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Everything posted by rjz

  1. I used to use win me. But when MS didn't issue any service packs or updates I went to 2k and xp. Why did MS do this? Me looked good.
  2. For the icons they are stuck in the admin account only. Move them from the docs and settings admin to the one in there that is all users or yours. Check for documents, quick launch, and desktop. Any others you want to.
  3. If you are admin you can take ownership of the folder then reaplly the permissions.
  4. I think you have to do product activation over the phone. It's done by a computer voice.
  5. A repair from the windows cd with the inf file might have worked. If IE wasn't listed in add remove.
  6. This procedure might work but, it also might make you fail to boot. If you go back into device manager go and upgrade the driver of standard computer. When doing the update go to the selection list and do acpi. You will need the cabs directory or the windows cd for this. Good luck. Backup 1st.
  7. We get Sav 9.0.2 for free. The others might be good to but, I am not allowed to change tot hem. We used to y=use the other major comany one. But they lost the VT contract.
  8. Is acpi listed in device manager or is it standard computer?
  9. Try to download the full ie 6 after a reboot. You want the full files.
  10. Thanks for the reply. That was a good answer.
  11. Good but that's only for 2 types. Is there any other place to check. What type of list would I try to search in google for? This is a good question for av guys.
  12. They are ok. I like Avril better.
  13. Don't use the consumer version. Symantec AV 9 corp is better. What does your event viewer have listed if anything. Are you set to auto start in your system properties after failure?
  14. That should work if it doesn't turn it on in your power options in the control pnael. It would be under apm. Do you have a good bios version?
  15. I don;t know to much about this. But, I might be able to put you to several places that would help. Let me know with a post or even an email or pm.
  16. I miss Leo and Laura. I liked all of the old staff. I miss zdtv. G4 is crap compaared to zdtv. Thanks a lot comcast.
  17. English and some computer geek only stuff
  18. I used to have one from VT. But they dont't to tech net anymore.
  19. rjz

    Bill Gates

    Give me a job and all of your money and a small country
  20. I am pretty sure that the 1st release og 98 was real bad for usb managment and power managment for devices. So most normal devices requre se. Look at the website for the device or even email the tech support. You could also try special sp. If you were to use 2000 or xp can your stuff not work in compatabilty mode?
  21. Also lock the file by putting both values the same. The max should also be the min. 512, 768 or 1 gig.
  22. Don't forget to clear out your temp files and cookies? Double check your security and cookie settings. Last firewall.
  23. gaffers tape is better! Welcome to the forum
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