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Posts posted by oneless
Romanian attached , 5.1 updated.
220 is the wanted value for wpi.htm/glossy theme.<tr height="88%"><!-- Buttons bar -->
<td width="220" valign="top" nowrap> <--- The width needs to be changed to a higher amount!
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1. debug mode checked , install process start !
2. thank you @sadicq for your work
but, my boot time is already high (or extra high for bitdefender systems)
so i will wait for implementation in future versions
and because this ISNT a real problem no much
pain here if will not be implemented.
@sadicq have you a variant of old/first version of config.au3
who work with 5.x ? the version who only create the text file .
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or you can simply SET your custom background :
my file is Windows XP SP2.bmp
i put them in $OEM$\$$\Web\Wallpaper
and run this
;Change the Default Wallpaper to the one you want
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Desktop\General]
"BackupWallpaper"="c:\\windows\\web\\wallpaper\\Windows XP SP2.bmp"
"Wallpaper"="c:\\windows\\web\\wallpaper\\Windows XP SP2.bmp"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]
"Wallpaper"="C:\\WINDOWS\\Web\\Wallpaper\\Windows XP SP2.bmp"
"WallpaperStyle"="2"make sure is .bmp your file
normally if is .jpg or other , windows xp will make a temporar .bmp from him
and put it in local documents and settings\user\...bla bla
i dont know how or if will work uA with above settings if isnt .bmp
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tool tips , text location : left is right and right is left.
at least here .
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thank you very much . works very well on my home computer.
but , on one computer at my work
the copy to button is disabled
for the Administrator account
even i am logged with another account
with administrative privilegies.
(i want to copy there the Administrator
settings for other user.)
is there a solution ?
or maybe i miss something ?
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NOT A BUG , just an effect of changing of Glossy layout and depend of language.
probably will appear in other languages too. this not happend in versions up to 5.1.
so , how can I manipulate the text over there ? size, font ...pozition ?
or how can i enlarge the width of that column ? of course without affect the others.
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or you can use Crap Cleaner for
cleaning more than IE's cache.
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Wellcome to WPI forum !
both , WPI and autoIT are very happy with long names with spaces in them.
can you be more explicit , or maybe can do an example ?
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for %%U in (kb*.exe) do ...
nice script !
but if for me is important the install order for few critical updates :
@IcemanND , how is modified %%U in your script ? (grown alfabetically / after entry date in folder...)
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nice tool . work fine on my home computer.
i had need once for a friend... now i will keep it.
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of course. isnt this the name : forced ?Forced install should be forced. Periodi said only that the behaviour of up_to_WPI4.3.8beta2 (last i used before 5.0beta1) is different
from wpi5.x
force on exit checked, do not make me happy. so i dont use it .
with force on exit UNchecked
- wpi_up_to_438, on begin install execute all forced, on exit do not execute forced
- wpi_5.x , on begin install DO NOT execute forced, on exit do not execute forced
i dont know if the boolean was right there in 4.3.8 or now in 5.x
but i used it in 4.3.8, with proper numbers ordr[pn] in config.js,
i had more than one execute_after. this is all. for me just a vanished (used) feature.
i reconfigured my config.js and i can live with a single execute_after.
thats all.
now happy can make me (an who know , maybe others ..!)
an execute_before_before and an execute_after_after
(an execute_before_before executed before even wpi.hta kernel is started
an execute_after_after executed after wpi.hta/mshta.exe is completly ended )
because i still need to use for that a wpi.cmd.
always more options , more flexibility.I agree with having options on it though.but like i said , i can live without THIS option
anyway , for my configuration now this isnt a priority .
other opinions ...??
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still need to read points 3 and (especially) 4
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no sound here ! RC2 had.
sorry ! in this moment RC2 il also without sound.
my last night install is
MP10 do not recognize .mid, .wav !???
i change only alanoll winamp kit ?
i wil have a long night...
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bugs still reports here ?
i will made a file for you , to study, after my uA_DVD this month...I can't reproduce the problem. Can you send me your config?all my entries in config.js have fileexist as cond[] , so you cannot view something..
without programs in their locations
old minor bug, no rush...
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thanks @sadicq , the trick do the job.oneless, try this:Open boxes.js
Find and delete
if (DoGray)
txt += (' disabled');....
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thank you , thank you ...
but PLEASEeee..... ,
tell me what part of code i must to kill* If a grayed condition is true, the checkbox is now disabled so there is noway it can be selected.
for not disable this checkboxes ?
i dont care if this will not be a standart in WPI final
i need it, i will make here manually...
i done this with 4.3 but, i can find the code to replace for4 4.3
but in 5.o is something else , no ?
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two things about WPI_Log.txt , both very easy to do
1. if exist WPI_Log.txt , do not overwrite , apend instead
of course delimited somehow with graphical
nothing to loose with append way.
2. all lines indented , except those with errors
simply to view errors
or other method to view easily errors
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rename the as and put it in the same directory of wpi.
good chance
sorry , can you elaborate ... ? for us ... what is in your mind ?!... good chance !
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like i said : or maybe the antivirus producers know some i dont....That's just my conspiracy theory.and after 18 months on my computer cmdow.exe...
i realize now than i never copied cmdow in my \%SystemRoot%\System32 ..!
and yes was detected there too...???
i use it since i discover WPI here at MSFN .
maybe WPI copy it there ? i dont think this...
so.. deleted ... and ask help from autoIT to do the job .
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I had been working with Lawrenca on this for a few days before I figured it out. When doing a gcond[] or cond[] check for registry settings he would get the error message "....Treating as false condition....", however it goes. This method works:
gcond[pn]=['try{WshShell.regRead("HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\7-Zip\\Path") != "" ? true : false}catch(ex){;}'];
The try{} and catch{} eliminate the error message. Modify for your needs.
so , if i want to check
$Regpath = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\Windows Media Player 10\KB911565"
if exist the key
$KeyToCheck = "DisplayVersion"
and if exist the $KeyToCheck, at $Regpath with a value
$KeyValueExpected = "2"
and only then my gcond must be true (i use this in an autoIT script)
you say I can use without error something like
gcond[pn]=['try{WshShell.regRead($Regpath\\$KeyToCheck) == $KeyValueExpected ? true : false}catch(ex){;}'];
or translated
gcond[pn]=['try{WshShell.regRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Updates\\Windows Media Player 10\\KB911565\\DisplayVersion") == "2" ? true : false}catch(ex){;}'];
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file deleted here too.
false positive , or maybe the antivirus producers know some i dont.
after 18 months on my computer cmdow.exe was
first detected on-line scanning , 4..5 weeks ago, sorry dont remember who/where
and from 2..3 weeks my local bitdefender says same about cmdow.
.. ?
no you dont. cmdow just hide a .cmd/DOS window.Do I need to use CMDOW.exe?i prefere to see a dos window vs. an antivirus alert.
especially when i insert my WPI DVD in other computer (friends... !)
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no bug , just an old problem who still exist
with no_column_break_in_categories checked :
if i have 20 categories , each with 14 programs
but 13 of them in every category hided (cond[]=false) ,
wpi will show 20 programs in 20 columns (1program x 20categories)
(7 pages with 3 columns) each column with only one program listed
wpi still preserve space in columns for ALL programs in a category
i dont know if is easy to count the programs in a category
AFTER the cond[] is evaluated ...
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felicitari pentru promovare .
(ours local football teams gets both promotions to first league)
i know .bat files 100% will work on w98.
but , what i dont know is if ALL my commands
inside my .cmd files will work (especially regs commands ?...)
.bat files are 100% compatible with .cmd files ?
this really i dont know...
How can I change default desktop background from "bliss" to
in Windows XP
Posted · Edited by oneless
yes @Barian , my file Windows XP sp2.bmp is displayed as wallpaper after a fresh install of Windows instead of bliss
like @T D said , the file will be copied by windows itself in his right place c:\windows\web\wallpaper
in fact all content of $OEM$\$$\ folder will be copied during installation in c:\windows\ (%windir%) folder.
the code is runned by a file named applications.cmd (name it what you want)
at path $OEM$\$1\Install\
and this .cmd file is launched in WINNT.SIF by GUIRunOnce section
all content of $OEM$\$1\Install\ folder will be copied in c:\ (%systemdrive%) folder
by windows .
APPlications_before.reg is also in $OEM$\$1\Install\ folder and contain
the code in my post above.
you can read all this folders stuff and more in the guide Unattended Windows , here at MSFN.