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Everything posted by sevenalive

  1. why would you want that, thats just crazy, it wont improve anything at all. no purpose what so ever
  2. hello can someone who knows registry scripts make me a script that when you run it, it changes the uihost to either energygreen.exe or energyblue.exe or and energysilver.exe not to randomize but have 3 seperate scripts, so people can choose which logonui they want. it would be helpful.
  3. i need the original logonui.exe files of spanish and french versions of windows xp Service pack 2 if anybody has one please reply or pm me i need the sevice pack 2 versions
  4. i am the creator of the logonui found in xpize beta 2. i have made a green version and a silver version as well Logonui energy silver Energy green Here you go!
  5. Thanks for the comment surren. I am the author of the logon You can check out my other mods and designsHere Good job xpero, im using the pack now
  6. i guess i didnt really notice but i have fixed the botton edges and flag. thank you simonsays for the info. http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/20840495/ same link as above
  7. [deleted]
  8. no that is the distortion from compression the screenshot and the jpg bitmaps hve the best quality but file sizes are large
  9. Windows automatically view Maganeta as transparent, this includes bitmaps and pngs, gifs to. Howwever in the logonui script, you need to specify what color is transparent, most defualts r magenta. You have to understand the script in order to have a proper working good looking and non buggy logonui.exe Your better off not changing the file formats. It does mess up the logonui.
  10. I have made the final version of my logonuis Energy Blue Energy Green Energy Silver I highly recommend for you to update to the final version, if you dont have them get them.
  11. The logon screen does support transparencys. BUT you cannot change the ile format. heres what you do examples transparent background background: argb(0,0,0,0) transparent images background: rcbmp(126,6,X,0,0,1,0) X is the #RRBBGG code (must have the #) Scripting is hard. - remember you can make Background: rgb (x,x,x) to Background: argb(x,x,x,x) Background: rcbmp(x,x,x,0,0,1,0) and visa-versa I have successfully comleted the best looking most pro looking bug free logonui. Themed to the Royale (Energy Blue) VS. Energy Blue logonui
  12. The best logon screen is mine! Seriously look Based on MCE2005, Its very Pro and has NO BUGS! get it! energy Blue logonui
  13. ok....mindows is in direct violation of copyright and eula terms. But seriously, you must have a bad computer if xp crashes and is slow. Xp w/ sp2 is fine add zone alarm security suite 6.0 and change active x controls in IE and your good 2 go. Firefox is not faster than ie, its impossible, ie is integrated, so it will always b the fastest. i used firefox, it does have some nice features but it doesnt compare 2 ie. ie 7.0 will blow firefox away. - trust me im on the build team! Features - RSS Intergration, Tabbed browsing, smarter and safer security, 256 bit encryption, alpha in png images. Firefox does not download faster or view pages faster, infact some of the sites i went to were layed out worg and messy compared to view them in ie. i know firefox is still in development. lol
  14. thats wrong. windows nt 4.0 windows 2000 (nt 5.0) Windows xp (nt 5.1) Windows vista (nt 6.0) NT Info start>run> type in winver. Windows xp is Windows 2002 windows server 2003 is dubbed windows 2003 right click on my computer and select properties or control panel>system
  15. Windows 1.0 Windows 2.0 Windows 3.0 Windows for workgroups 3.11 Windows 3.11 Windows NT Workstation 3.5 Windows 95 Windows NT Workstation 4.0 Windows 95b Windows 95c Windows 98 Windows 98SE Windows ME Windows 2000 Windows XP - home, pro, x64, mce2002, mce2003, mce2005, tablet Windows Vista WOW that is a lot of Windows. And that isnt including all server editions and CE and Embedded editions. Now lets learn from history - 98 to Me back to 2000 then to xp they got lucky on Xp, Its actually an alright name. aka. windows 2002. I think they should stick to dates!
  16. oh man, well the beta 1 will b out agaust 3rd. How do i become a beta tester. Ahh vista will still b buggs, although i used beta 1 n 2 of sp2 and never has any problems. but i can wait untill the release of vista. Windows 1.0 Windows 2.0 Windows 3.0 Windows for workgroups 3.11 Windows 3.11 Windows NT Workstation 3.5 Windows 95 Windows NT Workstation 4.0 Windows 95b Windows 95c Windows 98 Windows 98SE Windows ME Windows 2000 Windows XP - home, pro, x64, mce2002, mce2003, mce2005, tablet Windows Vista WOW that is a lot of Windows. And that isnt including all server editions and CE and Embedded editions. Now lets learn from history - 98 to Me back to 2000 then to xp they got lucky on Xp, Its actually an alright name. aka. windows 2002. I think they should stick to dates! So we dont get confused
  17. c
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