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Everything posted by keytotime

  1. This is a guide to install charmap without having to install desktop experience (so no extra bulk). 1) Go to the winsxs directory (/windows/winsxs) 2) search for charmap. 3)Copy the content of microsoft-windows-charmap into system32 and the contents of microsoft-windows-charmap.resources into system32/en-US. 4) search for getuname 5)Copy the content of microsoft-windows-getuname into system32 and the contents of microsoft-windows-getuname.resources into system32/en-US. 6) search for linkinfo. 7)Copy the content of microsoft-windows-linkinfo into system32. 8) Now you can run charmap. Please note when you search for files you will might find both x86 and amd64 versions, you the same version as your os (server 64 bit use amd 64 and server x86 use the x86 files.)
  2. 1) Very Few Real Improvement's 2) To Many Bug's 3) To Few Compatible Driver's 4) Requirement's are unreal
  3. Cheers Mate. Happy Late BDAY now go out and enjoy your privilege to buy alcohol.
  4. Yeap, It's a potential volatile situation.
  5. True 18yr old Geek Married to my PC no children. In an extra marital affair with a swimming pool.
  6. Good work mate. Just one question, is there any way to enable my ATI TV-Out with this?
  7. http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.p...lease_id=415656 Changelog: http://sourceforge.net/project/shownotes.p...lease_id=415656
  8. I think, they were like. American alway's think bigger is better. So if we give them a 500mb download then it must be the ultimate burning suite. Even the name of the American version of Nero is Nero Ultra edition.
  9. omg that is amazing.
  10. I'm not impatient. I'm addicted. I neeed my NERO LITE INSTALLER. I need it.
  11. I can't dl. It say's Forbidden.
  12. no it is not necessary. Sorry I forgot to remove the post.
  13. The .ico must have icon's for all resolutions. Good work, what font do you use? I wish Xpize could use your work to create the 7-Zip icons.
  14. Found the problem. The nero.txt contains the strings.
  15. Drop this in your nero folder. nero.txt
  16. Download :http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=14481&package_id=29413&release_id=409569 Changelog: http://sourceforge.net/project/shownotes.p...&group_id=14481
  17. the language pack is the english help files.
  18. There is a new beta of 7-Zip Changelog: Download Download: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.p...lease_id=409551
  19. I have the same problem.
  20. 1. You sure you're using the right driver's 2. Is the audio enabled in the BIOS.
  21. I have not used an Anti-Virus Program in over 4 years. For me they are just memory hogs and don't really work.
  22. Get it here http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/guliver...490.7z?download changelog: http://sourceforge.net/project/shownotes.p...&group_id=82303
  23. http://www.foobar2000.org/ http://www.foobar2000.org/foobar2000_0.9.exe - Reworked UI structure, removed various redundant / rarely used features. - New: Media Library, replacing old “database” functionality. - Improved playlist management - better handling of multiple playlists, native multilevel undo and more. - Changes in title formatting script (field remappings) to make common operations easier. - New: Converter, replacing old “Diskwriter” component. Includes album image writing (cuesheet creation, direct encoding to MP4 with chapters), preview generation and multi-CPU optimizations. Most popular encoders are supported out-of-the-box; more encoders can be added using generic commandline encoder setup. - Improved support for specific file formats: faster tag updates with MP3 and FLAC, new native ID3v2 support, rewritten MP4 support now including chapters, rewritten cuesheet handling with improved handling of embedded cuesheets, improved AAC streaming support, and more. - Various speed optimizations, improved UI responsivity during time-consuming operations; better handling of overkill playlist scripts. - New: file type associations page in preferences. - New and improved ReplayGain scanner with proper multichannel support and multi-CPU optimizations; now with option to apply RG adjustment directly to audio data in MP3 files. - Improved audio CD support, with simple secure ripping functionality. - Rewritten network code. - Improved security by replacing various third party libraries with own implementations. - Various usability improvements. - Dropped Windows 95/98/ME/NT4 OS support. Windows 2000, XP or newer is now required.
  24. Btw these are the files you need: dxmasf.dll msdmo.dll msdxm.ocx New Folder qasf.dll wmadmod.dll WMASF.DLL wmnetmgr.dll wmp.dll wmp.ocx wmpdxm.dll wmploc.dll wmvcore.dll wmvdmod.dll You need to run regsvr32 on these files: dxmasf.dll msdxm.ocx wmp.ocx qasf.dll wmp.dll wmpdxm.dll wmvcore.dll wmvdmod.dll WMADMOD.dll wmnetmgr.dll For the plugin to work in firefox or any other non IE browser you need to download and copy npdsplay.dll to the plugin folder.
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