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Posts posted by Semtex
OK, thanks, this worked, at least as workaround. Good to know there is some solution. After enabling I need to restart. After disabling not.
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On 6/29/2022 at 2:34 PM, Semtex said:
I'm still facing potential bug with right click menu
Enable Start Menu in SAB options.
Restart OS
Go to "more programs"
Try to click with right mouse button on some program/app
Nothing happen.
Anyone or just me?
Sorry for quoting my self, but I need some confirmation, or any info about this. Like on screen, I marked OneNote, clicked with RMB and nothing happen, I can't pin programs, since there is no menu...
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I'm still facing potential bug with right click menu
Enable Start Menu in SAB options.
Restart OS
Go to "more programs"
Try to click with right mouse button on some program/app
Nothing happen.
Anyone or just me?
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I see some problem with latest Win 11 Beta (22598.200) Classic Start menu -> go to More Programs -> right click not working, no right click menu popup.
Any one?
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It's possible to keep Windows 11 original Taskbar and turn on Win 10 panels? I think original taskbar looks OK, but I miss volume control option out of flayout.
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Got it, 1$ is fair deal. More for Us than for You, but thanks!
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I've question about upgrade, would be our license upgradable or we need new one?
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AWESOME. Thanks, working fine, at least since 10 minutes
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Not for me, was disabled after second OS restart after update from 10 to 11
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5 hours ago, JakubDriver said:
Thanks, but I like to keep icons centered on taskbar and i like Windows 7 like menu start
Poza tym śwat jest mniejszy niż nam się wydajePozdrawiam.
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HI, simply question, do You have plans to update for Windows 11? This Win 11 Start Menu is kind useless
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@SkyySX You need to flip: gfx.webrender.dcomp-win.enabled to false in about:config, after this Yuo need piece of code in userchrome.css which enables aero support for Firefox. Ypu can find right code in Google in few secs.
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On 11/15/2019 at 8:53 PM, foe said:
Old post I know, but perhaps your issue was/is with this setting in about:config
What @UCyborgposted still works so there should be no issues.
Thanks, but I'm Nightly tester since few years, I know about that
I found solution, there is small entry in about:config need to flipped to enable Mozglass working again in userchrome. My Nightly Firefox have glass again since few weeks
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Thanks, working perfect fine, have nice day/evening
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Awesome @sbkw1983 Thank You!
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On 9/10/2019 at 7:35 AM, sbkw1983 said:
Link to atlas files --!AixnyqPuOrWiiIsCVs-Dz102WNYjHQ?e=lSyyvf
Nice one! Maybe You can reconsider to make version with full black caption buttons, and blue on hoover on close button?
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Everything fine, for a minute I hoped that You found some better solution and this will works, but since Firefox 68 glass will be gone.
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Nope, this ends with black tabbar without window control buttons, it is already described in this and other threads on this forum. Not Your fault
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It is working on 1903 without problem, just hit cancel in error window after start> -
Thanks... You can't know this but I did try all this methods (and more) and nothing is working, I can Aris from Mozillazine since years
In Firefox Beta and Nightly no glass at all since it is removed direct from code or locked.
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Restart OS?
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Since it is experimental version it is normal, wait for stable.
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@bigmuscle I tested lot of hacks in Nightly and Windows 10, nothing works for me, no proper CSS, also tested with third party themes, no luck, I found mockup of Firefox in dark with acrylic glass, since then I try to get it on my machine, no luck
I voted on Your bug, also other guy ask for support for glass, He also didn't have more feedback, I i find this bug I will post it here.
StartAllBack for Windows 11
in StartIsBack+
Looks like new build fix also my problem, without need to enabling classic menus, Thanks.