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  1. tested this some time ago... Rank 2: Heroes of Might and Magic 5 (windows version masq. for install + kernelx + patch 1.41 (i think)) Heroes of Might and Magic 5 - Hammers of Fate (windows version masq. for install + kernelx + patch 2.0) Rank 4: Heroes of Might and Magic 5 (with patch >= 1.5 - saving is not working anymore, no folder found) Heroes of Might and Magic 5 - Hammers of Fate (with patch 2.1 - saving is not working anymore, no folder found) Supreme Commander (numerous missing exports) Rank 3: BTAS: Zak McKracken - between time and space (http://www.zak2.org/zak2/cms/front_content.php?idart=33&idcat=1&changelang=2) (wxWidgets bug for windows9x systems, worked around by kernelx)
  2. Warhammer: Dark Omen (1998), a HOTU - TopDog. A tactical realtime game, pretty hard but very realistic, with friendly fire, moral and physical correct artillery. I Loved it.
  3. update on an alternative PDF Viewer (Opensource, slim+fast, multi-platform, PDF support >1.4), Sumatra PDF v0.8 http://blog.kowalczyk.info/software/sumatrapdf/ works on win98se but with smaller flaws (e.g. menubar is missing,... ) a win9x maintainer is needed for testing and providing smaller fixes (which seems to be welcome, see post http://blog.kowalczyk.info/forum_sumatra/t...77&Posts=1)
  4. also try: http://blog.kowalczyk.info/software/sumatrapdf/
  5. if you calculate it in percentage it is enormous increase... 1MB > 3.6MB -> astonishing increase by 260%! second reason for calling it bloated, they introduced features in the reader which are hardly be used even in an PDF editor ... so the taskbar gets also bloated, introduction of errors... etc. but you are right compared against the bloatware of acrobat... it pretty slim, but i don't like the direction of development it looks like they try to copy acrobat... i would like if foxitreader stays feature minimized like the first releases.
  6. news from foxitreader version v2.1 is out. but (from my experience) not recommendable anymore for win9x users... to bloated, instablities , seems not testest at all for win9x systems :/ personally i stick on version 1.3 build 0930 http://us03.foxitsoftware.com/foxitreader/FoxitReader21.zip ...but there is hope! a new project, even opensource and based on two pdf render engines, sumatra pdf reader v0.7 very stable, very comptible, very small, support pdfversions > 1.4 & and not footstep in system (no install, no registry entries...) very promising! http://blog.kowalczyk.info/software/sumatrapdf/
  7. hello, was also trying a agp 7600gt on win98se, amd64 4000+, 1GB ram, mobo gigabyte nforce3... exchanged my geforce 5700 against a 7600gt, was detected on bootup, drivers freshly installed , was able to change resolution and seems to work. but got some graphical 'glitches' in some games, then if found out that in the driver menu from nvidia the card was listed as 'unknown' but options were available. so i got the feeling this glithces maybe coming from the wrong expectation of the driver of hardware.... someoneelse got such behaviour? greetings
  8. Hi,Please download again and install this 5-28-2007 revised driver [14.5 MB]: http://www.mdgx.com/files/NV8269.EXE Then please post in this forum: http://www.msfn.org/board/?showtopic=97140 any errors you may encounter during install [hopefully there won't be any ]. Thanks for your feedback. Best wishes. thanks, mdgx, problems are solved now! one question on your registrytweaks: your version: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\Global\OpenGL] "ShaderObjects"=dword:00000001 from coolbits 2.0: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\OpenGL] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\OpenGL\Debug] "ShaderObjects"=dword:00000001 which version works, both? greets
  9. hello MDGx, thanks for win9x version of the nvdia driver (NV8269.EXE), but got a installation problem. system: win98se german, 1gb ram, nforce 3 board, Geforce 5700 AGP, uSP2.1, nvidia driver 53.06 -> tried to install NV8269.EXE -> stops in process with message 'setup was unable to read the following registry value: system\currentcontrolset\services\class\display000\default\mode Installation will be terminated' -> failed installation DiD NOT remove all remainings, uninstall entry remains with a 'pci managment driver'??? (AGP driver? PCIEXPRess driver?) -> removed all GFX drivers per uninstall and remainings by hand, registrycleaner, set GFX to 'standard pci driver' -> tried again to install NV8269.EXE -> failed again , removed again all stuff and installed 53.06 :/
  10. Download here: http://www.nandlstadt.com/beta.htm Thank you very much ! ... one question, in some sense it is a fork of gape's pack, because it includes newer available updates which were not included at all in the original pack. How these extensions are selected? because if we look here or at the autopatcher project there should be many more new updates available since gape's pack. http://www.msfn.org/board/complete_list_ho...8se_t84886.html
  11. Heroes of Might and Magic 5. patch 1.5 - save behaviour changed, seems not to able to create save files under win9x anymore (but able to load old one), versions up to 1.41 work without problems Heroes of Might and Magic 5, extension hammer of fate patch 2.1 - save behaviour changed, seems not to able to create save files under win9x anymore (but able to load old one), versions up to 2.0 work without problems Supreme Commander, - way to much dependencies missing from winXP, but at least the XACT audio extension seems for win2000 to be implantable from XP maybe also true for win9x
  12. hello thanks for this pack also available for german windows.... some reports after install everything (german win98se): - after install, movieMK.exe won't work, missing export 'die datei shell.new ist verknuepft mit export-shlwapi.dll:shrregisterValidatetemplate' - on almost every part of update there was an codepage conflict on qfecheck.exe flipping between german & englsih version (- not a bug: conflict between kernel update pack and WUPG, don't notice each other and installing conflicting backup mechanismns)
  13. again, no success.... :/ someone asked me for tihiy's windows 9x version masquerading tool... seems difficult to find in the deepness of this forum so here the link: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=37738 download: http://simplestas.nm.ru/w98hack/
  14. another (well know?) partition resizer, freeware, DOS-based, support up to 2TB download: http://www.zeleps.com/Files/PRESZ134.ZIP beside... someone got (positive) experience on 'mixed' environments, (newer) parts from freedos + win9x ? e.g. the emm386 substitute which seems to use less low memory... good for old games & MS emm386 seems to have for my new hardware an problem in detection upper memory blocks... :/ freedos base tools http://www.freedos.org/cgi-bin/freedos-lsm...?q=d&a=base
  15. thank you mdgx, but didn't work for me... same problem... 'cannot load...'
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