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Everything posted by Major
I think that you can made one for you with your preferences. I have made one for me which has Nero Burning, Info tool. I have not yet tried it.
Thanks man, i have already understood it.
Yes I know it, but the two phrases refer to others archives which are: WINNT32U.DLL and SYSSETUP.DLL. Allanol has said in his manual: And my question, when does it appear the text during CDBoot?
Hi, my friend was reading the manual of the unattended windows, and he asked me what is the difference between: Setup during windows and setup durin CDBoot. the text is from http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/v...0d6db306d4da37/ Changes the "Setup will Complete..." Text . This file is used by Setup during CDBOOT I don´t know to what it refers? PLease, If it is possible, can you put an imagen to understand it better. Changes the "Setup will Complete..." Text. This file is used by Setup during Windows I think, it refers to the text of the image below http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/image/view/184/ Thanks
How to slipstream language file in WinXP CD ?
Major replied to hamed's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Which language do you want to add? -
Yes Solid as a rock. Thanks
I explain you leo31.bhz. First: Unpack the setup file with winrar to a folder Second: install the program powerdvd and register it. then the plugins if you have the serials. Third: you go to the directory "C:\programfiles\Cyberlink\Powerdvd" and copy the archive PowerDVD.sim to the setup folder in which you have extracted the program setup file before. Fourth: Edit Custom.ini and put in the first line: SILENT=1 search these lines and change them (in customo.ini) RichVideo=1 to RichVideo=0 CPNAV=1 to CPNAV=3 now you must add theses lines where you want (remember that we are still working in the file custom.ini ) GoogleToolbar=0 HasCDKEY=1 CDKey=xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx BuildInPacks=Notebook Pack, MPEG4 AVC Pack MustUpdateKey=3 KeyUpdate=3 UI_RMK=xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx UI_PMK=xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx InstalledPacks=Advance Audio Pack, Interactual Pack remember, in order to add this lineInstalledPacks=Advance Audio Pack, Interactual Pack, you must have the serial for the plug-in Advance Audio Pack and Interactual Pack, If not, you must delete that line from your custom.ini. Fifth: you select all the archives that there are within the folder setup, and wuth the right button of the mouse you click Winrar-->add to the archive. in the program WinRar you click create SFX file and in the tab of the Comentary. copy and paste these lines: Setup=Setup.exe TempMode Silent=2 Overwrite=1 Title=PowerDVD DeLuxe 7.0.1815
Directx June 2006 is not installed via svcpack.inf
Major replied to Major's topic in Application Installs
Thanks. Then i will install it via RunOnceEx. -
Directx June 2006 is not installed via svcpack.inf
Major replied to Major's topic in Application Installs
Any help please, on how can i install it via svcpack.inf? Thanks -
Hi, i have tried to install Directx June 2006 via SVCPACK.inf but without success. here is my svcpack.inf: [Version] BuildNumber=2600 MinorVersion=1 MajorVersion=5 Signature="$Windows NT$" [setupData] CatalogSubDir="\I386\SVCPACK\" [ProductCatalogsToInstall] [setupHotfixesToRun] KB873339.exe /passive /norestart /quiet ....... KB922616.exe /passive /norestart /quiet DXSETUP.exe /silent qchain.exe
any suggest please on how to install directx June successfully from svcpack.inf? thanks
then i must execute it from Runonce?
you must apply this command: REGSVR32 -U /S
I have donwloaded the directx June 2006, and i want to install it via svcpack.inf but without success because i execute dxdiag and i havent seen any archive of 2006 in the archives of directx then i installed it manually without problem, then in order to verifiy the installation i see a few archives of directx 2006. here is my svcpack.inf ;Windows XP [Version] BuildNumber=2600 MinorVersion=1 MajorVersion=5 Signature="$Windows NT$" [setupData] CatalogSubDir="\I386\SVCPACK\" [ProductCatalogsToInstall] [setupHotfixesToRun] KB873339.exe /passive /norestart /quiet ....... KB922616.exe /passive /norestart /quiet DXSETUP.exe /silent qchain.exe Thanks
Hi, i have a question, sorry i have put it in other subforum which i think wasnt the suitable one. Unstead of downloading a patched uxtheme.dll, can i pactch it myself? i will describe the method which i want to use, and to see if i can do it? I have downloaded a program: UXTheme Multi-Patcher (Neowin Edition) 4.0., and i want to execute it in a windows already installed, then i copy from: C:\windows\system32\ the archive uxtheme.dll then i apply the method described in the forum: modifiype uxtheme.dll -c. makecab uxtheme.dll Finally copy it and overwrite the uxtheme.dl_ to make an unattended windows. Thanks
Uxtheme patch and wallpaper all unattended, how?
Major replied to Jedi82's topic in Setup Billboard Screens for Windows
Hi, i have a question. Unstead of downloading a patched uxtheme.dll, can i pactch it myself? i will describe the method which i want to use, and to see if i can do it? I have downloaded a program: UXTheme Multi-Patcher (Neowin Edition) 4.0., and i want to execute it in a windows already installed, then i copy from: C:\windows\system32\uxtheme.dll the archive uxtheme.dll then i apply the method described in the forum: modifiype uxtheme.dll -c makecab uxtheme.dll Finally copy it and overwrite the uxtheme.dl_ to make an unattended windows. Thanks -
[Solved]Hide the contents of BAT file in UAXP
Major replied to Nepali's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Hi, can i convert RunOnceEx.cmd to .exe and execute it via cmdLines.txt or not? Thanks -
@Nucleus Hi, i have seen in Orca, Tables-->Media that there are the cab of installation, Is there any way to remove the innecessary cabs of app removed form the msi in order to save space from the installer. another thing please, Would you like please to post you batch file that looks like the image, to modify the menu. Thank you very much
Please, would you tell me which one of the three posted above must i install? Thanks
I have found the solution, well If put this command cmd1[pn]=['FILECOPY %SystemDrive%\\wpi.4.3.8\\Install\\WinRaR.3.51\\Instalar.txt %PROGRAMFILES%\\Prueba\\'] it does not work. but if i put this command between " " it works perfectly cmd1[pn]=['FILECOPY %SystemDrive%\\wpi.4.3.8\\Install\\WinRaR.3.51\\Instalar.txt "%PROGRAMFILES%\\Prueba\\"'] Thanks
I thing that i have found the error but not the solution. I have tried with diferent commands and i found when i put %programfiles%, it did not recognize it. well, i create a directory in "C" called: prueba and i tried the command, it works perfectly. I have tried it also with "CMD /C COPY" and it works well. the problem is when i put "%ProgramFiles\\Prueba\\". How can i solve the problem in order to recognize the directory %ProgramFiles%. Thanks pn=1; prog[pn]=['WinRaR 3.51'] uid[pn]=['WinRaR251'] picw[pn]=['128'] pich[pn]=['128'] textl[pn]=['Bottom'] texti[pn]=['1'] cmd1[pn]=['FILECOPY %SystemDrive%\\wpi.4.3.8\\Install\\WinRaR.3.51\\Instalar.txt %SystemDrive%\\Prueba\\'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] configs[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['Compression Utilities'] pn++
Thank you very much, i will try it
Hi Men, I have read how to use the command filecopy but without success for me. I have WPI 4.3.8, and the commands are: pn=1; prog[pn]=['WinRaR 3.51'] uid[pn]=['WinRaR351'] picw[pn]=['128'] pich[pn]=['128'] textl[pn]=['Bottom'] texti[pn]=['1'] cmd1[pn]=['%SystemDrive%\\wpi.4.3.8\\install\\WinRaR.3.51\\wrar351es.exe /S'] cmd2[pn]=['FILECOPY %SystemDrive%\\wpi.4.3.8\\Install\\WinRaR.3.51\\RaRReg.key %PROGRAMFILES%\\WinRAR\\'] cmd3[pn]=['FILECOPY %SystemDrive%\\wpi.4.3.8\\Install\\WinRaR.3.51\\WinRAR.exe %PROGRAMFILES%\\WinRAR\\'] cmd4[pn]=['REGEDIT /S %SystemDrive%\\wpi.4.3.8\\install\\WinRaR.3.51\\Settings.reg'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] configs[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['Compresion'] pn++ Thanks
Microsoft Update - Genuine Windows Validation Tool
Major replied to greywolf83's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Hi Men, I have downloaded the legitcheckcontrol.cab which has 2 archives (legitcheckcontrol.dll "version 1.5.526" and legitcheckcontrol.inf), i wanted to include it in my unattended windows but i hadn´t success because windows update still say me that i need Genuine validation tool (KB892130). i have used it in my RunOnceEx.cmd: REG ADD %KEY%\033 /V 5 /D "REGSVR32 /S %WinDir%\System32\LegitCheckControl.dll" /f REG ADD %KEY%\033 /V 6 /D "Rundll32.exe Setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 %WinDir%\Inf\LegitCheckControl.inf" /f How can i include it in my unattended please? Thanks -
Hi, I use the driverpacks 6.3.04. i see that the ethernet D-Link DGE-528T is not supported. I have search the drivers without success, can anyone tell me please where can i download the drivers? Thanks