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Posts posted by feodor2

  1. On Sun Jun 02 2024 (GMT+0000) at 6:53 AM, mockingbird said:

    Go to youtube.  Next, open a private window and open youtube.  Log into your account on youtube in the private window.

    Do this for a while and browse websites in the normal window...  Eventually, it will crash after a day.

    I know youtube monstrosity, and run browser against it for days and fix bugs then, though I never tried private windows, also I do not have an account,

    If this about it then I wont catch the bug, let to be sure the account matters.

  2. 18 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

    have to report a new issue on Codeberg.org

    Yes they have added new stuff, but it worked for me regardless, I think can fix this next version.

    And I finally got old P4 like yours with SSE2 only, I shall replay later

  3. On 23 Àïðåëü 2024 ã. at 7:08 PM, AstroSkipper said:

    I have installed your latest version Mypal 68.14.0b and tried it in multi-process mode. Unfortunately, I had big problems with uBlock Origin, no matter if the latest version 1.57.2 or the last version 1.46 which was still compatible with FF 68. It was no longer possible to load additional filter lists, and the extension was only in an error state. uBlock Origin became inaccessible, and the browser even hung after closing. Especially when I tried to load the default filter list AdGuard - Ads

    @AstroSkipper Why I asked about AdGuerd, so what about other things there? Evrething is the same or not, does it pass to the network.

  4. @genieautravail

    If 5 users will gether, okey next version will have SSE.

    What doesn't suit your already existing version, because new version is more bloated and likely has new errors.



    What about other things or this is happens only with Adguard, soon I shall make testing on P4 single core,



    Multiprocess is not about cpu cores. Windows OS multiprocess itself since 1993 I think, and Intel 386 the first CPU which supports multiprocess.

    Also Firefox is not like Chrome here, they try be it latter at 100's, I think making every piece on the separate process is overkill.

    In general mp is good for performance, and stability too.  If you have ar least 2gb ram prefer stay mp.

    Furthermore POSready updates installed everywhere on my side, never heard about issues with this.


  5. 11 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

    I have tried Privoxy.  Hated it!  May work for other's needs, but not mine.

    Uh, how could it be.


    13 hours ago, roytam1 said:

    problem is inside wintz.cpp and I finally got it fixed.

    Good, assume this will be in the next version I shall check with this

    var date = new Date();
    const jan = new Date(2024, 0, 1).getTimezoneOffset();
    const jul = new Date(2024, 6, 1).getTimezoneOffset();
    console.log("jan " + jan + " jul " + jul + ' ');
    console.log("toString().match " + (new Date).toString().match(/([-+][0-9]+)\s/))
    console.log("toString " + (new Date).toString())
    console.log("toLocaleTimeString " +new Date().toLocaleTimeString());


  6. @AstroSkipper

    10 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

    Codeberg, I get these crashes only in single-process mode, They occur absolutely randomly without uploading any file

    Blame is not uploading, so what type of the crash do you get?

    Ublock: as you see below, I have installed all, stuff and its works fine, multi or single no matter


    But logger on single



    I asked there 5 users vote so you will be the first


    And please tell why do you want newer SSE version?



  7. 15 minutes ago, Ben Markson said:

    The tantalising question remains: why does my and @UCyborg's Firefox ESR 52.9 always return the correct answer?

    52 has EXPOSE_INTL_API for those

    mypal JS_HAS_INTL_API

    rowtam's went forward assume the same


    and seems removed OS version at all - uh

    Next I try without JS_HAS_INTL_API

  8. The  problem that new firefoxes, supposed they done mentioned 1346211 bug, take the timezone from the OS anyway then send it to the icu and mess through its own big timezone tables, and then adjust time, which they take from the OS too, why??? Meanwhile time zone names differs in winxp and win7, and of course icu tables set to win7 names so fails on winxp.

    I don't get this foul behavior, I made to take the time zone and time from OS "AS IS" , I think OS knows better what time and browser should not mess with it, but I did not know about "toLocaleTimeString"

  9. On 4/21/2024 at 2:04 PM, Ascii2 said:

    "This Frame" context menu item's cascaded menu do not work correctly.

    I thouht what is it, because it works to me, then got that this is only bug when switched to single process. There no good point to do this unless your machine is very weak with poor RAM 1gb and less.

    On regular machine like core2dua with 2gb RAM use default multiprocess mode

    And I try fix this menu next version.

    68.14 is now cooking for publish.

  10. I have put for some time alredy

    network.trr.resolvers;[{ "name": "NextDNS", "url": "https://firefox.dns.nextdns.io/" }]

    And as I told do not trust third party, yes your providers may leak you data, but not sure, at least it is to make an effort to do, instead you seggest deliberately leak you data directly.

  11. Assuming for all chrome based browsers, you may not switch from portable and otherwise.

    For the portable flags are mandatory at first run, before the profile being created.

    as from ungoogled




  12. cauldronfire is a cancer contaminates whole web. To suggest give up your data in chase for "secooorety" is either ignorance or being vermin with them.

    Everybody please take time to read the novel and understand where leads the inspired obsession with "secooorety"





    by the way


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