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Win95rtm last won the day on February 15 2022

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About Win95rtm

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  1. thanks, helped me a lot, i want to use sse on l5408 cpu
  2. Download link in post this http://roy.dnsd.me/nt4sse.zip
  3. It would be great if someone could port the newer chrome to win98
  4. I found that the firefox working on Windows98 is different from that on win10. Even if firfox42 is used on 98, it cannot be loaded, while win10 can be easily loaded with firefox42.
  5. Dude, it's not that I don't want to send English, but edge translated the English I entered into Chinese, and I didn't pay attention to it. I understand these rules.
  6. Before the browser had a little problem, it automatically translated into Chinese, now how about this project
  7. Oh, I'm sorry, I was originally in English, this edge translated it for me Chinese and sent it
  8. Oh, I'm sorry, I was originally in English, this edge translated it for me Chinese and sent it
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