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Tihiy last won the day on May 24 2023

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About Tihiy

  • Birthday 09/09/1986

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    Windows 7 x64

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  1. There's no technical reason for that
  2. beta 4
  3. That's how it was pre 3.8, huh? What's wrong about plump progress bar?
  4. 3.9 beta 3 - Restyled win11 progress bar, indicator, clock alignment depending on plumpness
  5. It's always available - hold Control when clicking group.
  6. Middle click to close is available when task grouping is disabled, otherwise it's not planned to be an option.
  7. Unlock the taskbar
  8. 3.9 beta 2 https://startisback.com/StartAllBack_setup.exe New taskbar perk: Slightly larger bloated swollen plump classic taskbar to match Win11 aesthetic (or adjust vertical spacing or make taskbar float), with optional size bulk heft / padding pillow buffer / margins floating aura option. Other notable changes:
  9. Just restart explorer after reenabling context menus You have ExplorerPatcher or sth else modifying menus I can't reproduce that, at least after wiping UserAssist key.
  10. Provide crash dump. Likely you have shell extensions misbehaving.
  11. Collect explorer crash dumps: 1) Import this registry key http://startisback.com/Enable_Crash_Reports.reg 2) Create C:\dumps folder 3) Crash 4) Send me dmp file from C:\dumps folder
  12. That's Windows Search as is, black box per se.
  13. Honestly no idea how search works. Try running search troubleshooter?
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