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Everything posted by Major

  1. I think that Acheron has put all things easy to do in his webpage. I have done myself the spanish version.
  2. Yes, use Option A (creating an MSP) to customize the components you want. @prathapml, Is there any possibility to customize the components using the option B (Config.xml) as you have suggested is the best method? Thanks
  3. Hi, would anyone please explain me how can we disable some options in excel because i only see one option for EXCEL in the config.xml posted in the first post and in the program of my friend has a little of instances. Here is the pic what he wants:
  4. I get it worked replacing the file "iernonce.dll", the only problem is, when i launch internet explorer, it appears the page of the configuration again, it seems that has been cleared only two tweaks, then i create a new file named: ExtraCleanUp.cmd, the process is the following I extracted IE7.exe and I extracted also KB928090.exe, then i copied the file "iernonce.dll" from the extracted KB928090.exe to the the extracted IE7.exe (overwrite it). Finally i repacked again the extracted IE7.exe with winrar: Setup=update\iesetup.exe /quiet /update-no /nobackup /norestart TempMode Silent=1 Overwrite=1 Title=Internet Explorer 7 I have installed IE7 via SVCPACK.inf and the hotfixes KB928090, KB929969 via RunOnceEx. I have to apply only two tweaks via the file "ExtraCleanUp.cmd" that first must be copied from the file CleanUp.cmd. The idea is to apply the two tweaks when it is rebooted during the 2 minutes. CleanUp.cmd cmdow @ /HID @echo off shutdown.exe -r -f -t 120 -c "Windows XP se reiniciara en dos minutos" net user aspnet /delete COPY "%SystemDrive%\install\ExtraCleanUp.cmd" "%UserProfile%\Men£ Inicio\Programas\Inicio\" ExtraCleanUp.cmd cmdow @ /HID @echo off SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Limpiando" /f REG ADD %KEY%42 /VE /D "Limpiando Ficheros" /f REG ADD %KEY%42 /V 1 /D "REGEDIT /S %SystemDrive%\install\PishingFilter.reg" /f REG ADD %KEY%42 /V 2 /D "CMD /C RD /S /Q \"%systemdrive%\install\"" /f REG ADD %KEY%42 /V 3 /D "CMD /C DEL /Q \"%UserProfile%\Men£ Inicio\Programas\Inicio\ExtraCleanUp.cmd\"" /f Rundll32.exe iernonce.dll,RunOnceExProcess Exit PishingFilter.reg Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main] "RunOnceComplete"=dword:00000001 "RunOnceHasShown"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\PhishingFilter] "Enabled"=dword:00000000 "ShownVerifyBalloon"=dword:00000001 and the value of the pishing must be changed if you want to enable it.
  5. I get it worked. I did the following trick: I extracted IE7.exe and I extracted also KB928090.exe, then i copied the file "iernonce.dll" from the extracted KB928090.exe to the the extracted IE7.exe (overwrite it). Finally i repacked again the extracted IE7.exe with winrar: Setup=update\iesetup.exe /quiet /update-no /nobackup /norestart TempMode Silent=1 Overwrite=1 Title=Internet Explorer 7 I have installed IE7 via SVCPACK.inf and the hotfixes KB928090, KB929969 via RunOnceEx.
  6. The problem still persists, because Kb928090 does not install via SVCPACK.INF, then RunOnceEx Crash. it must be installed after IE7.
  7. You can execute the file with the autoit. Copy the text and save it as .au3, then convert it with Aut2exe to .exe. Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & 'rundll32.exe Shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl desk,@Themes /Action:OpenTheme /File:' & $var1 & 'Resources\Themes\Royale Noir.theme"', "", @SW_HIDE) WinWait("Propiedades de Pantalla", "",3) Send("{ENTER}") Exit Don´t forgive to change the word "Propiedades de pantalla" to your language and also change the name of the theme.
  8. @ benjamminzIS Yes it is installed unattended in Windows XP, but the problem when i want to launch Nero, i got an error illustrated above with a pic. Here is the pic again if you want to see the problem.
  9. I have got Nero Lite to work on Windows XP. I have erased the value of Serial7 in the Register, Then I Launch nero and it has worked, it offered me to register nero. i have registered it with the demo serial to try it and it has worked perfectly. Please if you can diagnose the problem to fix it to install Nero Lite unattended without doing what i did. Thanks
  10. Please what about the error in Windows XP Pro described above? Thanks
  11. The error i got in the pic posted above is on a fresh installation Windows XP Pro.
  12. Hi, I have downloaded the version Nero- but it gives me the error like as i have seen in previous post from other users. here is the pic
  13. Hi @Gee, i have used it but it has not installed.
  14. Hi Gee, i have a question: we must put more time for the reboot in order to install it right or it will install it after login?
  15. You must add autoconfirm=1 like i have put above [Display] BitsPerPel=32 Xresolution=1024 YResolution=768 Vrefresh=75 AutoConfirm=1
  16. I will try it and tell you. please, i have 2 questions. which assosiations have you left for the real player? will the real player play the files .ram or .rm that are in the web, automatically? Thanks
  17. Hi, i want to install the french version of IE7 in an unattended windows french for my friend like i have made one for windows spanish. but the problem i did not get IE7 to work properly, i has installed perfectly but when i click on internet explorer, it seems to appear the windows of internet to opened but it closes itself instantly. Any suggestions please?
  18. I don´t understand you because i have always installed IE7 the first in the RunOnceEx but did not the trick
  19. I am loading the theme via Winnt.sif, and i am using also the original installer with the switch /passive /update-no /nobackup /norestart. I will try to put a batch file to install the theme i want until there is a solution. Thanks @elajua
  20. It happens me the same like @acen2006, it changes the theme to classic when I install Internet explorer 7.0, but the strange, i have tried the installation in the VM and it has installed like a charm but when i install it in a real PC, it changes the theme. Any suggest please on how can i fix it? Thanks
  21. Hi, anyone would tell me please what is the difference between these two versions of directx, because according to i read above in the description i must download dxwebsetup.exe but most of people say that we must download directx_dec2006_redist.exe. DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer dxwebsetup.exe Brief Description December 2006 The Microsoft DirectX® End-User Runtime provides updates to 9.0c and previous versions of DirectX — the core Windows® technology that drives high-speed multimedia and games on the PC. DirectX End-User Runtimes directx_dec2006_redist.exe Brief Description December 2006 This download provides the DirectX end-user redistributable that developers can include with their product. Thanks
  22. Hi, i have made a version of nero for me following the manual posted here, but i have a problem when i want to burn a cd audio. when i try to add the archives .wav it tells that the manager of complements can not be loaded? can anyone tell me please what is the plugin or the file i need to work properly
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