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Everything posted by 1chaoticadult

  1. @MtK Please use the search button before posting. Talked about in this threads: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...476&hl=java+sdk and http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=18677&hl= and http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=17803&hl=
  2. Do you have reg info you entered already?
  3. ftprush uses nsis installer so the switch would be /S.
  4. @Mazin I understand. I been keeping tabs of UltraISO registration. At one point you had to use a script (not too long ago) but with this version you can do both importing the reg info and the script.
  5. That's good mazin. I just import my registration info to the registry and it works fine. I would rather use an autoit script anyway if importing my reg file didn't work. I'm sure it will be helpful for some.
  6. You don't have to necessarily use CD.txt, I use WIN51IP.SP2 which works just like CD.txt doesn't.
  7. @Alpheratz13 There are only two switches I know /S and /W. The /S switch would make the autoit script not work properly except if you comment out the installation part and just the registration part of it. That's all I can tell you. Hope this helps.
  8. wrong place to post about the tweaks. should be in the unattended windows forum.
  9. @buletov, jquintino Kurt476 is trying to silent install avast3 not avast4. I already suggested he use avast4.
  10. @Alpheratz13 how do you silent install? What are u talking about the autoit script or this app? @crahak This is Easy CD-DA Extractor way of fooling you. I know about both the keys and only "ZsHqcOdc" is important.
  11. @Glowy It is a way to register and install silently for avast4 not avast3. Thats what everybody including me thought he was talking about.
  12. register this app and look for serial and name in the registry and export it to reg file.
  13. @ghofmann You have to set it longer than 30 days. And your welcome.
  14. Oh ok. Let me try some things and let you know what happens.
  15. @MCT What resource hacker did you use to try using on 7-zip? Where are the icons you are trying to use? Maybe I can try hacking the exe.
  16. There are no switches for this. You must use a script. This has been talked about before. Next time use search. Talked about before here: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...32&hl=TrueImage
  17. @crahak xvid uses inno setup from koepi.org. I don't know which one u are talking about and where u got yours but mines is a inno setup and uses /VERYSILENT or /SILENT as mentioned in this thread earlier.
  18. @crahak Yea I don't know what's wrong. Doesn't matter anymore because I just made a custom install using inno setup anyway and everything is ok.
  19. Yea something is conflicting with it, MCT.
  20. These commands don't seem to work for me on 7-Zip 4.10 Beta. It keeps saying Command line option syntax error.
  21. As far as the desktop icon create a shortcut on your pc and then copy the shortcut to one of the directories explained here: http://unattended.msfn.org/xp/oemfolders.htm
  22. There is no retail version. The retail version would be the setup and the key you got from the author. The corp version isn't really a corp version just to let you know.
  23. @DLF try deleting the registration key for isobuster, put your reg key in isobuster but use regsnap or regshot to monitor where reg key goes in the registry.
  24. @edbro Registration for winrar is not in the registry. So you need your rarkey.rar
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