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Posts posted by cyberformer

  1. Hi, 98Guy!

    It says Western Digital WD300

    WD Caviar Enhanced IDE Hard Drive

    80.0 GB

    MDL WD300AB-32CDB0

    Date 08 Nov 2001

    Thanks for the New Idea, I will try doing what you said and see what's wrong.

    When you say the Bios, I am assuming the Hard Drive Bios, because no PC I've tried it in can see it. I have a similar WD800 HD, and it works in any of those computers!

    This is all odd!

  2. A friend gave me an old Gateway PC, which he said did not work.

    I booted up, and receive the sinister message, evoked from the Dark realms of Dos-- "no disk recognized".

    I take the HD out, and pop in an old HD that came from the very same kind of PC I found long ago---sure enough, no problems----all drivers and such found!

    No thing wrong with the PC at all!

    After popping the HD into three different PCs, from an early Dell Pentium I--

    on up to a Dell Pentium III of 900 + MHz, and using the Linux based P. Magic (an excellent tool by the way for HD partitioning, Formatting, and diagnostics, etc,---the HD is not recognized in any of those computers.

    After trying every possible jumper combination-- no bootable diagnostic CD, or floppy can find a Hard Drive installed!

    I thought it might be some kind of virus that makes the HD invisible to the PC bios---so I booted Norton System Works bootable AV CD, and also the latest DR. Web anti virus bootable CD, to no avail, since they cannot scan an invisible HD.

    The Insane Hard Drive, looks to be in brand new condition, and it is an 80Gb

    Western Digital WD300 enhanced IDE Hard Drive!

    What could the problem be?

    Is it some new Hard Drive that can only be recognized in very new computers?

    Given the time, I have always managed to solve my PC problems, even if it took a year to find out how to do something---but this leaves me with no foundation from which to start!

    Any ideas as to what could be wrong? You can hear the Hard Drive working like any other HD works; no clicking or odd noises other than those made from an otherwise healthy HD.

    I am posting this in the 9x section, as I was going to move my win 98se from its current 15 Gb Hard Drive to this much larger one.

  3. Henceforth I shall just refer to their work as “Java”----and no longer prefix that word with “Sun”

    Since the Light has left them; they no longer see the light of supporting 9x!

    We shall just have to make do with the last working update.

    P.S. Concerning last supported Zip utilities---Has anyone mentioned Pea Zip yet? It works quite well as a compression utility for 98se. I installed the latest version a few days ago. I think it works on 95 too.

    If it has been added, then excuse me.

  4. If you cannot trust 9x people, who then can you trust?

    The 9x person is the elite of the human species----willing to go all out for their fellow humanity, even if it puts their own lives at peril, or opens them up to be ostracized by the unenlightened.

    These are individuals that have great sympathy and understanding for those stuck with XP and Vista,

    And rather than mock them,---they wipe back a tear for those who have not seen the light---and hope for the best.

    They forge on, dedicating their time---to improve an already great, now abandoned OS.

    They have dared to enter the dark realms of Dos--where many a neophyte has met their ruin (as well their PC)-- and have come out victorious!

    Not only that, but look what happened to those who had absolute trust in SP3, thinking it would improve things for XP---not ever expecting, it to bring their computers to screeching halts and endless reboots!

    I could go on and on, extolling the virtues of the 9x Gods, but I will close saying only one more thing:

    They are worthy of our worship!

    Maximus, MDGX, Gape, Tihiy, TheGuy, Xeno86, Sporific, and yes Spplus--who almost forced me to learn Polish, and the rest----can be trusted.

  5. What would exactly happen, if someone removes IE with the Ieradicator prog, like I often do,----and apply the service Pack? It would still fill up the Windows holes, would it not?

    Or would I install the pack, remove IE, and then reinstall the pack?

    Usually when I remove Ie on a machine, I only use the ani fix patch, and if you remember, the unofficial WMF patch--that Avira, and possibly Avast consider a Trojan. If I keep the media player, Install the separate patches made for it---possibly 3, I think?

    Gape, does this patch deal with the WMF vulnerability?

    Great SP by the way!

  6. T.N.G.O.G

    I’m using whatever drivers are on the CD. It opens up to a 95, 98, and Me install screen (the install program) and copies whatever it fancies too. I’ve never explored the CD to just single out any 95 drivers.

    I will see if it works with what you suggested, but I have always assumed that this driver package from the site must be what is on the CD.

  7. I have tried to get the 5200 to work in my win 95 machine, but even though it is “supposed” to have support and the drivers for it on the CD, it just does not load up all the features ( most importantly, the control panel that allows you to change the vibrancy of the colors! I usually slide the vibrancy almost all the way up!

    That’s the way to really play Doom! And one or two error boxes appear when the machine boots up, asking for some kind of dll it cannot find.

    If anyone has one of these working in a 95 box, please post how you got all the features to work!

  8. Hello T.N.G.O.G!

    The most powerful video card I use ( do not laugh) is the Nvidia Fx5200 PCI 128 mb.

    This is sufficient for me to play Doom II, Final Doom, and The Ultimate Doom! It adds fantastic vibrancy of colors. The only other games I play are ThreadMarks (the best tank game I've come across yet)---and

    Corridor 7, Hexen, Heretic,Alien Cabal, Ken's Labyrinth--and the Atari 80 classic games CD collection.

    My Windows 95 machine is using a Cirrus Logic 5446 card! Old, yes, but still good enough to get perfect icons and cursors to work with clarity and detail.

    I've got an old Nvidia gforce 4 for my PC with an AGP slot, but it has problems and will most likely need to be replaced.

    I've got cards from when Win 95 first came out, and have probably used most of them at one time or another.

    I used to find them at Thrift stores and such for 1 to 3 dollars a piece, so I stocked up on them.

    Yes, I like old stuff, and big, heavy, off white desktop computers from the old days!

    I found quite a few of these, and repaired most of them after Katrina.

    Most had a Win 9x OS installed!

  9. At one time I had removed IE with the Eradicator prog, then installed an earlier version of K melon.

    The earliest versions of Kmelon are very fast, but most likely have a vulnerability or two; but by removing IE, those possible vulnerabilities could not be used to attack the PC using IE as a window--via it's integration with the OS.

    Firefox just does not seem so fast as Opera and Kmelon these days, though I still like it.

    If only I could get the 4.8 series of Netscape to work these days!

    At one time it did, but now comes up with all kinds of Java errors.

    The light house Logo they used to have when it started up, how I love it!

    But you fancy modern, so I would work with Opera (some kind of tweaking), perhaps.

    Sea Monkey might work these days and be fast enough; though I can't get it to delete the cookies, cache, etc.

  10. It's hard to believe, but their are actually people out there, that really get "emotionally upset" that others still use 9x!

    I mean, really, really--Upset, angry, and perturbed---that they would join some kind of political party or organization willing to prevent us from using 9x.

    I'm not joking!

    They are under the strange supposition (superstition) that 9x users are prone to virus problems, and that we might infect them, ---when it is their machines (which they think are so secure) that are actually making the mischief!

    9x fanatics are more likely than not, quite knowledgeable concerning all methods of securing their computers.


    Reminds me of the Star Trek episode last night, with Landru the giant PC controlling the minds of the populace: Instead of going around saying " are you of the body"---this bunch says

    ---"Are you of the NT"

    What, you are not of the NT---you 9xers are a threat to the body, and must therefore be


  11. The question is not "Why do I use Windows 98?"

    There is no question really, for it is "My Will" to use it!

    That is what it all comes down to.

    ....an act of will!

    And as far as security goes,.....just remove IE with the eradicator program, and it is most likely far more secure, than any Vista or XP with IE!

    The other side of the coin is, that even though it is my will to use 98se as my main and favorite OS, it would be silly of me to say to someone using Vista or XP that they were wrong in some way, if it is their will to use either of those operating systems.

    Infinite variety! is the spice of life.

  12. Hello Ken!

    Please post a detailed accout of what kind of PC you have, and the problems you had; that way, many people here can help you.

    Believe it or not, I actually had to return an Atari game, back in the day--as it was causing my heart to beat too fast! But Doom (the old version) only sends chills up my spine!

    Get Well!!!

  13. I've never had a problem with Me!

    It's really quite stable; so I cannot understand where in the world it's bad rep comes from.

    I think it's most likely the problems with system restore, and system protection.

    But most importantly, I find 98, and 98se's Dos access is what makes them superior to Me, from a control standpoint.

    Also, I really love the Me interface, and design---clean and refreshing looking.

    I believe also, that IEradicator, can remove Internet Explorer from Me, as well as Win 95, 98, and 98se----if one wants a really, really---clean PC!

  14. Here's an Me story for you Th3_uN1Qu3!

    A friend had an old PC about a year ago that came with Me ( not Me myself) and they had just moved on to

    XP, and he wanted to keep it--so he gave it to me to fix --(Me myself).

    When I fired it up, it must have taken forty minutes just to open up into the final installed stuff running, before it could be used. If I tried to open a program, it would take up to five minutes to get there, if at all. It only had IE, and it would not quite run, or if it did (cant quite remember) it would not connect.

    The PC had that Macafee version AOL offered for free, and no firewall at all.

    I installed the latest versions of AVG, and Spybot search and destroy from my "important program collection CD".

    AVG found up to about fifteen trojans, and about fourteen viruses!

    Spybot search and destroy found, and try to imagine this,---over four hundred pieces of maleware, dialers, and Pups, whatever they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But this is what is the thing that stands out: The PC still worked--horribly, but sufficiently enough---to clean it all out and fix it!!! That says something about the 9x system. I do remember having to click box after box that would open up; and doing a hell of a lot of stuff in safe mode, for well up to three days.

    It seems that their little hobby of downloading Gambling type stuff, and all kinds of Casino this and that stuff--had made their PC a cesspool for tons of critters.

    I hate to see what will happen to his XP if he continues with such nonsense!

    I told him he had gotten off easy, and XP will not shrug things off like Me did.

    It has proven to be quite stable and fun to use now, and is very smooth going.

  15. Microsoft can only learn from Microsoft!

    They have the record of what works for them---and what does not.

    They know what makes the consumer happy, and what does not.

    Know thyself! As the ancient Greeks said.

    There is a way the Big M can maintain their dominance, and never have to worry about Open Source, Linux, or Mac. It is a somewhat perhaps madcap sounding concept I propose, but it would achieve for them, a place in history—where they will forever be defined as “The Good Guys”---and having “Integrity”. They can in fact “Redeem” themselves, from a downhill and negative reputation and trend.

    Let them do the following:

    Extend the life of XP—period. Dispense with the “End of Life Cycle crap”!

    Continue to support it, update it as they have.

    Continue to work on Vista---period.

    Work out the bugs; improve and update as necessary. Dispense with the “End of Life Cycle crap”!

    Continue to work on their next OS,--Windows 7 or whatever; and take at least five years—to deliver a truly “Grand”—UNIQUE---and Superior product!

    Commence to design, and market their own powerful and “modestly priced”

    PC---to be sold—in a way they can legally do it.

    This PC must be capable of running XP, or Vista—efficiently, and smoothly.

    If they cannot do this, then make sure an OS of theirs is never sold from a store that is not

    ready to run their OS efficiently! No installations on PCs’ that are not really meant at all to run them, such as Vista installs on computers only fit to run XP!

    Give the consumer “a choice” of either of these two, and eventually three major Microsoft Operating Systems!

    They can corner the market,---not through heavy handed and forced tactics,---but offering “commitment” and “dedication” to what they have already succeeded with---XP---and what can be made to succeed---Vista.

    Though I myself would add an improved and revamped 9x Os to this—I realize it would be considered going way beyond the “far fetched’ {Yet Possible} ideas I have already espoused. ---But I had to throw it in, since my favorite OS of theirs is 98se!

    They have got to think out of the Box!

    And realize that they are at the crossroads, or are approaching very near unto that!

  16. I do not think it's like most here really-really-hates the big M! It's more like a "Love/Hate" relationship sort of thing.

    It's like going to your favorite eating spot that offers really great dishes, and once you are thoroughly sold on the unique way that a particular dish is served and prepared--they tell you one day "sorry, we no longer offer that on our menu"--- and still having the same waiters and the same Chef since day one, --smiling at you from the door leading to the kitchen---saying "You're going to love the next one"--when you had finally been satisfied with something you truly liked:-- and they still did that to you over and over--and you let them--because they really came up with an almost perfect dish that beat the competition in more ways than a few.

    I think most of us have to admit that we like the basic premise or concept of "The Windows OS"--with all its merits and faults-problems, quirks--and idiosyncrasies! And I do mean--Microsoft Windows!

    And most of us have a unique vision of what we think would be the definitive and best Windows--For me it would be Windows 98se transformed into Windows -98TE--meaning the third and perfected and final edition! but never loosing sight of it's 9x-ness--or it's perfect relationship to Dos.

    But even if that could never be--I still love 98se more than the others.

    For someone else--it might be XP---or even .....Windows Me!!!!!

    For others, no thing more than a version --always improved--and supported!

    As far as analogies go--or giving a metaphorical human face to things from a Windows user's perspective:

    It's as though we are always having the carpet pulled out from under our feet---or a feeling of being betrayed in some way--once we have finally made the big commitment! --Yet we never give up.

    Someone has to care for The Big M's abandoned children though,

    ---problem children that they are---but some of us still love them--enough not to quit them, or see them forgotten.

    We all know where we stand: Most of us could hang it up and go Linux or Mac-- but when push comes to shove,

    The "Windows thing" is an outstanding OS experience--one way or the other---in spite of Microsoft's failings.

  17. I agree SlugFiller, but where is the glimmer of hope---other than the sign, and it is a sign of something coming---that many people finally seem to be fed up with it all---such as many of the XP users that refuse to upgrade to Vista no matter what. I do think that Vista was the wake up call!

    I do not think, that someone using the most powerful PC he or she can buy or put together---and then installing Vista---would encounter anything like unto the numerous horror stories I've read about. The mistake was the Big M trying to force all Windows users to upgrade to it---by having them buy or upgrade to computers that are far from adequate to run it as it was envisioned.; and the fact that I think it needed another year of intensive work before it's release.

    I think the average PC user is looking for an OS that is stable--problem free--and easy to use---and powerful enough to run--whatever people are into these days. At the moment Vista is far from meeting that criteria in my opinion.

    Individuals will remain individuals--and the lemmings will remain lemmings! Thank goodness there are people here who refuse to follow the herd over the cliff!

  18. So that brings up the question: Are consumers becoming more Computer savvy?

    For if they are, then the methods used to sell computers to the ignorant (not stupid, only lacking knowledge of things) will no longer work.

    Just because more and more people are using Firefox for example, does not mean they are gaining some commensurate knowledge about computers in general; they might just like the logo or the name!

    How would a very computer savvy populace actually effect the market, if the old methods of selling, through the use of eye candy etc---no longer work?

    I really do not think the average PC user is that much different from those 12 years ago. People are still being sold down the "must upgrade" path---or allowing themselves to be forced to.

    It would be very bad from the perspective of big business--to have consumers that wise up. And can you really blame the industry for anything much at all, if the consumer does not "educate their own selves"?

    Most people going to a coffee house offering WiFi--with their XP, Vista, and Mac machines--would most probably laugh at someone sitting in the place using win 95 or 98--and take him or her for an id*** of sorts---never guessing that the subject of their mockery deliberately chose such an "obsolete" OS--through a sharp knowledge of what a PC should actually do and be capable of.

    A so called "obsolete OS" is an altogether deferent thing when installed in a fairly powerful machine, and not on those typical of the time from which the OS originated.

    But the "average" PC user of today would not know this--!

  19. Imagine this scenario:

    Just suppose Win 98 and 95 had never existed, and the first major OS to garner the populace had been 2000, or even XP. Now imagine that 98se was the work of someone else, and they were releasing it only now, as "obsolete" as it supposedly is--and as Open source like Linux. --Imagine that the Dos era had stopped after 6 or so, then no Windows 3.11,95. 98, 98se------but 2000, or XP, or even Vista---instead; and what we know as 98se--but not by the Big M--would be coming forth now--in 2008. ---Well?

    I think it would catch on like wild fire! People would be saying wow! --look how great this OS is--and it could be exactly the same as what was released in 98, and it would not be considered obsolete. Odd and unique--but definitely not obsolete.

    Or,---Imagine if there had only been 2000, and XP, and a perfected 98se had been just now introduced (not having a 98 in it of course) and not Vista---and promoted by the Big M as "the triumphant return of Dos"! Ridiculous and strange, but---

    I think it would be just the success it was then, but Now! It would be embraced as simple, and useful! even today. As a breath of fresh air! in a resource hungry world--sort of like DamSmallLinux, and Puppy Linux!

    Imagine for a tad--if Windows 7 was going to be a redone and perfect 98se--updated and super fitted to perfection? The redemption of the Big M!!!!

    But what need would the people have for such powerful PC's needed to run OS bloat ware, and upgraded hardware?

    And someplace, someware--I hear Ed Big Daddy Roth--laughing at my mad notions--whilst his RatFink friend and companion wispers in his ear "But he's right you know".

  20. I've used Windows 98se since the day I got my first PC--around 2001 or so.

    When that PC started to give me problems (fixed now) I got my first XP PC.

    I was not as PC savvy back then, and was always getting hacked and virused.

    It ran so fast without SP2, and now that I know about external firewalls, and the use of various programs--I dispense with SP2 altogether--except for an unofficial service pack that came out some time back.

    The only thing I like about XP is that it runs a few progs I cannot run on 98se.

    It's fine for what it does, and it seems to work smoother and better without any updates from the big M!

    But when I sit before my old Compaq win 98se, it's pure Magick!

    It's a warm friendly OS imbued with Life! I really do believe after using XP, Linux, and seeing Vista etc--that 98se is the definitive OS. For me, its the best OS ever invented. With the work done by the members of this forum, it is what it could have been!

    Except for the crappers that discontinue anti spyware and anti virus programs--thus giving us problems that cannot be blamed on the OS itself, it's really, really is the greatest thing the big M can ever truly pride themselves on. Too bad they abandoned a beautiful creation--to support Frankenstein monsters!

    When I want to use a program that does not work on 98se I go to XP.

    When I want to have fun, and use a computer every day, I've got 98se.

    When I want to see something really fast, I go to my almost 1 Ghz PC with only 128 MB running Win 95B!

    We are talking fast, very, very fast. It's a lean mean efficient Internet cruiser! And it opens and starts progs with the blink of an eye.

    When I want to challenge myself to the point of going mad, I try to get an old thing I found with Windows 3.11 onto the Internet. Still researching how to do it at the moment. Not a bad little OS! Primitive looking, but you could run a business with it.

    It really saddens me that some of the free programs that have helped us so much are now being discontinued for Win 9x. But it's not the end, only another challenge for us to grit our teeth--and preserve, refusing to give up on The OS that seems tailor made just for us.

  21. I also would like to see a theme for Windows 98se that is not based on the Vista and XP look.

    For instance, for inactive and active title bars, one could keep the old blue rectangles, but make them have a truncated 3d look, with highlighting to give that solid tangible look.

    And, brand new icons designed with a sort of retro look, yet still updated in a better sort of way.

  22. Xstyle!

    This side bar of yours is a fantastic addition to windows 98! I was secretly longing for just such a glory to manifest itself.

    For the record, for those who are not privy to nostalgic tid-bits (some people thinking that the side bar concept with the clock on top etc. is new to Vista)—a side bar in that basic form, but quite primitive in appearance, was available even to windows 3.11 users!

    Once again—wonderful!!!!

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