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Everything posted by Ralin

  1. That did not work here. Using SELECT_WORD etc. did work however. It appears that the feature you can use REMOVE on is in the features-tab of ORCA, I successfully installed using this line: start "" /wait "openofficeorg30.msi" /passive ALLUSERS=1 SELECT_WORD=0 SELECT_EXCEL=0 SELECT_POWERPOINT=0 ADDLOCAL=ALL REMOVE=gm_o_Quickstart This removes the quickstarter and sets microsoft office to the default application for its files. I'm still stuck on dictionaries though, I used to have a SFX for extracting the files to "%ProgramFiles%\OpenOffice.org 2.4\share\dict\ooo\" That doesn't seem to do the trick anymore. Apparently, this one should do the trick for extensions. But the extensions are oxt, and dictionaryes is in .zip http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/D...tensions/unopkg
  2. One thing I noticed is that it defaults to be preferred browser now, it didn't do that before
  3. Anyone know if theres been any changes that do US (as in application repackers/whatever we are) a favour?
  4. you can use a script to simply "del %AllUsersProfile%\Start-Meny\Programs\Outlook Express.lnk" ?
  5. Norwegian: http://au.download.windowsupdate.com/msdow...b4d753260fb.exe
  6. Am I the only one getting problems with updates after using these switches? I'm running: avg_free_stf_en_8_100a1295.exe/HIDE /NO_WELCOME /NOAVGTOOLBAR /DONT_START_APPS /REMOVE_FEATURE fea_AVG_SafeSurf /REMOVE_FEATURE fea_AVG_SafeSearch and it installs fine, but when I open the program later it says: "Database update is disabled" under "Update Manager"
  7. Another word: nLite! Just integrate the file with nLite, easy quick and painless :-)
  8. http://www.truecrypt.org/docs/?s=traveler-mode Edit: After testing this now, Traveller mode does not support encryption of system partition.
  9. So I should change and mofify both those places, but the User Shell Folders instead? At what time would I apply these settings? Just before I copy the user profile to Default User? Is the attached reg-file correct? (ignore the localised words of course) Maybe its just late, maybe I'm stupid - I was sure this would be a walk in the park to figure out but I was so wrong edit: and yeah, the reg keys are REG_EXPAND_SZ according to regedit edit2: Thanks to my curiosity and the fact that I had never heard that REG_EXPAND_SZ had any specific meaning I googled it and found this: http://helpnet.macrovision.com/robo/projec...istryExpand.htm Thanks to that I now know that the previously posted reg-file is incorrect! But I didn't quite understand how I would input the correct variables in the reg-file, so I'm not sure what I'm supposed to edit it to? The exported result of registry entries with variables just give me hex-output Is there a way to input it in clear-text or do I have to export the correct entries in hex / use REG.EXE to import it? mydocuments.reg
  10. Is there a way to change the default location for My Documents to reside on another partition? I want to change the default location to my documents for new profiles to be D:\%UserName%\My Documents. I have tried changing [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders] and [HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders] But they dont support variables (namely the %username%-variable) so I'm still lost to how to attack this. The idea is to create different folders for my documents on the D-drive for automatic synchronization via Allway Sync later on.
  11. If you ever look into making an installer similarly to Tomcat76 this script does the dirty-work of moving and deleting the correct files @echo off title DarkShadows .NET 3.5, 3.0 SP1, 2.0 SP1 installer if not exist dotnetfx35.exe echo You dont have dotnetfx35.exe in this directory!&PAUSE&EXIT dotnetfx35.exe /X:TEMP /quiet xcopy Temp\wcu\dotNetFramework\*.* Temp\ /S RD /S /Q Temp\wcu\ DEL Temp\dotNetFX20\*64*.* DEL Temp\dotNetFX30\*64*.* DEL Temp\dotNetFX35\*64*.* RD /S /Q Temp\dotNetFX30\x64 RD /S /Q Temp\dotNetFX35\x64 RD /S /Q Temp\dotNetFX35\ia64 RD /S /Q Temp\dotNetMSP\x64
  12. Can you please reupload it? Its not there anymore
  13. am I the only one who can't see an attachment?
  14. after step 1, enable automatic login using this information: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/315231 before step 4, disable it again by deleting the keys
  15. a fast one would be to use shortcut.exe just a quick thingy, you might look into µtorrent as an alternative, much ligther and with the same functionality (and its dead-east to install silent, as it doesn't need an install )
  16. can anyone put up screenies of the skins etc? Too lazy to download
  17. wild guess, but I don't think he wants random names... Can't think of another, easy, way of doing it though...
  18. "net help share" That command should give you some pointers on shared folders. Also, for workgroup use Winnt.sif ?
  19. %UserProfile%\SendTo (In my case its C:\Documents and Settings\Ralin\SendTo )
  20. NEW - DAEMON Tools V4.0.8 RELEASED! Dear Community, we're proud to release a new DaemonTools version, V4.0.8 This version also includes a new SPTD (V1.37) Changelog: This new version supports silent setup now. Example: daemon408-x86.exe /S /D=F:\Some Folder\ Note that no quotes must be used in installation path even if name has spaces. All critical errros will be still displayed no matter silent or not. Case of parameters is important, eg. /s will not work. Reboot prompt will not be shown. If SPTD was not present then it will be silently installed but PC will not be rebooted - it is assumed the administrator who performs unattended install will take care of reboot and restarts DT setup after reboot in this case. It is best first to use standalone SPTD installer and install it silently this way: sptdinst-x86.exe add /q Note: SPTD 1.37 will not display debugger warning dialog anymore. They left this info in EULA only as this message confuses many users and also not "silent setup friendly". Standalone SPTD 1.37 installer is released by Duplex Secure officially and can be obtained at their website http://www.duplexsecure.com Also fixed: alot of Installation problems (f.e. invalid device, prob 12 etc). SPTD 1.37 fixes also problem reported with virtual drive from InterVideo DVD Copy 5. from: http://www.daemon-tools.cc/dtcc/announcements.php Just released from developers edit: typo's
  21. this is an ugly one: @echo off steaminstall.exe /S taskkill /IM steam.exe /F
  22. site is down, cant download it edit: can someone upload is elsewhere?
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