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Everything posted by Carmon

  1. Carmon

    Old Windows

    Windows 1.0 probly still best O.S out there lol No crapp Service Packs and No Internet access so safe on virus and can play pong on it lol
  2. Very Nice desktop Rickie! love the drives
  3. Well heres my Desktop Plain and Simple with a Few Edited colours My Desktop
  4. Do mean the Game tab as in online on Steam? if so then Steam anit installed the .gcf File or its been deleted as the for the sniper Zoom Check make sure u anit got ya rates set too high when there very high sniper zoom chnages
  5. I have a Gamecube i love it Small nice to look at and i can play Resident Evils on them so wat else do i really need lol
  6. i had a go at testin it and kida missing .dll file
  7. 512k for me but soon il be getting 2mb
  8. I wud if i had the money for the PC Upgrade and to buy it lol
  9. good to see HL series winning
  10. hmm fishy may be cuz its applcation and forum saftey may removed it or summat do u have a link ?
  11. I wud love to make Sprays for CS:S but i dont have so all i got ones for CS 1.6
  12. Aye They Made there on Custom Forum when ya got over zillions of Graphics artist and Siggy warriors Custom wud be best lol
  13. yeh theres loads of bits off Liberty city in SA , sum of the plots and Storylines goes in to GTA3
  14. ive installed the latest Drivers , and fully updated Win98 and till dont work :-\
  15. I love Bit Torrent but after that Site ( i cant mention for forum rules etc ) went down i can get anythin , but i use Limewire for everything now
  16. Anyone? Sorry its just really annoyin
  17. heya all I have problem wiv my 5 button mouse anyways I use to have Windows xp Home on my PC and CS on it and u set up my controls and set my 5 button mouse wiv side button walk and other to reload work fine perfect even anyways my PC Died a Few Weeks ( **** Stoopid Motherboard ) anyways i bk on my old 1.1ghz pc etc anyways bk to the problem it has windows 98sec on it and stuff and i installed Steam and my mouse alright but CS dusnt Pick up that my mouse is 5 button and i click to configure the Side buttons comes up as 'Alt' anyone know a fix for this ? Please help me
  18. Is there a way to Remove the whole Thing cuz it bugs the heck out me like enables firewalls when dont want it to dus updates when i dont need them and stuff like dat
  19. downloaded them off the site by going to View Source and getting url of them only think i think of
  20. jeese i got loads the old systems i got: - Commadore 64 - Spectrum - Atari - NES - SNES - N64 - Gameboy Classic - Gameboy pocket - Mega drive - Mega CD lol all in a cupboard for thet big rainy day lol
  21. There loads off different ways to fix this but all start the Same way wiv the. But she says when she dus that it gives her no indcation that work or it accessed that file
  22. 64bit cuz the bigger the betta and woroth the price over here in the UK. IE or Firefox
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