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Everything posted by Yzöwl

  1. Are you implying that the old, obsolete, unsupported, OS has the same market value as a new, supported one? Not exactly, however the cost difference between the driver unsupported OS and the OS with supported drivers will be small, and even if they weren't a 2Tb or even 1Tb HDD or alternatively just simply less RAM with all other components remaining the same would have at least meant a fully working system. As I intimated previously it makes no sense to run an ageing/hacked OS on recent hardware and expect it to work without issue using software designed for that hardware
  2. If you're going to such lengths pre-install then you've essentially already determined that the OS you're testing is OTT for your requirements, I'd suggest you therefore try an alternative.
  3. My advice is simple, sell your unsupported operating system and spend that money on a supported operating system instead. I see no benefit in running a system whose core OS is so outdated that it requires a never ending battle in order to maintain compatibility with up to date hardware and software technologies.
  4. Yzöwl


    Welcome to the MSFN and enjoy your stay!
  5. This topic has been moved from the Programming Forum area These tables are normally stored in three files, the definition, data and index, and are very easily corrupted. The usual advice is to jump ship to an alternative such as InnoDB.
  6. How does powershell work for this task? $ShApp = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application$Fonts = $ShApp.NameSpace(0x14)$Extns = @("*.otf","*.ttf")GCI -Include "$Extns" | %\{$Fonts.CopyHere($_.FullName)\}
  7. The only legitimate files I'd like to see located there would be of the type *.lnk or *.url, not executables. Along the lines of the previous response, I'd prefer to rename the startup folder and create a file with the name startup whilst I try to locate the rogue process(es).
  8. I have a couple of observations with your 'uninstall entry' check. There is no need to check the DisplayVersion, merely the existence of the key; because {1FDB8EC6-BAF1-42F9-8E09-4D9AB369F1B5} is pertinent only to the DisplayVersion (i.e. McAfee Agent 4.8 Patch 1). However are you sure you're only wanting to check for that specific version? what about McAfee Agent 4.8: key {11FEE8E5-D9BD-4AC1-8074-5169069DF812}; DisplayVersion McAfee Agent 4.8 Patch 2? key {EBF3D65F-011E-44D2-8F4F-C74B52682EDD}; DisplayVersion​ Also don't forget that persons using a 64bit OS will have that uninstall key in a different location
  9. sam240, you simply had to replace the three lines from jaclaz' two codes with my versions to fix his three issues.
  10. change to FOR /F "tokens=2 %delims==" %%A IN ('FIND "TheLast"^<i:\lenovo\domain\blank\last.ini') DO SET Today=%%Aand IF NOT EXIST i:\lenovo\base\blank\%Today%\ MD i:\lenovo\base\blank\%Today%>i:\lenovo\base\blank\last.ini ECHO;TheLast=%Today%
  11. Agreed, if on the rare occasion that the OP has stated the actual paths. The intent of my post remains, to show that the command used in the subject title is deprecated so if there is a need not to use the move or copy commands then why not use robocopy.
  12. XCopy was superseded by RoboCopy: @SETLOCAL@SET "SRC=I:\lenovo\base\blank"@SET "DST=I:\lenovo\base\blank\archive\%DATE:~10,4%-%DATE:~4,2%-%DATE:~7,2%"@SET "WIM=image.wim"@ROBOCOPY "%SRC%" "%DST%" "%WIM%" /Z /J /MOVThis should move the file a little more robustly.
  13. @vicgarin, I have tidied up this topic because I saw no reason to continue down the route I was taking you. I have had access to a Windows 7 Unit this evening and have therefore formulated something which should contain what you needed; (since systeminfo and quickfixengineering didn't include the .NET installs). @ECHO OFFSETLOCALSET _="%TEMP%\_$.TMP"TYPE NUL>%_%FOR /F "TOKENS=2 DELIMS==" %%A IN ('WMIC QFE GET HOTFIXID /VALUE 2^>NUL' ) DO CALL ECHO;[%%A]>>%_%FOR %%A IN (\ \WOW6432NODE\) DO (FOR /F "EOL=E TOKENS=*" %%B IN ( 'REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE%%AMICROSOFT\UPDATES /S /F "KB" /K 2^>NUL' ) DO FIND /I "[%%~nxB]"<%_%>NUL||ECHO;[%%~nxB]>>%_%)SORT<%_%>"%~dp0%COMPUTERNAME%HOTFIXES.TXT"DEL %_%Just run the above on each unit and compare the differences!
  14. Could you not have just copied and pasted the seven lines exactly as they are into notepad and saved as anything.cmd?
  16. In order to prevent you wasting time in the hope of a solution to that request, I'll let you know now that it will not be fulfilled. I see no reason whatsoever to convert a nine line batch file into one line containing nine lines of batch code.
  17. @radix I'm still trying to work out what all of the code is for! What happens if you run this? @ECHO OFFSETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONSSET "FS=files*.7z.*"SET "WD=D:\New folder"SET "RS=?SHA1"FOR /F "DELIMS=*" %%A IN ("%FS%") DO SET "FN=%%A">%FN%.sha1 TYPE NULFOR /F "TOKENS=*" %%A IN ('FSUM.EXE -SHA1 -D"%WD%" "%FS%"') DO (SET "OL=%%A" >>%FN%.sha1 CALL ECHO;%%OL:%RS%=%%)The only things you should need to change are %FS% and %WD% variables on lines 4 and 5 respectively.
  18. For hashes I tend to use the powershell module, however I also still use Microsoft's own fciv.exe, downloaded in this self extractor. With that I'd just use this kind of structure: "PATH TO\FCIV.EXE" %CD% -SHA1 -TYPE *.EXE -WPOr: FOR /F "EOL=/ TOKENS=*" %A IN ('"PATH TO\FCIV.EXE" %CD% -SHA1 -TYPE *.EXE -WP') DO >>OUTPUT.LOG @ECHO(%Ato create a log file containing only the SHA1 hashes of all of the EXE files in the current directory. I would suggest you look for a more suitable checksum tool instead of having to 'fix' the output from every use of your current one. Also I have to ask again, Why ?SHA1 and not ?SHA1*, I'm fairly sure from what you've posted that the check-summed files were not named beginning with an asterisk.
  19. There's still confusion, did you want to remove ?SHA1, or as MHz's script does remove ?SHA1* Also, note the emboldened text above, you're not really replacing anything, so why did you provide us with a script showing strings in new and old variables?
  20. Unfortunately you have failed to show me what the problem is! I'm guessing that there's something in the fsum output you're wanting to replace, it appears that you're hoping to replace ?SHA1 with something but you haven't confirmed that or what you're intending to replace that with!
  21. @radix Please try to provide an full explanation of what you are trying to achieve, because it isn't possible to tell from the code you've attempted. I have created a new Topic from your question since it has no specific ties with the one in which you'd posted.
  22. Now, I'm sure that I'm not the only one with this as a problem, and there's a fair chance it's been this way for many years, but I decided to try and use the built in Browser, (because it's wrong to not test all of the preview OS), and I've got some major annoyances already. However the most annoying is this: When I logged on earlier today, it appeared that all of my Desktop URL's have had their icon, (the one which belongs to IE as the default browser) changed to the site icons of the sites they link to. I don't want any site icons, my expectation of an icon is to indicate the program which opens that file type. If I want an document which opens in Excel I look for the Excel X icon, in Word the unmistakable W icon and in Internet Explorer the even better known e icon. I do not want an Amazon icon and I certainly don't want the one of a naked lady, above the label 'boring work stuff'. Can anyone tell me if now that I've 'changed icon' back to the default at C:\Windows\System32\url.dll whether this is going to happen again, and if so how to stop it.
  23. Two other things I've noticed! In IE11, using either the drop down menu or pressing F12 does not always open the Developer Tools as expected. There is a blank/invisible icon in the system tray for Defender, (I can still hover over the expected icon area and see a PC status: Protected message).
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