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Everything posted by WULover

  1. @LonghornXP Is it a problem for u if I host Windows Update on my site? And Windows Update v3 italian is working?
  2. Here are the two modified pages: https://download.overrender.com/content/software/other/wu/WUP4_1stand2ndpages.zip
  3. I did some upgrades to the v4 site, then the owner just have to upload the new pages on the server.
  4. It seems that the file is missing. I will contact the creator
  5. Il have some pages on https://update.overrender.com/old/windowsupdate.aspx There are others versions of Windows Update on it.
  6. you can host them on IIS, but you need a domain name and an IP address to access your website from anywhere. Here are the files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dFiqqqYQOOHA_Q1kcpI5b_PGQF4IXy60/view We need to translate them in some languages (english, spanish, french and keep italian) Enjoy! Note: I'm not the author of these pages.
  7. Whaaaat? Beautiful to see ! I have the files for Microsoft Windows Update v3, but in italian, and I'm french...
  8. I can't update my Windows 98 laptop, and older releases of Windows Update (v3) aren't showing anything...
  9. Who is this person? It's my problem too, I can't find a release that detect and show me updates...
  10. Is it possible to get Windows Update v4 working from archive.org release? And, when I go to Windows Update, I click on "Change settings", and click on "Windows Update Home" in the sidebar, IE change the encoding of the Homepage of WU. It's not normal, i've never had this problem in the past...
  11. I know, sorry... But the trick at the top of the page isn't working, it redirect me to fe2.update.microsoft.com on XP and give me an error on 2000.
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