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Everything posted by NotHereToPlayGames

  1. I don't recall, to be honest. I didn't try on a non-server OS at the time. But I don't really recall the server OS really "doing" anything that non-server OS was capable of.
  2. Working for me. But a d@mn annoying web site, if you ask me! Page transitions that remind me of the days that web designers thought <marquee> was cool - it wasn't!
  3. I'm not a Facebook user so can only guess. Based on your screencap versus Dave's screencap, what happens if you click the blue-circle "f" in the upper left corner? It looks like Dave's is "expanded" and yours is "collapsed".
  4. What are your "common denominators"? uBO? Hosts file? Antivirus program? Firewall settings?
  5. I'm talking strictly XP and I think my 36 and 6 "guesses" are actually TOO HIGH of an estimate. What numbers would you put it at?
  6. Thanks indeed. We do have some very helpful members here at MSFN that spend a great deal of time in assisting with enquiries. Unfortunately, we also have a growingly large number of members that will call those helpful posts long-winded or refer to them as A4. Guess we just have to take the good with the bad and learn to live and let live. Or something like that...
  7. Perhaps you over-estimate the intersection. Facebook Users = 2.9 Billion MSFN Members = roughly 36 360Chrome Users = roughly 6
  8. And what a nightmare IMDB is when you allow advertisements! Holy Crap, I was having flashbacks of the days when you opened a web page and 5 pop-ups and 20 pop-unders hit the screen!
  9. I have non-uBO ad-blocks and IMDB loads within 4 seconds when they're enabled. The only way for me to perform a true apples-to-apples comparison for Kafan is to compare out-of-the-box Kafan with out-of-the-box 360Chrome. No extensions (except Page Load Timer) that would tilt either one in their favor. Wouldn't have been "fair" for me to report that IMDB took 40 seconds in Kafan but only 4 seconds in my non-uBO ad-block'd 360Chrome. I also "refuse" to run any browser other than the ones that I personally tweak on my host OS. So the above comparison is Kafan and 360Chrome ran within a 2MB RAM XP VM.
  10. The page load timer extension has a fixed "rule" that triggers when the stopwatch's "stop" is clicked. The dynamic loading process has to have a defined "stop" - for IMDB it appears to be just at the moment that the preview video starts playing. It offers at least SOME form of quantitative measurement. Repeatable measurement. I just have a very big Pet Peeve against "gut feeling" types of claims. I'm an Engineer. Show me actual DATA. Numbers never lie. Unless you're in the field of Statistics and know how to "rig" your 'data', lol.
  11. But if you read that, you will find this line -- to be short i tweaked it so I could use Paranoid mode without much hassle I would not rely on that "review" because he "tweaked it" and therefore BROKE IT. I'm all for "tweaking" software, I do it myself, but I don't turn around and blame the OEM when my "tweaked versions" isn't performing correctly.
  12. I remember that Opera used to have its own rendering setting where it defaulted to several seconds but had an option to select "instantly". In other news, after running Kafan for several hours and truly trying to not be biased, I have to report a resounding "dislike" for Kafan.
  13. No disrespect, but "no, they did not". Visual appearances of rendering may be "instant", but that does not equate to the page loading "instantly". When does the stop watch begin? When does the stopwatch end? I let a "page load timer" extension be that stopwatch - it's the blue number in the upper right corner of my screencaps. But even if we resort to the Network Tab of Dev Tools, you have to define when the stop watch is "started" and when it is "stopped". But NOTHING loads "instantly". Not even a direct fiber optic line between you and the server.
  14. But Kafan won by 3.2 seconds for The Godfather. But good God Father, who waits 45 seconds for a page to load!? Generally speaking - not me!
  15. I wasn't technically talking to you in particular. More of as a generality. I get the opposite on IMDB - which is just plain slow no matter what browser you use (strictly talking XP). 360Chrome loads The Shawshank Redemption in 20.4 seconds. Kafan took 37.7 seconds to load The Shaswhank Redemption.
  16. I am a bit biased, of course, but I see zero reason why anybody would use Kafan's v87 over 360Chrome's v86. ZERO. Okay, "dark mode" is a very very tiny reason. But of no use to me personally. But of course the following applies - My experience, mileage may vary - only one YouTube tab and the audio is very very very CHOPPY on Kafan and gobbles up way more RAM than 360Chrome and NO CHOPPINESS on 360Chrome. Kafan with one YouTube tab = 519 MB RAM !!! 360Chrome with one YouTube tab = 426 MB RAM - 18% Lower! edit - had to delete profile attachments, ran out of room
  17. Just loaded Kafan into a VM and wow, that is annoying and I couldn't find a way to fix it either.
  18. I used Server 2003 for several years. I ran it as a media server that I could log into from work. Whatever channel the TV was on was fed into a TV Tuner Card's A/V inputs and I could log into it from my office computer. I couldn't change the TV channel from work, but I would literally watch my home cable TV from my office computer. It sat in the corner of the closet like any "server" and more often that not didn't even have a monitor attached to it. But since it was just a "home computer" on a home account, it would also email my work email its IP Addresss every morning so that I knew what address to log into. Does that qualify as "normal everyday tasks"?
  19. And "personal preferences" totally and completely aside, have you ever encountered ANY web site that Kafan (v87) can render that 360Chrome (v86) cannot render?
  20. Well, don't tell the local enforcers... My department's office "core hours" were always considered to be 8am to 4pm with most arriving between 7 and 8 and leaving between 4 and 5 depending on their lunch. That was before the "pundemic" (no, I didn't mispell it, that's what I call "those years"). After the "pundemic", we have several departments working "hybrid" hours - ie, they still work remote from home despite the many negatives that this causes with project planning and only come into the office when "they deem necessary". So now those that do not do any of our time "remotely" just make up our own hours, most never arrive to the office until 10am but also don't leave until 7pm. Being the nonconformist that I am and "early to bed, early to rise", I'll start my day anywwhere between 3am and 5am then leave anywhere between 2pm and 4pm - and get three times the amount of work done without the daily "distractions". But with that comes a very unique driving experience for that 3am to 5am morning commute - I'll stop, look both ways, see nothing but darkness, and coast right through that red light. Shh... Don't tell the local enforcers...
  21. Did you try Serpent 52 or Serpent 55? This is exactly where I was roughly 3 to 4 years ago. I was using New Moon 27 and my Chase Credit Card would no longer work - I closed that account because I strongly disproved of a bank telling me what web browser to use! But it didn't stop there. Roughly 2 to 3 years ago, my Water Bill utility payment web site would no longer work - I was forced to change web browser because water and electric and gas are basically MONOPOLIES, I only have ONE company to pick from. NONE of the web browsers in this thread would work - I was forced to drop Firefox-based browsers and use Chrome-based browsers instead. It may be very likely that you simply cannot get NM28 to work and you may have to consider moving to Chrome-based, at least for that particular web site. On what Operating System?
  22. They also both deny access to anyone not "fingerprinted" by Cloudflare.
  23. Disable any extension like uBO that has any list being updated without you knowing precisely what was updated in said lists. No guarantees as I do not use Facebook. Both cancelBubble and querySelectorAll has been supported by Chrome since version 4 (not a typo, version FOUR) - https://caniuse.com/mdn-api_event_cancelbubble and https://caniuse.com/queryselector
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