sort of link!

    It is the same size as the last one (76.9mb) I downloaded on the 16th---and cannot tell if it is newer, or the same.

    I've not tried to install it yet to check the version number---.

  8. High Hoko!

    I am using that very seme video card and have had the exact same problems you are describing. So I went into misconfig, and unchecked some of the Nvidia stuff that was starting when the PC boots up. This method got rid of those error boxes at startup, though a few features that are available for 98, 98se, and Me users are not there.

    The card works otherwise though, so long as you do not fiddle a lot with precise settings etc.

  9. What about a used D-Link Wireless G Desktop adapter?

    I used the card version on an old Compaq Armada with win 98se for a while and it worked well.

    It also comes as a PCI card with a little antenna for use on desktops!

    I've no idea if they still make them, but they must be used ones about if they do not.

  10. Hi! Andromeda43

    A very true and excellent post!

    I've found that the best way to run a 9x, or NT OS, starts After...

    one adds a lot more RAM than what the PC came with, as well

    as Removing various programs that are considered "integral" to

    the OS itself, as well as the Crapware (if bundled with the PC).

    I might add though, that I've really only had problems with both

    the 9x and NT versions---once they reached the end of "Their

    Life Cycle"...and the ensuing "end of software,

    and hardware support" that eventually follows.

    From that point on,

    it usually becomes a real chore/and or challenge---to keep your

    fine tuned and personally modified system "working".


    Do not loose site of YOUR original Vision!

    That vision, which I've recognized from the start--

    is coming up with "The Best and Most up to date Service Pack,

    You Will to achieve.

    What you have achieved so far, is most excellent "Gold".

    There is no need to turn it into an "alloy" trying to please even the most well meaning members.

    One must never be side tracked from the integrity and purity of the original concept---which you have been wonderfully successful at maintaining.

    Keep up the great work!

  12. Hello XP individuals!

    Though I am resident at the Win 9x areas of this excellent place, I do have and use XP on some of my computers, and enjoy them to the hilt.

    Not nearly so much as my beloved 98e! .... 95, and even Me....

    but certainly enough to regard XP as a most useful and excellent system.

    I do not care one iota about support ending for any of the "legacy" operating systems I "WILL" to use.

    Security is not a problem, being that I am secure in the knowledge of how to be reasonably secure. Even if a virus screwed one of my machines over big time....I fret not.....

    for I backup everything quite frequently, and most of all, thoroughly ENJOY installing OS systems! Its no thing to dread for me, for I never grow weary of going through the entire install/reinstall process.

    Using fdisk, floppies and popping in that install CD....is one very enjoyable experience for me! In the beginning, when I was a neophyte to the PC...such things where problems; now that I know how easy it all is....I relish the experience.

    Where there is a Will there is a way. If one gives into fear about all the things people espouse in their attempts to sway one from using the OS you enjoy, and choose to use, then there is no thing you can really do then....other than exhibit a great lack of resolve.

    As I've said many a time, the only thing that continues to "worry" me, is eventual lack of IPV6 support in my 9x systems; and yes, even in the XP ones...though not nearly so much.

    Even then...should such problems arise...I shall not be dissuaded from using the Operating Systems I choose and WILL to use!

    All such problems will be tackled, solved, and surmounted in my continued use of computers.

  13. Well, I downloaded it using Filezilla on my XP PC...and installed it on 98 Second Edition.

    I chose the "typical" install, and it did just that.

    After casually exploring this Resource Kit, I've come to the conclusion that:

    It has the potential once mastered, to turn the 98 Neophyte user.... into an Adept 98 user!

    Seems like it is intended to give a person mastery of the 98 system...

    so far as manipulating the various facets of said system.

    All in all---quite nice!

  14. Way Worse! than "potentially bad news" ....CharlotteTheHarlot.

    I (personally) think its "Real, Real, BAD, most disconcerting news!!!!!!!!

    The Tentacles reach ever onward! Nothing is safe from the ensuing horror.....of Face Book.

  15. Indeed I have jumper!

    The OEMEMU.INF proudly proclaims ---CT4780 - SBLive! Value......!!!!

    Now I am wondering if these two CT48780 cards (which do not have "Dell" anywhere labeled, written, or inscribed thereon,

    will work with that Dell CD, or.....if Creative had CT48780 cards---that had no thing to do with dell.

    I hope they are the cards that this CD's drivers will get working.

    Thanks for your excellent help.

    OK! It works in my Compaq 5900z.

    I assume the other will work too!

    Now I've to get the Ct4830 and the SB0200 working and it's Sound Blaster frenzy time!

  16. Wonder if anyone can solve the following situation?

    I dug up an old Sound Blaster Live! install CD which is labeled under the Dell brand.

    It has the following:

    Sound Blaster Live! Value Software.

    Dell Part #2427U


    Windows 98 Driver

    Version 4.06.624

    Windows NT 4.0 Driver

    Version 4.06.624

    Now I have on hand the following SB Live! cards, and am perplexed as to which one (if any) the CD is for.

    Model # SB0200



    and a CT5807

    Does anyone know if that CD is for one of these cards, none of which bares the words "DELL".

    I do recollect though, a very long time ago, pulling one of these from a Dell PC---which might not have been the original card that particular PC came with, being that it was found on the curb.

    If the CD is not for any of the above cards, does anyone know what Sound Blaster Live! Value it might have been for?

    Now you might say "can you not make the effort to try each of them, etc"

    But I tried something like this before, and it would seem to really mess the PC up when it comes to the sound applications!

    Some stuff seems to interfere with the next endeavor: things "pop up" with no thing to work with---and I end up with a grand mess.

    Anyone having tried to install a slew of drivers (one after the other in succession) for an individual sound card-match, not quite knowing if any of those drivers will work--should know what can happen. I do not really what to have to experience that horrid situation again!

  17. In the Windows Me Wiki, it says that:

    ..." TCP/IP Stack: Windows Me includes the Windows 2000 networking stack and architecture"....

    And if the above is really true, then is there some "remote possibility" that the IPv6 preview stack designed for Win2k,

    could possibly be ported to Me?

    Just wondering for some time now......

    and I can't let it rest,

    till I know for sure-----!

  18. I first want to highly commend you, Drugwash---for keeping this "exceedingly most important" topic alive--and,

    for delving into a possible solution!

    In another thread, you wrote--"Routers, even a few years old, can handle IPv6 just fine"----but I still ponder the following:

    Whilst what you said above is true, and considering I've never used a router, and therefore could be slightly or considerably

    confused----having always thought that the PC must also make use of a modem as well the router?

    For instance, three years ago, my Bellsouth DSL package came with that typical black modem most people should be familiar with----and I do not think a router that is IPv6 capable----could work without a seperate modem---that has to have 9x drivers.

    Unless the modem provided with my package is also a router---but I think it's just a modem; does anyone know?

    Still, if the service provider goes all IPv6---and issues new modems to it's customers that provide IPv6, yet the drivers to use it, only work on windows 7 and 8 only for instance, whilst not providing any drivers for 9x,

    how will having an IPv6 router be useful---if one also needs to have a modem with 9x drivers to be used in conjunction with the router? Am I very confused, or am I hitting upon another sad possibility? I've really do not know.

    Hope this post is not in the wrong area!

  19. Hello, KenO!

    What about Driver Magician Lite? I got it off Major Geeks about two years back or so, and it worked on my Me machine.

    I do not know if it has been updated since then---but if its the same version, it did a pretty good job of backing up the drivers I wanted to back up.

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