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Posts posted by oneless

  1. Sorry it is a compiled batch file the contents are only this and an icon:


    start %windir%\system32\mshta.exe "%CD%/Audio/audioplayer.hta"


    i give up . after the latest update , my bitdefender

    block all WPI directory , even i told it before to ignore audio.exe file .

    so , i must delete it manually and cut music in installation part .

    very bad , but that it .

    i hope 4.4rc1 do not include THIS compilation , 3 lines can be compiled easy

    with other tools.

  2. gcond[] above with WshShell.regRead generate here an error in vmWARE .

    beside that , on my real computer works .

    i will burn anyway and test it in the real world with a fresh install .

    till then any ideea why this error ?

    edit :

    in real world , the things happend like in vmWARE .

    error in uA mode and same error after installation when i launch WPI separately ...

    probably in my computer is installed something who

    make this gcond+WshShell.regRead to work properly .

    any help ? :whistle: till then i will reverse to mine solution (above) ,

    because i tried this with a single one hotfix and

    if i will replace the gcond for 38 critical hotfixes + 5 optional hotfixes

    then i will have 43 errors .

  3. ...sample:

    cond[pn]=[!WshShell.regRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\KB873339\DisplayName")==Windows XP Hotfix - KB873339]...

    this really work here , thanks again . i correct the typos .

    gcond[pn]=['WshShell.regRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\KB873339\\DisplayName")=="Windows XP Hotfix - KB873339"']
  4. not XPize related , but

    i have only 5 icons on my desktop on first boot (MyComp/recycle/ myNetwork/MyDocs/custom_program_link) .

    also i dont like their default positions .

    what key must i save (after an install and positioning them in my right places)

    and run after that in my uA_XP_CD to find my 5 icons in the correct positions ?

    my guess is that is something like quick lauch , but i dont know where to look ...

  5. 1 year here .

    never heard before found MSFN about unattended .

    now i have MY perfect uA_DVD :

    with windows xp pro , BTS , WPI with all MY apps silent , tweaks and so on .

    and more others beside uA_DVD .


  6. ...Change box.js(v4.3.7b) as follows if you want to change color only...

    thank you @billjrm

    is exactly what i need . no matter for me if is not ok for others .

    BTW , where can I change the main colour of the text (default is white in glossy) ?

    because i use code colours in names of my apps, not from beginning

    and the greyed change only the first part in those cases .

    i want my custom default color of the text of items .

    IF i use now

    my name of app <- normal mode (=gcond=false)

    my name of app <- greyed mode (=gcond=true)


    my name of app <- normal mode

    my name of app <- greyed mode

    i want use

    my name of app <- normal mode

    my name of app <- greyed mode

    probably will be ok if i can change the default color to blue

    and i will not use colour codes in the names

  7. I Add a new Parameter called "Grayed condition" to determinate whether the application is installed.

    Item's checkbox will be disabled and the text color changed when "Grayed condition" meet.

    i agree . is verrrrry weeeeelcome .

    I DO NOT AGREE . also i do not agree another(s) variable to manage gcond[].

    the checkbox can be usefull for overwriting drivers and/or apps (who permit without uninstall)

    with newer versions . and so on...

    the greyed colour MUST BE (at least manually in a file) user_defined .

    i have more then one colours in one line , but i can live with MY OWN only one

    if my wpi can start faster then now .

    so , the greyed colour must tell us by the colour of apps ,

    only if gcond[] = TRUE . nothing else .

    this mean for me that an apps/driver is installed , maybe an older version ,

    (more programs use same names and locations) , but I KNOW .

    some (like 90% of hotfixes ) cant have older versions .

    at least this what i need to halfcut my config.js.

    this is my opinion , and of course , can be beside yours.

    anyway , happy new years !

  8. ...I added a option "enable checked" (look at config. wizard), only hightlight text if you checked this option...
    is not ok for me .

    i use from almost one year, TWO entries in my config.js for most of my programs .

    practically i simulated THIS grey condition . i needed this .

    for each program i have only one entry showed in my WPI

    because basicly i use fileexist and !fileexist for the two entries , and different colours .

    so , my opinion is :

    the grey condition MUST reflect the GREY CONDITION , wich is TRUE or FALSE .

    do no exist ELSE here .

    what for other twenty entries in config.js , no disable checkbox or ...

    GCOND must be just an extra information for me .

    with variables who create another variable and so on ...

    i dont think is ok ...

    believe me . more lines in config.js , more time at startup for WPI .

    just an opinion . i still can use 2 entries .

  9. ...added in grayed condition...
    nice . i used that a lot , but wiyh 2 entries for each program in config.js.

    this taked me more time here for starting WPI .

    i am asking you now ,

    1. what/where can i change , for userdefine my own "greyed" color (i use "lightgrey")

    2. what/where can i change , for enable the check box (still gcond=true)

    (good for overwriting drivers..., new version od apps..)

    thank you

  10. ...REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 1 /D "REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\NAV2005\NAVSETUP.reg" /f


    work here with NIS2005 and NIS 2004 (must be the same with NAV2005) ,

    with N*.reg launched BEFORE setup of NIS/NAV .

    but my reg key was different from the key readed in astalavista's guide .


    i had there other numbers .

    so , you must install first , and grab from registry the correct key

    for your configuration .

    anyway you need to install once for "symlcrst.dll" .

    in NIS2004 is other name of "symlcrst.dll" , same place and functionality .

    also "symlcrst.dll" must be placed in the right place before NAV setup

    (on a fresh installation)

  11. @kelsenellenelvian , i have 3 questions about wpi.cmd (i am not good in batch commands!)


    for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\XP-WPI\WPI.ico set CDROM=%%i:

    regedit /s "%wpipath%common\wpi.reg

    regedit /s "%wpipath%common\undo.reg ,

    why not at the end too "

    3. %wpipath%common is same thing with %wpipath%\common ?

    and one comment : i had trouble with 4.3.5 with hided entries in config.js who are counted

    when is done the distribution in columns . in i had 10 categories each with 26 entries , but

    only one visible (cond[pn]) for each category , i had 10 columns , 4 pages (for 3 columns on page)

    the new layout for 1024x768 is worse FOR ME .

    in a full column (hotfixes for example) instead 27 entries i have now only 23 .

    can i grab this (the file responsible) from 4.3.5 ?

    i use same settings in 4.3.6 like 4.3.5 , same theme glossy , same background .

  12. i do something like that . can be adapted for your needs

    but this second part , i can do only with autoIT .

    are you familiered with ?

    i copy during install with a batch

    my. exe from %windir% (it is placed in $$ folder in my uA)

    %AllUsersProfile%\Desktop\ , and this is open by a shortcut file placed in

    %AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

    (copied there also from %windir% via $$ by my batch file)

    my exe uis not related with other files .

    so the .exe is open at first startup .

    for you need to know the letter of CD-drive (only with autoIT i can do it)

    and the .exe put on startup can run your exe from cd .

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