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Humming Owl

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Everything posted by Humming Owl

  1. AFAIK those are normal connections the browser does, I remember having those as well on the Ungoogled Chromium build I tested. I wasn't able to eliminate them unfortunately, but they seem to be for some of check or something like that (I can't tell what they do to be honest). Maybe others can tell the purpose of those. https://ipinfo.io/ --> Cloudflare https://ipinfo.io/ --> Fastly https://ipinfo.io/ --> ReliableSite.Net LLC Also, they usually occur when the browser is fetching information from a website you are accesing (they would appear when any extenal connection is made).
  2. No, I provided a package called MiniBrowser_Rebase.7z for that. Your welcome.
  3. I never said this was portable (whatever that word means in regards to that matter) it is only a package in which the important browser files are so you only need an usual decompressor to get the files and avoid an installation process. The user data folder can be set up on any path you want using the --user-data-dir flag when the browser launchs. Probably because the website uses JS for its normal functions. It will assume that a browser that blocks/can't process JS files to be IE (but that's a guess on my point of view). I think it is the default thing on all browsers, you can set the setting as you want after the first launch. Nah, I don't know how to modify the looks of the interface. However, I think you can test installing theme extensions from the webstore. I remember installing a dark one but it didn't look pretty.
  4. Done. You can change the default language DCBrowser has on the settings page.
  5. This will sound very weird, but can you try the one tagged for XP x64 bits? I renamed that same function in that release to be able to make it open on XP x64 bits (if it doesn't do the trick maybe there needs to be more function renaming). Check the last line of my "changelog" of the browser: https://ia802303.us.archive.org/28/items/360EE_Modified_Version/MiniBrowser_1.0.0.121_XPx64_Modified_Notes.txt Cheers.
  6. I have not removed the Chinese language package on Minibrowser. I did on DCBrowser, I you want I can put it again or share the PAK file through here.
  7. - Moved all edited browsers to the Internet Archive (hope the platform exists forever). - Created simple lanchers for each browser (BATCH) (they have to be put in the same place the executable of the browser is to work). - Created a rebase BATCH script for each browser (only for the main DLLs of the browser like chrome.dll and/or chrome_child.dll). The "rebase" folder has to be on the same place the executable of the browser is and then you can execute the "rebase.bat" file inside that folder). All files can be seen easily here --> https://archive.org/download/360EE_Modified_Version Cheers.
  8. I don't think it exists a true Ungoogled Chromium to be honest. Chromium comes from Google so its basically a weird word combination. But basically google URL edits on the browser files do the trick to mimic what an Ungoogled experience might be.
  9. Because of not being able to download extensions directly from the webstore. There are also some other google URL edits as well so the browser does not communicate a lot with google (mostly at browser startup).
  10. Ungoogled in this build only means that the main function to download extensions directly from the webstore is disabled. Just a simple URL edit on the resources.pak file of the browser.
  11. Yes. In fact I found no other external connections being made by the browser other than the normal ones (compared with an Windows 7 Ungoogled Chromium build) when fetching some usual websites. I always said that if someone find another weird connection, that please report it inmediately (with some logs or stuff like that). I have not received any report of that kind in like a whole year (if I am wrong with the timelapse please someone correct me) of these modified browsers being available for public. I do believe it is safe to use as it is basically a Chromium build with some superficial stuff done by the chinese company that created it. The protocols and basic functions of a basic Chromium must be the same as with this browser. At least that's what I believe. I have used it on banking sites and mail. Either way you can choose not to use it if you feel uncorfortable with it. Mini Browser and DC Browser were browsers very easy to modify because they weren't so much bloated than 360EE, if I had to say which is the most pure Chromium build I would go with those 2. I also find that happening on 360EE, as for a way to avoid the issue, I don't know anything I am afraid. The only thing I can think off is by running the browser with custom arguments (flags) but I don't know which of those can help in the issue. Sorry if I can't get a concise answer but that is because there is always some kind of uncertainty (I don't know how to program so I can't completely demonstrate the stuff I say, however I started learning C as I feel it is cool ). Time is the only one that will say if my work was good or bad and so far I believe its good. Cheers.
  12. Regarding the rebasing of the DLL files of the browsers I think I am going to share a script to rebase the files automatically rather than updating the browser files that are in the Internet Archive. I haven't got like very different results on rebasing the DLLs so I feel like this has to be a user choice. I am also holding in doing anything because that would mean updating a lot of files (my internet is relatively fast but it isn't cheap ). I will move Mini Browser and the older DC Browser into the Internet Archive as well and plan on doing launchers for Mini Browser and 360EE (I don't think MediaFire is good for long term downloads). Just to let you know! Cheers.
  13. I usually use the same flags on all Chromium based browsers, but it is not because I know what they do exactly they are: --disable-webgl (if the computer is very old) --disable-logging --no-default-browser-check --disable-component-update --disable-background-networking and disabling smooth scrolling just because I don't like it at all. Cheers.
  14. I actually thought (as I've seen how much knowledge you have in JS and in browsers stuff/components in general) that you checked its JS engine or something like that and discovered it was a faked Chromium 75 (IIRC it has happened with some Chromium browsers that they are disguised as newer versions but they are in reality an older version).
  15. No idea what these are Can't do that, the first reason being because I don't know how and also because I believe it is hardcoded. You should be able to change the default search engine on the settings of the browser. AFAIK, I thought it was based on Chromium 75
  16. Updated DCBrowser: - Applied delcert and libase to several DLLs and to the EXE file (detailed list on TXT file). - Added a custom launcher for DCB (BATCH file for the browser) (needs to be in the same place the "DcBrowser.exe" is). - Changed location of DCB download (Now Internet Archive) Download --> https://archive.org/download/360EE_Modified_Version Regarding the launcher ("DCB-Launcher.bat"), it forces the browser to create the user data folder in the same place as the executable of the program, if you don't want this you can easily remove the flag "--user-data-dir" in the launcher. The launcher is a separate download. This is also a test, if it works well for the people using this browser I will do it to the rest of the browsers I share. I want to know if everything goes well. Cheers.
  17. Has someone tested rebasing the DLLs of these browsers (using the method told by @UCyborg) and then experience a lower memory consumption? I've been testing a bit but I get almost the same memory being used by the browsers after rebasing the DLLs and the EXE file of the browser. Don't know if it is due to my XP not being fully updated or something like that. Also, in some browsers (I don't remember which at the moment) modifying the "chrome_elf.dll" file results in the browser not opening (it shows a warning instead that the browser might have a trojan - basically me heh). Cheers.
  18. Sure. If it reduces memory consumption and does not affect the browser general use I will update all browsers with it.
  19. @UCyborg Could that method result in a person not being able to execute the browser by any chance? If it is safe, I will also include it with my stuff as well. Thanks for sharing! Cheers.
  20. I forgot to mention that I believe this BAT file can be used with any Chromium-based browser (As I think user data folders on them are similar). You would have to edit it so the executable and the user data folder of the browser match the ones of the browser you are using.
  21. Nah, you are not the only one. I can't run anything greater than 360EE 11 on my Dell Inspiron 600m. I prefer to use v9 on it.
  22. In relation to the post made by @dmiranda on page 11 on AF's 360EE version shared (I am lazy to link the exact comment), I've made a little BAT file to execute the browser (it has to be on the same folder as the "360chrome.exe" file to work). Due to all the files this browser makes I thought it would be a good idea to write this kind of script to remove files after browser execution (it also removes 2 registry entries that the browser creates when executed, they can be seen at the end of the code). I tested it a little so I don't know if any files I set to be deleted are actually important. Some of you might already know which files are preferrable to be deleted so if you want to share which can be, then, that would be great (as well as registry entries created by the browser). I set it up so in case you run the browser with a custom profile folder you just change the "profile" variable to whatever that profile is. To avoid the CMD window poping on screen everytime you run it you can follow these steps (post #5) (the CMD window will still exist but minimized by default) Cheers. @echo off :: ======================================= :: run "360chrome.exe" file with arguments :: ======================================= 360chrome.exe --disable-component-update :: ======================================================= :: files and folders to be deleted after browser execution :: ======================================================= cd ".\User Data" :: folders rmdir "ShaderCache" /S /Q rmdir "Webstore Downloads" /S /Q rmdir "temp" /S /Q rmdir "PnaclTranslationCache" /S /Q :: files del *.log del mconfig :: Set "profile" folder set profile=Default :: Inside "profile" folder profile del "%profile%\*.tmp" del "%profile%\*.ldb" del "%profile%\*.log" del "%profile%\360Bookmarks" del "%profile%\Google Profile.ico" del "%profile%\heavy_ad_intervention_opt_out.db" del "%profile%\*-journal" del "%profile%\LOCK" del "%profile%\LOG*" del "%profile%\MANIFEST*" del "%profile%\README" del "%profile%\Secure Preferences" del "%profile%\Shortcuts" del "%profile%\Sync360_V8.sqlite3" del "%profile%\TransportSecurity" del "%profile%\Visited Links" del "%profile%\Web Data" del "%profile%\CURRENT" del "%profile%\Network Action Predictor" del "%profile%\Network Persistent State" del "%profile%\QuotaManager" del "%profile%\Top Sites" del "%profile%\previews_opt_out.db" del "%profile%\History Provider Cache" rmdir "%profile%\AutofillStrikeDatabase" /S /Q rmdir "%profile%\blob_storage" /S /Q rmdir "%profile%\DailyBackup" /S /Q rmdir "%profile%\data_reduction_proxy_leveldb" /S /Q rmdir "%profile%\databases" /S /Q rmdir "%profile%\Extension Rules" /S /Q rmdir "%profile%\Extension State" /S /Q rmdir "%profile%\Feature Engagement Tracker" /S /Q rmdir "%profile%\File System" /S /Q rmdir "%profile%\GPUCache" /S /Q rmdir "%profile%\IndexedDB" /S /Q rmdir "%profile%\Platform Notifications" /S /Q rmdir "%profile%\Service Worker" /S /Q rmdir "%profile%\shared_proto_db" /S /Q rmdir "%profile%\Site Characteristics Database" /S /Q rmdir "%profile%\VideoDecodeStats" /S /Q rmdir "%profile%\Extensions\Temp" /S /Q rmdir "%profile%\Session Storage" /S /Q rmdir "%profile%\Download Service" /S /Q rmdir "%profile%\Thumbnails" /S /Q :: ====================================================== :: Registry entries to be deleted after browser execution :: ====================================================== reg delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\360" /f reg delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\360Chrome" /f
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