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Everything posted by CKyHC

  1. On Win10 Pro 22H2 this tweak works fine...
  2. It is strange that SAB for W11 did not have the option of adding panel context menus without changing the panel itself... I like the original W11 panel, the only thing missing is the RMB menu. But StartAllBack turns on all the panel's features at once, and immediately replaces it almost completely, even in the "Classic" version, both the behavior of the icons and the Start button, and it does not even allow the Start button to leave the original one, for some reason from W10 by default, which just turns white when you hover the mouse... SiB in Windows 10 is more flexible...
  3. If BM woudn't update his AeroGlass, he can write here about aborting the project. The suspense is killing...
  4. No crashes of dwm.exe without AG on my 2 different computers. It's not Windows issue. I think, AG just didn't support 752 build.
  5. Today my Windows 10 x64 Pro updated to 18363.752 build. AeroGlass stops to work. dwm.exe crashes several times. Symbols loaded. In debug.log: [2020-03-27 23:18:23][0x2838:0x2A70] Aero Glass for Win8.1+ x64 correctly loaded (C:\Program Files\AeroGlass\DWMGlass.dll). [2020-03-27 23:18:23][0x880:0x445C] C:\Program Files\AeroGlass\DWMGlass.dll has been injected into dwm.exe. [2020-03-27 23:18:24][0x2838:0x2F48] DBGHELP: Symbol Search Path: .;SRV*C:\Program Files\AeroGlass\symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols [2020-03-27 23:18:24][0x2838:0x2F48] Loading settings (flags = 0x3) from HKEY 0x0000000000000FB4 for session #1 [2020-03-27 23:18:24][0x2838:0x2F48] dwmcore.dll version 10.0.18362.752 [2020-03-27 23:18:24][0x2838:0x2F48] udwm.dll version 10.0.18362.752 [2020-03-27 23:18:27][0x2838:0x2F48] Symbols loaded from external files: 0x2000 [2020-03-27 23:18:31][0x880:0x445C] dwm.exe process crashed several times. DLL injection has been stopped. Don't close topic! This is not usual debug symbols problem!
  6. But it works without symbols on latest Windows 10 build 18362.239 and without any messages of incompatibles...
  7. ModernFrame is on the DWMGlass.dll allready long time. You must use theme atlas and register DWMGlass.dll by this command from AG folder: regsvr32.exe DWMGlass.dll
  8. Hello. But you didn't use Glass frame on modern apps through regsvr32... So your modern apps frames are not changed at all. With AG on modern apps they looks like this: And in this case button didn't work.
  9. Just try "back" button on this app: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/microsoft-news/9wzdncrfhvfw
  10. Thanks! Looks like Outlook 2019 now works fine! What about "back" button on modern apps? It didn't work... Maybe it not AG bug... I'm registered DWMGlass.dll through regsvr32.exe And it's still exists bug with black screen on chromium browser after dwm.exe restart with AG hook. Without AG after dwm restart browser works fine.
  11. Confirm, that Outlook 2019 causes dwm.exe to crash while changing active posts in it by mouse. And after that crash Chromium became black till restart. If it's still need, I can upload crashdump... In modern apps didn't work button "back" at the left top corner...
  12. BM, it's need to add UxTSB.dll injection into SystemSettings.exe It's only a question of time, when MS remove classic personalization panel at all. So to apply themes with 3rd party visual styles via modern Personalization Panel, UxTSB.dll must be injected in it too.
  13. For me reg file didn't works... It didn't add needed string. I'm added it manually and now all works! Even without logout/logon! Thanks for that! Finally didn't need to patch exe file every update...
  14. Oh. I'm understood now, thanks! Did you checked - does it works with reg? I can check tomorrow...
  15. What content needs to be copied into a file called firefox.exe.manifest?
  16. After that bug fixed it's need to do something with autocolorization bug, if it didn't fixed yet...
  17. You must dowload symbols for your build. Search forum for downloading necessary symbols.
  18. * additional changes to match acrylic design (installer provides option which design to use) HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM\ - CustomThemeReflection - file with texture that is stretched over whole desktop and rendered above glass regions (default is Aero Glass Win7 reflection texture) - CustomThemeMaterial - file with texture that is rendered (tiled) above glass regions (default is Acrylic noise texture) - ColorizationGlassReflectionIntensity - opacity of reflection texture (default = 0) - MaterialOpacity - opacity of material texture (default = 4)
  19. Oh, ok. We'll be waiting. Hope you find it soon. Thanks.
  20. How I can limit max value of balance? Or it must be in DWMGlass.dll? Sorry, I'm not understand all of this completely...
  21. Every time when I change ColorizationColorBalance to 100 after changing wallpaper it changes to fffffff3 and active title didn't have same color as borders... I'm tried to set ColorizationColorBalance to 100 in HKLM registry part, but it didn't helps... On 1.5.9 ColorizationColorBalance changes the same way but autocolorization works normal... I have 1 comp with 407 build and 1.5.9 version works normal - title and borders have very similiar color...
  22. @bigmuscle, thanks for update! 1.5.10 works on 17134.441 build. But now I can't tune autocolor's same way as in previuos versions. Maybe it's cause of your fix: * fixed loading ColorizationColorBalance settings from registry Any settings via GUI or manual editing registry gives different colors on windows titles and it's borders. Inactive windows color's looks more normal, but Window title looks more saturatad too. I use theme with atlas. Please help.
  23. That's why I prefer UxTSB by BigMuscle insteed of file patching. Even if after Windows update AeroGlass became incompatible with new updated Windows build, DWMGlass.dll injects UxTSB.dll in this case, and visual style loads...
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