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Everything posted by rendrag

  1. i'd tend to agree.... do you have any other motherboards that you could test that P4 in? That would eliminate either the CPU or the mobo from your variables list. I wouldn't bet neccessarily on the northbridge chipset overheating. It is typically going to be warmer than the CPU, regardless of the presence of a fan. Outside of testing the components individually with known working stuff, there's not a whole lot you're going to be able to do. good luck
  2. That all depends on whether or not your router can support bandwidth throttling... if not, you may be stuck, or you could ask your neighbor to turn down the max upload speed if that is an option (sorry, never used bittorent before), or limit the simultaneous number of uploads.
  3. another option is to open the file and see if it opens in something like media player or something like that... if it does, you should then be able to save the file, either by File -> Save, or File -> Save As
  4. http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp_tweaks.htm should have what you're looking for. that site has a ton of reg tweaks. found that link from http://unattended.msfn.org
  5. You can call other pages and such in flash, but there is nothing to my knowledge that will allow you to automatically redirect. The only way I know of how to do that is to do it as TomcaT said and put the tag in the html page. The other way is to have something in the flash that the user can click to enter. BTW, how are you able to punch in your address and immediately call a flash doc that isn't embedded? I wasn't aware of such an ability. A .swf shouldn't be recognized as a valid index page. Generally swf's are alwasy embedded in some kind of html so they can have control over the size of the flash window, etc.. good luck
  6. as i'm sure you're aware of, most of the nvidia cards have a tv-out, but i am not aware of a single nvidia card that does any sort of TV tuning... if you're looking for an all-in-one approach, it looks like ATI is going to be you're only option. Obviously there are external tuners if you didn't go the AIO approach
  7. using firefox preview release on 3 computers. from time to time, on my main machine, the firefox window will start to shake vertically. Once it happened right after an ff install. Other times it would work for a while, then start this problem. I've tried uninstalling firefox, w no sucess. The only way I was able to fix it was to re-install windows. I don't want to do that to my main machine since I run games and such, I'd rather not have to reinstall everything. The specs are as follows: athlon64 3000 asus k8n-e ati aiw 9800pro the only thing I can point to is the radeon because i recently changed the motherboard, cpu and hd. my other systems have never experienced this problem. anyone else run into this problem before? i'm using the catylyst control center that uses .net. I have thought about reverting to an old driver version, but i'm wary of screwing everything up by doing that. what do you guys think? thanks
  8. there must be a way to somehow point to the USB flash drive files, no? i.e. back before CD-ROMs were bootable devices, a floppy would load first, and point to the cd-rom to boot from. Wouldn't that work in this case? make one CD that points to the USB device to boot from. I wouldn't think a file system would stop the booting then. what do you guys think?
  9. short answer: well, not really. long answer: no changes have been made to your system yet, i.e. your computer registry information hasn't been updated with the program key, because the program hasn't been installed. once setup has all of the parameters in place (i.e. install key, installation location, list of components to install), it will start copying the files. Once the install is complete, the auto install programs will note the changes that were made. unfortunately because changes aren't made until the install is complete, you can't only get some of the information into your auto install program
  10. I have a wrt54g linksys and I never see my password in the address bar. i'd think it'd be extremely difficult to get that info, only because you'd a) have to get into the router to change the password, or B) be on the inside and look at that browser's history to find that page just my .02 maybe linksys has some updated firmware for that router if it's an issue
  11. took a little searching b/c i know i read about it before... it's for nav, but the process should be the same for nis http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=23991&hl=
  12. what he's saying is have the snapshot program you're going to use take a snapshot of your system prior to installing either macromedia or adobe software. then install the macromedia/adobe, and go back to the snapshot software and have it build an executable that makes the same system changes that both the adobe and macromedia did. That's all there is. If you are going to use norton autoinstall, the steps htc provided would be how you would go about doing it.
  13. I have to agree totally with the getting passed around to 5 departments because it happened to me, and I wasn't even calling as a customer. I do support for another company who sells to dell, and I was calling on behalf of one of my customers to find out if they had a certain product in stock that they could ship my customer. I never did actually find out because there was no one there who knew. dell is riding on their reputation now, and it's gonna be really tough for any other builder to break that, no matter how bad their service was. To be honest, I never owned a Dell because I knew too many people who did, and weren't happy when it broke
  14. perhaps you should try using a password then instead of leaving it blank (user/user for name and pass), or you could use the default "administrator" account and they can create their accounts from there.
  15. you should see a couple htm files along w/ those cmd files in that folder. Method_1_V002.htm, method_2.htm for method 2. You only need to choose one of the methods. You would put the driverpacks you downloaded into the "driverpack" folder, or the method_X_.cmd will error out on you. Just follow the HTM file for the method you choose. It is step by step instructions. hope that helps
  16. in case it's still unclear (b/c it was to me at first), basically those programs (autoinstall, installwatch, etc..) monitor an installation of your program and note all the changes that happen in the computer and it can build a custom executable for that, so it can install the program. It is similar to building an MST file for office, but in another way. i.e. you start auto install, then run the studio MX setup. It notes everything that is happening, and once the install is complete, you should be able to build a custom executable to run that will re-create those changes on a different machine. hope that helps
  17. there's nothing "built in" to runonce that would automatically flush your temp directory that i'm aware of, though to be honest, i don't use runonce, so I'm not 100% sure. I would have to digress to the members that have more knowledge on that than I. Have you found that the temp directories are filled with files during/after an install? good luck.
  18. if you are just adding office 2k3 to your windows XP installation, then you would have to follow the unattended setup instructions, and see how to call a batch file, and how the setup works. it's not too difficult once you get going. you'd have to edit your winnt.sif file (in the I386 folder) to call what is in section 2 of the link you provided at a minimum. sixpack jumped right to the batch files, but if you don't really have any prior knowledge, then i'd read everything here: http://unattended.msfn.org
  19. it depends on which temp folders you are referring too... if you are talking the user's temp dir, it would be (for XP) %systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Temp but generally speaking, that folder should be pretty empty to start off. If you are talking about your specific folders you used during installation of your programs, you could put the following code in your cmd file RD /S /Q %systemdrive%\setup\applications just continue on that idea for all the folders you need to delete. Obviously anything contained in the "applications" folder in my example would be deleted hope that helped
  20. I actually have the same mobo that you do, and I have had success both using bashrat's and greenmachines methods for that si3112 chipset. In your case, I would suggest starting from the beginning w/ a new txtsetup.sif, and winnt.sif, just to make 100% sure that it wasn't a misplaced file or anything of that nature. A big thing w/ the txtsetup is that the end of the file marker may be invisible, so what may be happening is that the text you're adding is coming after the eof marker. Maybe find the last line of text, and just hit enter a couple times to space it out a little bit so that you know you're above the marker. I did run into a problem w/ bashrat's driverpack that was telling me one of the .sys files was missing, even though when i searched for it in the dir, it was there... turned out that I had multiple entries of [scsi], [scsi.load], etc.. and that was messing up the windows text mode loading the files. Good luck
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