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Everything posted by ppgrainbow

  1. Is there a version of the Windows Update MiniTool for Windows 2000? I did managed to compile to updates for Windows 2000 into both in a ISO (658 MB) and in ZIP file (765 MB). They're both located on drive F on the \Win_2000 directory.
  2. That can probably complicate matters for the updates to Office 2010 still be served on Windows XP and Windows Vista. On Windows 7 SP1 and later, Office 2010 is still supported. Microsoft decommissioned the Office Update website weeks after Office 2000 went out of support.
  3. Okay, the next time when I want to re-install Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Vista, how will I be able to re-update these platforms that have been out of support for years?
  4. USB 1,.x and USB 2.0 with USB 3.0 backwards compatibility with USB 2.0 USB support is available starting with WIndows 95 OSR2.
  5. Can anyone on Windows 2000 access the Windows Update website? I suspect that it will only be a matter of time when Microsoft decommissions the Windows Update website especially since Microsoft will end downgrade rights to Windows XP after Windows 7 reaches end of life on January 14, 2020.
  6. I'm sorry to hear that you can't find any helpful information on TETRIS for Windows at all. :(
  7. It can be found in disk 1 of the Microsoft Entertainment Pack Volume 1 on a 1.44 MB floppy under the \bin sub-directory. Wikipedia has a article on it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Entertainment_Pack
  8. I sure hope that this is the right place to post this. Has anyone ever played TETRIS for Windows? The current version of the game is version 2 with the datestamp of 1990-09-04 21:46:28 with TETRIS.EXE as the executable. It's a 16-bit executable that was apart of the first volume Microsoft Entertain Pack for Windows as well as Microsoft's Best of Windows Entertainment Pack that ran under Microsoft Windows 3.0 and later. Now here's the embarrassing limitation. According to this article, programmers used 16-bit signed integer variables to store points earned by the player. Once you reach the highest possible score of 32,767 points, it overflows and is displayed as a negative number (-32,768 points). Are there any 16-bit hex editing utilities that will look at 16-bit Windows executable files and are there any 16-bit de-compilers that will modify the code? Also, is there any idea what code that was used to store 16-bit signed integer variables to store points that were earned by the player? If there is no fix, I guess that you'll have to stop at 32,000. ;| Thank you for your time.
  9. We don't know about decommissioning the update servers as of yet. But if you want to post a dedicated topic just incase, that would be god. :)
  10. Thanks for the heads up. Otherwise, Windows Media Player 6.4 is the last version that officially works on Windows 95.
  11. Thank you so much! Have you found which version of Xebra is the last to support Windows 95?
  12. As far as I know, SeaMonkey will also be discontinued for Windows Server 2008 as well since Server 2K8 is based on the Windows Vista codebase. Developers have changed the add-ons locations from mozilla.org to addons.thunderbird.net in the SeaMonkey 2.60 branch...that is if developers get a major release, because Gecko 52 is approaching end of life soon. Thunderbird and SeaMonkey has no plans to switch to the WebExtensions API anytime soon. I will keep an eye out for any updates to this extension. I'm pretty lucky to download all of the old extensions for Firefox 12 and SeaMonkey 2.9.1 on Windows 2000.
  13. I'm wondering this change also affects users on SeaMonkey and any Mozilla products that use the Gecko 52 codebase? :( On Seamonkey 2.49.4, I have Adblock Plus 2.9.1, Chatzilla, 0.9.93, Download Statusbar, Google Reversi Image Search 55.0, Overbite FF 3.1.1696, Preserve Download Modification Timestamp 2013.05.11.19b and User Agent Switcher 0.73.1. How am I going to find these legacy extensions for anyone who has been stuck using Firefox 12/10.0.12 ESR on Windows 2000, Firefox on Windows NT4/98/Me as well as Firefox 1.5.12 on Windows 95/NT 3.51?
  14. As far as I know right now, Virtual PC 2007 only runs on 32-bit versions of Windows 10. Any attempt to run VPC on Windows 10 64-bit will result in a BSoD (CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT) referencing VMM.SYS. For the time being, if you want to run Virtual PC, you can run it in a virtualiser such as VMware or VirtualBox. If you're using Windows 2000, you need to use Virtual PC 2004. 32-bit versions of Windows XP SP2 and up can use the 32-bit versions of Virtual PC 2007l. 64-bit versions of Windows XP through Windows 7 can use the 64-bit versions of Virtual PC 2007. :) Has anyone found what dependencies were changed in Windows 10 and what caused the 64-bit versions of Virtual PC 2007 to not work at all under Windows 10?
  15. Checking the system requirements page of AbiWord version 2.4.6 is the last version to support Windows 95 as well as Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98 and Windows Me: https://www.abisource.com/support/require/ AbiWord 2.9.4 is the last version to be built on the Windows platform. Windows support was dropped in version 3 due to lack of Windows developers.
  16. Here is what I found out. I used to run Cygwin on operating systems such as Windows 95, Windows 98 and even Windows 2000 - only to find that Cygwin dropped support for these old OSes. The last version of Cygwin that supported Windows 95 as well as Windows 98 and Windows Millennium edition was Cygwin 1.5_25. Cygwin 1.7 was released at the end of 2009 and its DLLs won't even run on these OSes. Anyone have a copy of Cygwin 1.5_25? As far as I know, if Cygwin was installed again on these unsupported OSes, I have a concern that the current repos used to install software under an older version of Cygwin might not work correctly, if not at all.
  17. As of right now, Google.com (not google.co.uk) works on Internet Explorer 5.5, but not on Internet Explorer 6. Bing crashes IE5.5 and unless you use a different browser, you won't be able to use the search engine. You can still do a basic search for websites under Google, but most of the websites under that browser will not work correctly, if not at all. Here's a screenshot: I recommend that you use a working browser if you're running Windows 95 such as the latest version of Retrozilla.
  18. Thank goodness!
  19. Indeed, it is strange...
  20. The current goal of $183 is almost reached. Just need $8 to meet the goal to keep MSFN online through at least 2018. :)

  21. I'm pretty sure that even if no adblocking software installed bild.de would show up that I have a "adblocker activated" when there is no adblocking software installed.
  22. I don't have the Virtual Machine Additions installed on the Windows 95 VM at all. Now looking at the setup for Windows 95 on the third hard disk, here's where I finally figured something out: hide (hd0,0) hide (hd0,4) hide (hd0,5) hide (hd0,6) hide (hd1,0) hide (hd1,4) hide (hd1,5) hide (hd1,6) unhide (hd2,0) unhide (hd2,4) unhide (hd2,5) unhide (hd2,6) map (hd0) (hd2) map (hd2) (hd0) find --set-root /IO.SYS map --floppies-1 map --hook root (hd0,0) chainloader +1 The result is that prior to booting Windows 95, hard disks hd0 and hd1 go hidden, hd2 are unhidden. But here's the correct caviat, After mapping hd2 as hd0, I have to hook INT13 (map --hook) and after that, I set the root as hd0,0. However, the ghost partitions M: through P: still showed up and drives C: though F: are still using compatibility mode. Now checking the IOS.LOG file in the \WINDOWS directory, I found that the MBRINT13.SYS is causing unit numbers 02, 03, 04 and 05 to go through real mode drivers. I'm baffled on how this can be fixed now.
  23. That might be the issue with duplicate drive letters (M, N, O and P) showing up. I think that it could be a bug or design limitation with either the Windows 9x/ME operating systems or GRUB4DOS itself. I'm gonna do a Google search on ghost partitions in Windows 95 for more information.
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