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Posts posted by cyberformer

  1. I am posting this here, rather than starting a new thread---since it has to do with Avast.

    First off, this particuliar system is Windows Me---667 mgz---128 mb, with 13GB free space on the HD----so there is no problem with speed or room.

    I've had Avast on this machine for some time now, and just the other day the license key ran out. I submitted all the usual info, and was sent a new license key.

    I installed the new license key.

    When I go to update, the following occurs:

    Everything starts to work as usual---one file after another showing that it is being down loaded, until...

    a bloody box appears, which reads:

    not enough storage space is available to process this command.

    What the hell could this be! Not enough storage space..."Where"!!!!

    Does any fellow members have any inkling as to what this could be all about?

    Avast is still downloading the updates on my 98Se machine---but the key is still valid for another month or so---until I need a new one. I wonder if the same thing will happen:

    that yes indeed---they will deliver the key---to something now made useless?

    Either I am overly paranoid--or there is a glitch on the Me machine that can be addressed?

    Any thoughs?

  2. more like "share" !

    That's a good idea: ya never know.

    What I would like to know for sure, from a programmer's perspective familiar with the ins and outs of the 9x operating systems,


    is the main challenge or problem of creating a working patch establishing such IPV6 functionality in 9x?

    How hard can it be? What exactly, has to be done to come up with an installable working solution?

    Any developers/programmers here, consider it one of the most complicated things?

    What if the problem is not that it was exceedingly hard to come up with a patch all these years, but that no one really bothered?

  3. galahs, I am always thinking that people should be working on this!

    Many have said there will be no need to worry, as the providers will tunnel us through,

    but sometimes it is best to have an ultimate backup plan....for any and all eventualities.

    I've been considering the following:

    Windows Me---is supposed to, if I am not wrong---share some "internet connectivity" feautures

    with Win 2000. I read this somewhere---in relating to better stuff built in to Me (as opposed to the other 9x versions)----for using the internet.

    The following, IPv6 Technology Preview for Windows 2000

    described by Microsoft as---This is a technology preview of IPv6 for Windows 2000. It is not a production quality implementation and should only be used for research or testing. It is not intended for production use.

    Might be a method or key---for those members with the know how---to come up with an eventual patch for Me at least, if not the rest of the 9x family.

    If you go to www.windowsnetworking.com/.../IPv6-Support-Microsoft-Windows.html

    the chap provides a "still available" link to download this Windows 2000 IPv6 Technology Preview,

    which now resides on my desktop.

    This might be quite far fetched of me....put if there is a possibility of developing a patch from this---its worth checking out and exploring!

  4. OK!

    The Sound Blaster Live 24 bit is working perfectly in my Win Me, just as it says it does.

    Perhaps I can eventually experiment and see if I can get it to work in 98 Second Edition one day soon.

    I actually bought that card years ago, and from what I can recollect--it did not install on my 98 machine, so I just sat on the card for all these years, and of course lost the CD.

    Thanks in an extreme way for helping me finally get use out of it!

  5. It Works!

    Thank you one and all for your kind assistance!

    Charlotte The Harlot! M( )zart! and Mijzelf!

    Yes, I certainly would not have thought to use Opera Classic.

    When I looked at the options Charlotte The Harlot gave--as to why it might be failing, I tried to recollect the entire process of the UN-install of Opera 9.27.

    I remember that in the Add/Remove box there were was an entry "Opera"

    and also an entry "Opera 9.26" (I still remember installing 9.27)

    So I decided there must have been some confliction or something going on somewhere!

    I started the process to remove Opera 9.26---which I had rolled back to after the latest version of 10.00 failed----and a box popped up telling me a needed file "Opera exe." was missing!

    I canceled---and after everything settled down----checked into the program files to see what had been done to Opera (the folder was still there)---and there was no "Opera" exe or any kind of O in the folder to be found. Also, the Big O had been removed from the desktop.

    So, after thinking I had really messed things up---I Installed Opera 10.00 Classic, and all went according to the way it was supposed to happen.

    I must say, this version is a lot faster than 9.27! Smooth as silk!

    Thank you all again and again!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Well, I downloaded and installed Opera Classic, as an upgrade over version 9.27----and it did indeed, install.

    But when I click on the Desktop Opera Icon, it does not open Opera up, even after waiting a good 10 minutes!

    So I unstalled Opera Classic, and things rolled back to where they were---Now comming to you from my ancient 133Mgz machine with only 64 mb of Ram.

    Either I've sinned against the Most High OS, or the machine is just too slow; or, I should remove Opera 9.27 first and Then install the latest virsion.

    I will rest a tad, uninstall 9.27---and install 10.00 fresh!

  7. Well, i just tried to install the latest Opera 10.00 on my 95 B box with no luck!

    For the record, this has the latest service pack, and still has the IE 3 version as given.

    It goes through the commencing install, untill this message appears:

    Error 1723. There is a problem with this Windows installer package.

    A DLL required required for this install to complete could not be run.

    Contact your support yada-yada-yada...

    Action SetLocaleCode, Entry: SetLocaleCode, Library: C:\...\MSI1083.TMP

    What am I doing wrong?

    It works for Andrew T. But not for Me!

  8. M( )zart! I just discovered your post.

    I tried it on my Win 95 box a day or two after posting that post saying I was going to try it, and I've no idea if it worked or not!!!

    I was distracted by some symptoms of a swine-ish flue type of experience--lasting two bloody weeks!

    Turned out to be just a severe cold!

    Bad enough though, to distract me from my PC experimentations.

    I will try it out again, and see if it works! ...then post the results.

  9. Great news! Andrew T

    It's flying on my 98SE Box!

    Although my 95 PC, is only 133Mgz, with only 64 MB, I hope it's going to still work well enough to use and keep once I install it.

    Absolutely perfect though for my 98SE.

    Very, Very fast with 667 Mgz, with only 191 MB!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. It would be a terrible injustice, to close the WIN 9x forums, due to the actions of, what is actually, a "few" individuals----compared to those many, worthy of participating, and enjoying the 9x forums provided by this Great website!

    When I came here for the first time, I found a beautiful community of members, dedicated to promoting their interest, and dedication to the 9x systems.

    Only since the last year or two, has the "problem" arisen;

    before those---" spiteful few"----there were no real problems.

    Everyone who really was a "real" member of the 9x forum, respect each other, and are quite proud to participate with project offerings, and ideas.

    Even those who had no real PC skills to offer this community, still enjoyed the useful developments of those creating them; eagerly awaiting the progress of their pet project.

    The 9x forum has been, and is---invaluable for helping all those who "Will" to choose, and continue to use----the 9x system.

    Whilst it is sad, and pathetic, and rightly annoying---so far as these "Few" individuals are concerned, I suggest that cool heads prevail----and that a "Just" solution to the problem be acted upon.

    Remember, that it is not the fault of any of the dedicated 9x community here, that has caused this problem! Those that started this, cannot be said to be fans or dedicated to 9x, in any way shape or form, regardless of how many service packs they have tried to promote.

    They have abused something quite grand and beautiful, provided as something wonderful as presented under the auspices of MSFN.

    Please do not punish the "true" and active members of the 9x forum, who have always enjoyed the friendly camaraderie this unique website has provided for their use.

  11. Thanks for the info amocanu!

    I think I did indeed install the TC/IP stack, and could easily get on dialup, if I had dial up.

    I am going to start searching for the "Westell" DSL modem drivers.

    I've an older Westell modem, somewhere in a box.

    There might be 3x drivers for that somewhere on the net.

    Even once I get the Ethernet/Lan card working (which is not PCI like I thought, but ISA )

    it most likely needs the DSL modem too.

    If that does not work, I am going to have to hunt down a really much older modem than even that one.

    Since this is in the "Fun"----"hobby" aspect of my PC/Windows lifestye, I don't have to rush!

  12. If this is the individual, or individuals I think everyone is conversing about (and I cannot think of anyone else it could be)....I even, earlier on, sent him a P.M----explaining how everyone here was quite willing to give him a chance; how if he followed a certain kind of protocol, and work ethic,

    concerning projects etc----he might have the chance to belong here, as a member, and help the 9x community.

    He responded, and actually conversed back in a very reasonable, and almost contrite manner: a glimmer of hope!

    Now if this is the individual I think it is,

    I am profoundly disappointed, and actually a little hurt by his continued onslaught against the most productive and talented members of this site.

    I have lost all hope concerning him, and all respect which I was willing to offer, thinking he showed some enthusiasm, and potential, is...


    If he reads this, I would hope he reflect upon the words I am writing, as well those of others.

    It's fine to be a tad corny, and silly now and then,

    but there is absolutely no excuse at all, for meanspirited and malevolent treatment of others; those others being the very people that were more willing than ever to give him/them.....a chance to belong to something quite special.

  13. Hi, JustinStacey!!

    It's nice to know you are having a go at Win 3x-----------!

    I've got Windows for WorkGroups installed on an old Pentium 1, using 64mb, with a 1 to 2 GB HD.

    Ive got AOL 5 something or other installed, and all I think I need to use Dial up.

    I do not have dial up at the moment though.

    I have the old PCI Lan card and the drivers to install, but I do not have the BellSouth modem drivers for DSL---! When I went into the current CD, I found them for 9x, but did not notice any 3x drivers.

    I hope they had them for that back in the day; but if not, I will have to dig up my older tan colored Westell modem and see if they have drivers for that.

    Does anyone here have a 3x internet capable box running?

    And if so, how hard was it to get it going?

    It was absolute hell getting it to recognize the CD drive!!

    I eventually found a floppy that came with a sound card believe it or not---and in conjunction with something else (can't remember right now) ---finally got the CD to be recognized.

    From what I notice about what I've seen so far, it looks like one can really mess up the system rather easily; and that it is nowhere as forgiving as the 9x systems.

    But I am completely obsessed with getting on the internet with 3x-----!

    I wish you great success in your endeavors!!!

  14. Hi! frogman!

    I've had Avast on a 98se box of mine for awhile.

    Then one day, I tried to scan a file, and it would not work.

    It did produce a single message, telling me that the "key" they issue out, had expired.

    I was not left with any working AV at all, even though it had been updated until the very day the key had expired.

    I do not think I did anything wrong in the sense of not knowing how to get it to work, even though the key had expired---anyone else here, encountering this kind of thing?

    So what good is it keeping up to date, when once they decide to discontinue support,

    you no longer have a working AV (even with those Old, yet massive def's you have downloaded faithfully whilst the key was working?

    Would I be discouraged not to use my 9x boxes once the day comes (hopefully not)

    when all AV support is gone?

    Not at all!

    In fact, I would more VEHEMENTLY assert my right, and resolve--- to continue to use it!!!!

    I would make sure I have the original Install CD, and others having all fixes, mod's, and updates; as well as the latest progs I've been using.

    I would religiously make backups of any important files, that are Work, or Hobby related.

    I would use my knowledge of where not to go, and hone in sharply to my "gut instincts" concerning such things as should I, or should I not---click on this suspect, or unknown download etc.

    Then, should I be hit with something, that totally lays waste to my system,

    all I've to do, is reformat! and reinstall!

    It really does not take long at all to reinstall any of the 9x series of operating systems.

    And all you need do then, is gather forth your CDs' having the programs you have always used---reinstall them---and you are a 9x user again!

    Rising from the ashes of your previous experience, as new and as resolved as ever,

    to continue to use and enjoy the OS you Will to use.

    So with every little assault upon my 9x work and fun--due to this and that entity no longer supporting drivers, anti-virus progs, and what not,

    the more so am I imbued with the strength, courage, and fortitude---to continue on.

    The only thing that still concerns me, is the lack of built in IPV6 support; but a very knowledgeable computer wizard I know---assures me that there will always be a way,

    to connect to the internet for those privileged enough to use 9x.

    By the way, I am using Clam Win now. It's slow---slow....slow..!

    Spy Bot Search and Destroy, seems to work more ploddingly too, as time goes on.

    But nevertheless, where there is a will---there is always a way,

    for those Strong Enough to Endure the Fight.

  15. Welcome Back Gape!

    I consider you to be one of the true original "heroes" of keeping my 98Se Alive and Well.

    Many people here, and elseware---are always thankfull for the work you have done.

    Your's is the first of any service packs I ever tried, ( cannot remember any others even existing back then) and I've been a fan ever since.

    Welcome Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. It quite a shame, that these fellows doing such mischief, cannot get in touch with their inner core, balance themselves; put these personal differences they have with the members of this forum they have declaired war on----behind them, so that they can avail themselves, as well as othes, using their computer skills--------------to keep Windows 9x----Alive!

    A sad shame.

    Really sad, to waste the potential of any kind of knowledge, due to emotional nonsense.

  17. modicr, I am pleased I am not the only person that has the foresight to see that "Now" is the time, to deal with any possible problems (if solutions are currently working) long before finding oneself in the exceedingly sorrowful state of having no access to the internet. This applies to any OS it is an individual's "Will" to use!

    I went to the site you mentioned, in reference to:

    DHCPv6 - 3rd party (GPL) solution is available: http://klub.com.pl/dhcpv6/

    It even works in Windows 2000/NT (experimental)

    But cannot find any Windows versions supported other than, XP, NT and 2000!

    Am I looking in the right place?

    I am still searching for some 3rd party program, other than Winsock, and preferably free, and opensourced-to boot_____that is working in 9x------and cannot find it.

    All the same, I greatly appreciate your help, and will continue to do so.

    I wish I were an absolute expert in this IPV6 realm---there seems to be a lot more to it, especially in the "configurational" aspects of things, than most people realize at the moment.

  18. " For example, Windows XP supports a little bit of IPv6, but not enough to make it work transparently, said Woundy. It would be difficult to get IPv6 operational on the average consumer's Windows XP computer today. "

    I actually find the statement above, if it is true----to be rather perplexing, bordering on shocking!

    If it is true, you can bet an IPV6 patch will be forthcoming from Microsoft (if it does not exist),

    and that 3rd party's will produce many.

    For 9x, we can rule the big M out.

    And having prophesied that, easily----it would be my ardent hope, that someone, somewhere----will provide a working patch that gives 9x complete and perfect IPV6 functionality!

    Perhaps these old patches such as Toolnet 6, and WinTrumpet---really work; such as I am trying to eventually find out, ere it's too late.

    We do not want to be at the mercy of servers and providers; but rather seek a fully IPV6 capable, and functional WIN 9x----!

    If I had millions, I would certainly provide support to those with the know how.

    I am optimistic though, that some very member from MSFN---will meet the challenge;

    who would have even thought that we would have 9x systems, modifiable to such excellent standards---only a few years back?!?!?

    I wish I knew exactly what goes into making a system such as 9x without IPV6 capability, fully IPV6 capable----patch wise, in an autonomous way.

  19. I found a free program at Softpedia, called IPConvert, which might just prove useful in this endeavor!

    It converts your IPV4 address into some long string of jargon with a lot of zeros and then numbers, which is supposed to be an IPV6 address. It's free, and it might prove useful in filling in those slots provided in the Toolnet6 prog that has to be filled in.

    Also, I executed that other toolnet6 file---95jpn.ex, and it gives some English instructions, plus something that looks like a dill file, that says system on it. So I copied it and put it in the Windows system folder. I clicked on it, and no thing seemed to happen, so I stuck it in the system folder, since it has system affixed to it's file name.

    I saw in these instructions that an EtherLink III card is mentioned quite a bit, so I just dug my old one out of the box and will install it.

    I will continue to work on this, and post the results if I am successful or not.

    Of course there is no IPV6 established where I am in this part of town, so it might be a waste of time; yet, if I can see the turtles "swimming"---not dancing, I will know it works.

    Any advice will be appreciated!

  20. OK then....

    Test machine is 98Se.

    Out of all the files I downloaded, I chose to experiment with The Toolnet6 download called

    95-j.exe-----which when opened becomes v6natman.exe

    which when clicked on opens a window called NAT Manager.

    On the left side of this window it says V6 IP address.

    On the right side it says V4 IP address.

    When you click on a menu box at the top, called new address, it opens a box

    that says add addresses at the top.

    Then V6 IP address, with a slot to type into.

    Then below that V4 IP address, with a slot to type into.

    And below that "comments" with a slot to type into.

    The instructions and help info, produce a box saying "language not supported"!

    Also, when I open the network box from the control panel, along with the usual listings, the

    last one is TC/IP- Ne2000 compatible---which my card indeed is, since this is an ancient Dell Machine.

    Now what?

    I have no clue as to what all this means, yet since the NAT Manager did indeed open up when the original file was clicked on, possibilities of a working IPV6 capability seem to be possible,

    if I knew what to do.

    Also, along with those Toolnet 6 down loads, was another file called 95 jpn.exe, which

    I did not execute yet; it perhaps being something used in conjunction with the first?

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