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Everything posted by ajua

  1. While I use Outlook 2007, Window Live Mail is a great e-mail client. I don't see any need for Windows Mail in Windows 7, as most people install Messenger and other Live apps. However, your instructions may help people interested in Windows Mail.
  2. I just tried on my desktop which has Windows 7 x64 and it works well. I made some shortcuts and some folders without a problem. Make sure you are using the latest version of Free Launch Bar. It could be some other application interfering with it perhaps.
  3. Have you tried other application for mounting your images? Like Alcohol 52%, DVDFab Virtual Drive or Gizmo Drive? I make a custom installer for UltraISO for using in unattended installations and it works great. However, I prefer Alcohol and I disable UltraISO drive. Try making more than one virtual drive to see if all fail to read your images.
  4. Have you tried to install SPTD drivers? They are used by many mounting apps. To rule out any conflicting application, try to install Windows and only a mounting program like Alcohol, UltraISO, etc and see if the virtual drive works. I use Alcohol 52% and always install SPTD in my unattended installations.
  5. I use WAMP and I don't have that problem. Are you using the latest version? Also try to stop all the serives like MySQL, Apache, etc and see if you can create/rename folders in their path. Look for hidden files/folders there too. Another thing you can try is to install it to a different path and see if that solves it.
  6. I tried Free Launch Bar when Windows 7 was released and it worked. At least in the 32-bit version. It has been a long time since I installed it on my laptop, but maybe it is a problem on your computer. Have you tried to reinstall it? Maybe you are on a non-admin account?
  7. ajua

    Windows 7 FTP

    I don't like its interface. But thanks for telling us about it. For a free FTP application, nothing beats FileZilla yet.
  8. The new installers for are ready for download.
  9. ajua


    There's an application called Open++. It can add as many entries as you want to your context menu. There are only a few default entries like copy path, command prompt or register dll but you can customize it with external programs of your choice. It has a version for Windows x64 too. I can't recommend it enough. It's one of my favorite apps.
  10. The latest and just aggravate the previous with the app not remembering the columns state. I will hold my MSI installer until the developers solve that. Also, I hope they implement a way to show/hide columns. A basic setting every app with columns must have nowadays.
  11. I make installers of my own in MSI format. I have the latest stable and Beta versions. It also includes 7-Zip Archive Splitter, which is useful to decompile SFX made with 7-Zip. To install it silently just use /qb /norestart parameters. Link is on my signature.
  12. Have you tried setting the language via registry after you install it?
  13. James, you can make your addon or SFX installer by grabbing all the files from Program Files folder, User\AppData\Local and ProgramData (allusers\application data). For the settings and registration, export the registry entries from the key HKCU\Software\Poikosoft and HKLM\Software\Poikosoft. There are no files to register and other settings. I would share the installer but it's not mine , I made it for a friend. Hope this helps.
  14. I use Setupcomplete.cmd to run tweaks and other scripts. My applications are being installed via FirstLogonCommands. This way I don't need to mount the WIM image every time I update some application or setup.
  15. I can't remember now, but I think a different folder can be used to place driver in the root of your media. Something like $Drivers$, but I'm not sure. Have you read the WAIK documentation regarding OEM folder and drivers?
  16. You could avoid OEM folders (for the sake of saving installation time) and place SetupComple.cmd inside a Scripts folder (make one) inside your WIM image in Windows directory.
  17. Declaring them with two %% and using in the commands with only 1 % works fine for me. I'm not sure but I think it is being run via the Run command.
  18. I'm not an expert an AutoIT but I've some scripts using the recorder and just keyboard keys. Regarding the mouse recording, It could prove difficult when using different resolutions. My advice is you avoid it. Stick to record using only your keyboard. The Java Runtime Environment (Java JRE, which is most people needs) can be installed using switches and it doesn't install Yahoo! toolbar at all. I use the following parameters: /passive AUTOUPDATECHECK=0 JAVAUPDATE=0 MOZILLA=1 SYSTRAY=0 To use Setupcomplete.cmd you just need to create the file inside a Scripts (you need to make it) folder in Windows folder inside the WIM image. However, I recommend you use it for things that don't change much because you will need to moun/unmaount your image if you change just a little thing in that file everytime. Better, use FirstLogonCommands in you XML file. Read about it in the WAIK documentation.
  19. lol
  20. Maybe iTunes doesn't know how to handle a different installation path for Mobile Device Support.
  21. No, it does not start it as per my original post. Well, then you need to use the original iTunes installer. No one has reported problems when using my installers and installing Mobile Device Support separately.
  22. Maybe they changed the registration data to somewhere else. A few versions ago they were storing it in the registry as I said. Sorry I can't be of more assistance to you.
  23. I see your point, but I think that the majority of users have iPods and not iPhones. Having said that, you can sitill use my installer and install Mobile Device Support and set the service to manual to see if iTunes starts it. Just browse the installer file with 7-Zip and right-click on it. Then select Open Inside and you should be able to see the contents of my file. After that, you can extract the file(s) you want by drag&drop and using the Extract button. I tested with 7-Zip 4.65, BTW.
  24. It may be related to drivers from ATI or Nvidia. Using apps like Fraps worked very well. However, not all games are affected. I had only one game with this problem.
  25. Perhaps it's good enough. But it's so darn difficult to even come close to configuring it. I have yet to figure out what it all means in the configuration. Not to mention that it's a workout trying to find the settings. It's really for IT pros and not the casual home user. I use Comodo Firewall because I understand it. I actually have both Windows Firewall and Comodo active at same time. Never had a problem. (As a matter of fact, installing Comodo does not deactivate Windows Firewall so I just happen to run both.) People say not to run two at same time but I can't find any concrete negative effects of running both. Maybe you can have some network latency issues with both runnning and scanning traffic. That is if you use bandwidth-intensive devices/applications. I have been a Kaspersky users from many years. Although I try security software from each time companies release new versions, I have always come back to Kaspersky Internet Security.They already have a Windows 7-supported version of KIS and KAV. Version While all the technical previews and even the official releases worked fine, this latest version improved its performance quite a bit. For people that has no intention to pay for solutions, I found Microsoft Security Essentials good enough and has very little footprint. However, its effectiveness remains to be seen. We will find more as more users start to use it. About Windows Firewall, I agree that its configuration its really a PITA for users to tweak it often. I haven't tried some application (can't remember the name) that controls Windows Firewall and allows you to configure rules or applications in a much user-friendly way.
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