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About daveo76

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    Windows 10 x64

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  1. There no backup setting. How do I back up the settings?
  2. I think it because you using old version of Windows 10 with the latest aeroglass. Update to Windows 10 November 2019 Update (v1909). Then it should work
  3. All you had to do was look up on Windows 10 18363.778 (Build 1909) topic.
  4. I guess it must be because that theme hasn't been updated since 2016 and WIndows 10 keeps changing every 6 months
  5. Windows 8, 8.1, and 10 never had round corners
  6. Read the instructions from this link http://glass8.eu/guide
  7. That what I use. It your choice. I just gave you the link for you to decide which one you wanted
  8. What I do is boot from USB WinPE and change the files that way
  9. Click link below. There you find different ThemeAtlas
  10. You can try but I recommend to try it on VM. As I don't think it will work
  11. I had attached those 2 files from build 18363.657. But there more involved then replacing those 2 files. Everything you need is in the zip file with read me instructions. Thanks to @UCyborg for his instructions at File link below https://1drv.ms/u/s!AkEznDUFPGp3hOEBkYPXvHP_axlg4A?e=Fl8MnG
  12. What was the last v1909 that aeroglass worked on. As I not been able to use it for a long time and just tried it on Windows 10 1909 build 18363.657 which I had on VM and aeroglass still said it incompatible.
  13. I don't think that person is telling the truth. If there was a beta. BigMuscle would have it on his site under "experimental version".
  14. I think you are telling us lies with a fake screenshot. There is no version 1.5.14. BigMuscle would had mentioned about it
  15. The "win7rp14393_R9" doesn't display the icons on the buttons. Just colour only. But your black button themes work. Using Windows 10 1909 x64
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