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Everything posted by Yzöwl
Add this before current line 7: SET "_sdir=TEM32"IF %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE:~-2% LSS 86 (SET _sdir=WOW64) ELSE ( IF DEFINED PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 SET "_sdir=WOW64")Then use this at current line 9 instead: "%SYSTEMROOT%\SYS%_sdir%\ONEDRIVESETUP.EXE" /UNINSTALL
I don't know if the defaults are different for updaters as opposed to clean installers but mine's set to Auto which would suggest Spartan engine features where possible, but perhaps not.
My 9926 would not allow me to update to 10041 at all, I ended up using an ISO for a fresh install. Two things I noticed, firstly it's now even harder to work out how to create a local account, secondly I may have found a reason why I couldn't update, it appears that even though it's not listed as a disallowed character, the middle letter of my user name, ö, can no longer be used.
Create Your Own Bootable Windows 10 Build 10041 ISO Image
Yzöwl replied to xper's topic in Technology News
Also a community built ISO (WinAero) available here. -
…unfortunately however, the actual task did not involve outputting anything at all to the screen! Oh and also Outbreaker, since you are invoking the commands from an inf, there should also be no reason why you need to join all of the commands into a single line. 11,,cmd.exe,,,"/Q/C ""FOR /F ""DELIMS="" %A IN ('DIR/B/AD ""%ProgramFiles%\Software\temp\""') DO RD/S/Q ""%A"""11,,cmd.exe,,,"/Q/C ""DEL/F/Q/A ""%ProgramFiles%\Software\temp\*.*"""
...but you're setting a variable for no reason Without changing your code at all and just removing the pointless set you've shortned the command line! CMD /S /Q /V:ON /C "PUSHD "%ProgramFiles%\Software\temp" && (RMDIR "%ProgramFiles%\Software\temp" /S /Q 2>NUL & POPD)" you could even ignore the /s and /v switches and shorten it further.
replace OEM factory wim in WinRE
Yzöwl replied to Yzöwl's topic in Unattended Windows Vista/Server 2008
No! -
replace OEM factory wim in WinRE
Yzöwl replied to Yzöwl's topic in Unattended Windows Vista/Server 2008
Trip, the xml file simply lists the TWinRERecoveryReminder.exe file as RecoveryTools, which despite it's strange name, (and absolutely no mention of it anywhere in Google), has a description which states `Restoring the complete Windows operating system`. From going through the WinRE folder structure, Program Files, ProgramData, sources, Users, Windows; I cannot find anything which stands out as special. Apart from the Windows folder and the sources I've already shown you, the other three folders are effectively just folders within folders with only an odd file. My guess is that the executable copies the structure, except for the sources folder, to the target drive and then …somehow propagates them! Mind you, I never bothered to try the recovery process before I installed my clean system so for all I know the recovery application asks for an optical disk or doesn't work at all! I may even resort to creating a backup image of the newly installed partition, then try to factory reset the unit and find out if it actually works. -
replace OEM factory wim in WinRE
Yzöwl replied to Yzöwl's topic in Unattended Windows Vista/Server 2008
Here is the content of the existing WinRE partition: The boot.wim appears to have only one mountable index. Its content looks like a standard system drive folder structure, the main difference being the \sources folder. Here are its contents: Directory of \MountedWim\sources 11/14/2006 02:36 AM <DIR> en-US11/14/2006 03:05 AM <DIR> recovery 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of \MountedWim\sources\en-US 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of \MountedWim\sources\recovery 11/14/2006 02:36 AM <DIR> en-US11/14/2006 03:05 AM <DIR> tools11/02/2006 03:31 AM 13,824 PssWiz.exe11/02/2006 03:31 AM 428,032 RecEnv.exe11/02/2006 03:31 AM 503,296 StartRep.exe 3 File(s) 945,152 bytes Directory of \MountedWim\sources\recovery\en-US 11/02/2006 03:31 AM 16,384 PssWiz.exe.mui11/02/2006 03:31 AM 18,432 RecEnv.exe.mui11/02/2006 03:31 AM 36,864 StartRep.exe.mui 3 File(s) 71,680 bytes Directory of \MountedWim\sources\recovery\tools 11/09/2006 05:25 AM 421,888 TWinRERecoveryReminder.exe11/10/2006 12:16 AM 301 WinREConfig.xml 2 File(s) 422,189 bytes Total Files Listed: 8 File(s) 1,439,021 bytes 4 Dir(s)So my question I suppose is, can I copy the sources folder from the existing boot.wim into the root of the newly installed system drive, image the system drive to a new boot.wim and replace the one in my WinRE partition. And just to verify, would it be wise to generalize with sysprep or not? my instinct is to do so, (I've only created a single generic named user, from which I've performed all updates etc.). -
Are there any guides or info explaining a process to replace the wim provided by the OEM in the hidden WinRE partition with a clean, up to date and unbloated one. The system has been installed from a clean Vista x86 OEM disk and has the correct most recent drivers etc. However after having installed nearly 200 optional and recommended updates, I'd like to image it and hopefully replace the SP1 based image provided by Toshiba which contains pointless and old programs with out of date drivers etc. I bet it's not as simple as a straight copy and replace…is it? Additionally, as the image is intended for that unit only, should I still be using sysprep with generalize prior to capturing the image or not?
The method of saving is no different to that on a Windows PC. (Microsoft if nothing is consistent in its approach across applications and platforms.) Click File > Select Save As > Choose Word Document (.docx), [should be the default], from Format drop down. (see below) Screenshot taken from Word in Office Mac 2011
[RELEASE] testelev.cmd
Yzöwl replied to jaclaz's topic in Programming (C++, Delphi, VB/VBS, CMD/batch, etc.)
jaclaz, could you explain the purpose of the first 'whoami' line quoted above, (it appears to me to serve no purpose other than to echo a pointless message). -
[RELEASE] testelev.cmd
Yzöwl replied to jaclaz's topic in Programming (C++, Delphi, VB/VBS, CMD/batch, etc.)
jaclaz, here are the results from my console windows testing the commands you gave above. -
That isn't what I'd call a solution! Do you know what happens with your above 'solution' if the end user isn't running 64bit architecture. If you knew your end users were using a 64bit system then you could have tried creating a 64bit SFX, (WinRAR uses 32bit modules by default), by selecting the Default64.SFX or Zip64.SFX modules.
try this: CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").CopyFolder "T:\My Folder\A", "T:\My Folder\B"if you are doing a move instead of a copy you could do this: CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").MoveFolder "T:\My Folder\A", "T:\My Folder\B"In the above case you should of course have an existing source directory and no existing destination directory. I know the above aren't exactly your requirements, but they should help with your learning. In the latter example for instance the original source folder has disappeared, which wasn't your requirement. Why you want to keep an empty directory I don't know, but you could of course just create it again if you feel the need.
How about also providing us with the full batch file! …echoing the data value of a registry key isn't an installation routine; and echo isn't a viable option when the script is being run silently? Additionally, I would make sure that you have no additional spaces in your variables and to be safe I'd make sure that the unknown data value is not broken by unexpected spaces too. @ECHO OFFSETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSIONSET "KEY_NAME1=HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEY_OraDb11g_home1"SET "VALUE_NAME1=ORACLE_HOME"SET "O-HOME="FOR /F "TOKENS=2*" %%a IN ('REG QUERY %KEY_NAME1% /V %VALUE_NAME1% 2^>NUL') DO SET "O-HOME=%%b"IF DEFINED O-HOME (ECHO=%O-HOME%) ELSE (ECHO=ERROR RETURNING REGISTRY KEY VALUE)PAUSE
You may in your example above, be better advised using START "" /WAIT, where "" is "EMPTY TITLE". It's still a pointless exercise to have a file and folder structure over which you have full control and deliberately use naming structures which are not suitable. The folder inside $1 you have named Install, all of the sub folders and their contained batch files can be named anything at all, so why choose something which means that you need to take special action within their contained installation scripts. Take for instance the example above, everyone knows that the program is called CCleaner, nobody, except for those directly involved with the Developer cares at installation time who makes it so drop the Piriform_ from both the directory and file names. If I was to only have x64 version of any software then I would include x64 in the names otherwise I know that the software would install on either platform. So since this obviously installs on both platforms, just drop the _x86_&_x64 from the names. Additionally, the installation batch file in every folder doesn't need to carry the same name as the parent folder, if it's in the CCleaner directory it's relatively safe to assume it isn't used to install Opera in the Opera directory, so just tell us what it does by giving it a sensible name. Then you should be creating the individual batch files to use their parent directories if necessary for the current directories in order that you don't have to specifically code it in your working batch script. Examples: CALL "%~dp0Install\CCLeaner_5.1.5075\install.cmd" START "" /W CMD /C "%~dp0Install\CCLeaner_5.1.5075\install.cmd" The system above also means that if you wanted to install the following five programs you could use something like this: FOR %%A IN ("Prog_1" "Prog_2" "Prog_3" "Prog_4" "Prog_5") DO CALL "%~dp0Install\%%~A\install.cmd"
Why are you even bothering changing directories? @Echo Off & SetLocal DisableDelayedExpansionSet "_BD=%UserProfile%\Documents\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover - MOD\DashPics"If "%CD%" NEq "%_BD%" PushD %_BD%||Exit/BSet "_$="For %%# In (Templates\*.tga) Do Set/A _$+=1 & For /F %%_ In ('Call Echo(%%_$%%' ) Do Set "_F[%%_]=%%#"Set/A _R=%Random% %% _$ +1Call Echo(Processing "%%_F[%_R%]%%"Call Copy "%%_F[%_R%]%%" Selected\1.tga>NulStart "" "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\NaturalPoint\TrackIR5\TrackIR5.exe"Start "" "D:\Applications\Steam\Steam.exe"Start "" "C:\Games\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\IL-2 Sturmovik Cliffs of Dover\Launcher.exe"I've removed all of the five second pauses so if your executables are launching too quickly then use the /Wait switch with Start. Also be aware that whilst you've asked for the script to not be user specific, you've then fixed the locations for steam.exe and launcher.exe!