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Posts posted by oneless

  1. Anyone knows if .NET 2.0 SP1 installs the VC++ 2005 Redistributable files? If so then I will remove these files from next Nero build. I didn't find any information about this myself.

    Does anyone have more info about NeroPatentActivation.exe and what it does? It seems a lot of people have trouble with latest version and maybe it's because of this file missing.

    ATI 8-3-igp_xp32_dd_ccc_wdm_sb_gart_enu_59746.exe

    install 100% VC++ 2005 Redistributable files

    a saw a flash window with this [on a fresh install with a RTM XP Pro SP2] 1 minute ago.

    [ASUS with ati 1100 on board mainboard , southbridge is ULI ?!]

  2. same error here , on lite edition , on both packs [enu/euro]

    tested on 2 computers [mine and other with a fresh XP install]

    with [ignore] the installation is finished [ok in my opinion] .

    i used autoit for pack the installer [fileinstall]

    i run silent the installer from autoit with parameters :

    $parameters = " /SILENT /NORESTART /USER=Owner /COMPANY=Home /SERIAL=0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000 /TYPE=SetupType"

    the name+company+serial are registered ok.

    i saw in an earlier post that NeroVMRmodules.dll was missing from the package in a previous version

    now , the file exist at his location but can be registered ?!

    something wrong in what i am doing here ?


  3. in case if somebody is interested to force a restart on windows update service

    works like a charm in my project .

    Func _kill_windowsupdate ( )
    ; Stop the Automatic Updates Service
    RunWait(@SystemDir & "\net.exe stop wuauserv", "", @SW_HIDE)
    Sleep ( 250 )
    ; start the Automatic Updates Service
    RunWait(@SystemDir & "\net.exe start wuauserv", "", @SW_HIDE)
    ; beg Automatic Updates Service to [re]check for missing updates
    Sleep ( 250 )
    RunWait(@SystemDir & "\wuauclt.exe /resetauthorization /detectnow")

  4. Because Windows XP Home doesn't have advanced user administration such as Windows XP Professional does. The "net" commands in Windows XP Home have been disabled partly. There are third party tools however I believe which replaces these missing features, but you would have to Google for those.

    i can understand that XP home has not all XP professional features ,

    most of them regarding network

    but i cant understand this :

    [from MSFN / unattended windows/ intermediate users / adding users ]


    This is the original method outlined on the previous rendition of the site. This method however works across all NT platforms and allows you to create as many users as you want in as many types as you want. Hence, this one is more powerful.

    Open Notepad, and copy & paste in the following:


    Save this as cmdlines.txt in the $OEM$\ folder. If you wish to know more about cmdlines.txtcheck the Reference section.

    Notice that we are trying to launch useraccounts.cmd from there. Again open Notepad and paste in the following:

    net user John asdf1234 /add
    net localgroup Administrators John /add
    net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited
    REGEDIT /S autologon.reg

    any help ?

    work on XP home the other method [OOBEINFO.INI Method] !?

    [i just need to add one user , admin rights , different name than Administrator]

  5. i made my fist uA XPCD 2 years ago.

    since then , i made over 100 versions.

    all , XP PRO.

    yesterday , for first time , i made [for a friend]

    an uA DVD with xp HOME [i tried to..]

    simply , the user created during uA install [net user add method] is not created.

    so , i dont saw any user in logon screen .

    i dont change anything here.

    even i press ctrl+alt+del twice , with administrator and blank password i cant logon.

    today i made another uA DVD with XP Pro , and no problem with the user created.

    more than that , in the home installation i boot with an UBCD CD , and in documents and settings

    i dont see my user folder who suppose to be there !

    i open the page on MSFN with uA installation / add users and i dont see there to

    be any difference betwwen XP HOME or PRO.

    any idea ?...

    why dont work for me in XP Home net user method ?

  6. New WGA released Feb. 28, 2007


    KB905474 -> Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications application

    Download -> 1.3 MB (Version 1.7.0018.1)

    Switches: KB905474.exe /q:a /r:n - sorry, had this wrong before, my mistake

    It is possible to extract the traditional Type 1 hotfix from the downloaded Type 2 hotfix file using WinRAR (7Zip, WinZip, etc.)... any benefit to keeping it as a Type 2? When I extracted the file, renamed it KB905474.exe, and ran it using switches /q /n /z, it installed fine, and all relevant files files were updated to version 1.7.0018.1.

    (For those of you trying to squeeze each byte of space, the extracted file is .04 MB smaller, 1.22 MB versus the downloaded file's 1.26 MB.)

    that is what i used [part 2 obvious , with extraction part].

    and it was ok .

    anyway , 905474 is not anymore listed on Windows Update [for XP32 at least] !!?

    why you still need it ?!

  7. I just got three files today through Windows Update for Windows XP SP2.

    928365 and 928366 are updates for .NET 1.1 and .NET 2.0. You can get the appropriate update for what you're running here:


    Then of course, 890830 shows up every month.


    for KB928365 and KB928366 the proper switch is /q

    also here , on an intel sistem i have a new critical KB936357

  8. ... which linked me to a patch that appears to be the "XML Paper Specification Shared Components Pack 1.0"....

    i install this file on VMware and i think is the right file.

    the printer Microsoft XPS Document Writer was installed too.

    for silent i used /q /n /z .

    thank you for the link.

  9. Path: AIO-DVD\SETUP\XP\Professional\$OEM$\$1\Nod32\install.bat

    Shortcut Name: NOD32 Install

    Info Tip: Install this on first boot

    how i do it

    with WINRAR [you must have winrar installed for this way] :

    1. create the shorcut on desktop named NOD32 Install

    for your AIO-DVD\SETUP\XP\Professional\$OEM$\$1\Nod32\install.bat

    2. copy this shortcut in AIO-DVD\SETUP\XP\Professional\$OEM$\$1\Nod32\ folder [needed part]

    3. right click the shortcut placed in AIO-DVD\SETUP\XP\Professional\$OEM$\$1\Nod32\ folder

    choose add to archive

    4. check create sfx archive and create solid archive and compression method=best

    name the archive what you want, but remember is an .exe now . i will say here installnod32.exe

    5. go to tab files

    on files to add, delete [DEL] the file there [will be install.bat not the shortcut to install.bat]

    click append... and choose your shortcut .

    press ok.

    now you will have a SFX rar archive [an exe file] who contain your shortcut.

    6. during your XP install place this SFX on desktop [there are tens methods for that]

    7. when you will execute the installnod32.exe , will extract on the desktop your shortcut.

    if you want to do this silent [without asking you]

    before press ok , in winrar , go to comment tab and

    write in enter a comment manually window


    if you want to run automatically [when you execute your installnod32.exe] the shortcut

    this means execute your AIO-DVD\SETUP\XP\Professional\$OEM$\$1\Nod32\install.bat

    add there in comment tab

    Setup="NOD32 Install.lnk"

    or maybe i do not understand what you want ?

  10. 1. i suppose you have in <regional and language settings>

    at <Regional Options> Romanian and Romania for location.

    and Romanian at <advanced/language for non unicode programs>

    2. read that [6 fonts updated by M$ after Romania and Bulgaria was integrated in UE]

    maybe will help you.

    3. i use to put this in my uA XP CD . is just a substitution .

    ; creeaza prin substituire fonturile Arial Black/Narrow CE

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes]

    "Arial Black CE,0"="Arial Black,238"

    "Arial Black CE,238"="Arial Black,238"

    "Arial Narrow CE,0"="Arial Narrow,238"

    "Arial Narrow CE,238"="Arial Narrow,238"


    7.05.95 [may 21, 2007]

    - updated with the newest critical hotfix KB927891 [may 22, 2007]

    you can try also the new

    hotkey = [CTRL + SHIFT + 3]

    you can see what i can install from my ftp.

    [office 2003 [~400 MB] cost me under 2 minutes for download AND extract from rar files.]

  12. this is my way for manage hotfixes in 4 steps.

    1. check

    2. download from ftp or web site

    [2..3 MB/sec here in almost all city, download of 222MB cost me ~100 seconds]

    [but the install processes, recover more then that , because all are lanuched from harddisk]

    3. install

    4. delete downloaded files from harddisk

    more then critical hotfixes , a lot of

    system addons , optional hotfixes

    applications [only on ftp available]

    you can do the same from your own web site or your ftp.

    all code is autoIT.

    all hotfixes or addons are for XP pro/Home ENGLISH.

    the sources of files are

        Microsoft Download Center

        MSFN Forum

        RyanVM's MSFN Files Page and

        Shark's file Repository


    just want to show you may way.

    the program is free.


  13. 10 updates today . XP Pro SP2 + IE7 + MP11 here.

    Security Update for Windows XP (KB926436)

    A security issue has been identified that could allow an attacker to compromise your Windows-based system and gain control over it. You can help protect your computer by installing this update from Microsoft.

    Update for Windows XP (KB931836)

    Installing this update enables your computer to automatically adjust the computer clock on the correct date in 2007 due to revised Daylight Saving Time laws in many countries.

    Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - February 2007 (KB890830)

    Security Update for Windows XP (KB928255) [921398 removed]

    A security issue has been identified that could allow an attacker to compromise your Windows-based system and gain control over it. You can help protect your computer by installing this update from Microsoft.

    Security Update for Windows XP (KB928843) [922616 removed]

    A security issue has been identified that could allow an attacker to compromise your Windows-based system and gain control over it. You can help protect your computer by installing this update from Microsoft.

    Security Update for Windows XP (KB927802)

    A security issue has been identified that could allow an attacker to compromise your Windows-based system and gain control over it. You can help protect your computer by installing this update from Microsoft.

    Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 7 for Windows XP (KB928090)

    Security issues have been identified that could allow an attacker to compromise a system running Internet Explorer and gain control over it. You can help protect your system by installing this update from Microsoft.

    Security Update for Windows XP (KB924667)

    A security issue has been identified that could allow an attacker to compromise your Windows-based system and gain control over it. You can help protect your computer by installing this update from Microsoft.

    Security Update for Windows XP (KB927779)

    A security issue has been identified in Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) that could allow an attacker to compromise your Windows-based system and gain control over it. You can help protect your computer by installing this update from Microsoft.

    Security Update for Windows XP (KB918118)

    A security issue has been identified that could allow an attacker to compromise your Windows-based system and gain control over it. You can help protect your computer by installing this update from Microsoft.

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