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Everything posted by killerbee
hi wraith, but a "/nolog"-switch would prevent it. Oh, and name it like the .xml which is called. cya Killer Bee
hi, but i think it is working, because LiveUpdate(v2.5) says that everything is up to date and don't want to download anything... hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
hi wraith, i have just integrated it in my XPCD and ran it @ T-12min and it works like a charm. look at the attached .log to see it yourself. hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee xplode2.log
hi, just downloaded the actual i32.exe and ran this: 20040828-003-i32.exe /Extract .\viri copied it over to the admin install point and all runs fine... hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee BTW: 1400-patch was applied and i ran a quiet LU v2.5-setup after it and no updates were available...
hi, i'm for v5.0.5 as well. cya Killer Bee
hi, just tested it on my real PC and it worked without any problem, so it must be sth. else. cya Killer Bee
hi, this is nice to hear it will have a XPlode-xml output in the next version. This is a really cool feature cya Killer Bee
hi wraith, thanks for the timeline - this teases me a bit while awaiting it cya Killer Bee
hi, hmmm, i haven't tested it on my real pc. maybe i should do it in the near future. I'll report back when i had the time. cya Killer Bee
hi, it should be: <item display='Installing Applications...'> <execute display='Audio Drivers' program='#SOURCEDRIVE#\install\wdm_a362\setup' arguments='-s -f2#systemdrive#\mylog.log'></execute> </item> and use <items> around all your <item> hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
hi, try adding a /log:#SYSTEMDRIVE#\xplode.log to the parameters to look in the log for further details. Please post your log to let us see whats wrong. BTW: have you saved your .xml as unicode? hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
hi, please try to move xplode in: H:\Technique\XPlode\ instead of: H:\Technique\XPlode\XPlode-1.1.2\ and try again. maybe it doesn't like the '.' in the path. hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
hi, this is strange, please redownload XPlode v1.1.2 and try this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <XPlode> <config> <!-- if XPLODE finds a window with this name, it will hide it during execution --> <hidewindow>Windows Update</hidewindow> <hidewindow>CMD.EXe</hidewindow> <!-- this tells XPLODE how many items to show at one time (does not include current item description) --> <!-- and how many items to show that are coming after the current --> <show total='6' after='2'></show> <!-- these two control the font face and size of XPLODE --> <!-- antialias ==> true : false --> <font face='Tahoma' antialias='true'></font> <font small='8' large='12'></font> <!-- this controls the window width and position --> <!-- position is a grid as follows: +-+-+-+ |0|1|2| +-+-+-+ |3|4|5| +-+-+-+ |6|7|8| +-+-+-+ --> <!-- fixmain is to add height to the middle window if changing fonts - some may need modification. (extra pixel count) --> <window width='440' position='2' fixmain='0'></window> <windowmode>Standalone</windowmode> <!-- all colours are in the format #RRGGBBAA - where AA is transparency value. --> <!-- FF == fully opaque, 00 == fully invisible. If no AA, it defaults to FF --> <colours> <!-- the header footer, and progress colours --> <!-- image attributes are optional - if not specified, normal background --> <header back='#003399' fore='#FFFFFFAA' image=''></header> <footer back='#003399' fore='#FFFFFFAA' image=''></footer> <progress border='#FFFFFFAA' back='#00000000' fore='#FFFFFFAA'></progress> <!-- colours used in main section --> <main back='#4A6FD6' fore='#FFFFFFAA' current='#FF8000' description='#FFFFFF' image='' overlay='#FFFFFF22'/> </colours> <!-- string table --> <strings> <!-- the heading that gets shown in the dialog --> <title>Main XPlode who calls other .xml-files</title> <!-- the string to use for "complete" --> <complete>complete</complete> <!-- adduser plugin strings --> <adduser>Adding user #1#</adduser> <addusertogroup>Adding user #1# to group #2#</addusertogroup> <addgroup>Adding group #1#</addgroup> <!-- string to use when copying, moving, and deleting files --> <!-- #1# will be replaced with the filename --> <!-- #2# will be replaced with the copied file size (does not work for deleting)--> <!-- #3# will be replaced with the total file size --> <!-- #4# will be replaced with the copied percentage (does not work for deleting) --> <copy>Copying #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)</copy> <move>Moving #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)</move> <delete>Deleting #1# (#3#)</delete> </strings> </config> <items> <item display='Users and Autologon'> <execute display='Turning off password expiration' program='net.exe' arguments='accounts /maxpwage:unlimited' hide='true'></execute> </item> </items> </XPlode> this is known to be working and should produce this: -=-=-=-=-=-=-> XPlode start at: 04/08/23 03:06:54 XPlode { Loading Plugins (SDK2.0) { Load successful: d:\temp-stuff\XPCD1\Install\XPlodeAdduserPlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: d:\temp-stuff\XPCD1\Install\XPlodeExamplePlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: d:\temp-stuff\XPCD1\Install\XPlodeExecutePlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: d:\temp-stuff\XPCD1\Install\XPlodeFSOpsPlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: d:\temp-stuff\XPCD1\Install\XPlodeRegistryPlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: d:\temp-stuff\XPCD1\Install\XPlodeShortcutPlugin2.xpd2 } Registering commands { Command: addgroup, (0,1) Command: adduser, (0,0) Command: copy, (3,0) Command: delete, (3,2) Command: example, (1,0) Command: execute, (2,0) Command: move, (3,1) Command: registry, (4,0) Command: shortcut, (5,0) } Commandline Parameter: '/help:', Value: '' Commandline Parameter: '/xml:', Value: '.\test.xml' Parsing XML: .\test.xml { Error opening XML file: .\test.xml Invalid XML syntax. Check UNICODE encoding? } Starting dialog { } Execution thread { } -=-=-=-=-=-=-> XPlode end at: 04/08/23 03:06:54 -=-=-=-=-=-=-> XPlode start at: 04/08/23 03:07:33 XPlode { Loading Plugins (SDK2.0) { Load successful: d:\temp-stuff\XPCD1\Install\XPlodeAdduserPlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: d:\temp-stuff\XPCD1\Install\XPlodeExamplePlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: d:\temp-stuff\XPCD1\Install\XPlodeExecutePlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: d:\temp-stuff\XPCD1\Install\XPlodeFSOpsPlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: d:\temp-stuff\XPCD1\Install\XPlodeRegistryPlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: d:\temp-stuff\XPCD1\Install\XPlodeShortcutPlugin2.xpd2 } Registering commands { Command: addgroup, (0,1) Command: adduser, (0,0) Command: copy, (3,0) Command: delete, (3,2) Command: example, (1,0) Command: execute, (2,0) Command: move, (3,1) Command: registry, (4,0) Command: shortcut, (5,0) } Commandline Parameter: '/help:', Value: '' Commandline Parameter: '/xml:', Value: '.\test.xml' Parsing XML: .\test.xml { Configuration Block { hidewindow = 'Windows Update' hidewindow = 'CMD.EXe' font.antialias = 'true' font.face = 'Tahoma' show.after = '2' show.total = '6' window.fixmain = '0' window.position = '2' window.width = '440' colours.header.back = '#003399' colours.header.fore = '#FFFFFFAA' colours.header.image = '' colours.footer.back = '#003399' colours.footer.fore = '#FFFFFFAA' colours.footer.image = '' colours.main.back = '#4A6FD6' colours.main.current = '#FF8000' colours.main.description = '#FFFFFF' colours.main.fore = '#FFFFFFAA' colours.main.image = '' colours.main.overlay = '#FFFFFF22' colours.progress.back = '#00000000' colours.progress.border = '#FFFFFFAA' colours.progress.fore = '#FFFFFFAA' strings.addgroup = 'Adding group #1#' strings.adduser = 'Adding user #1#' strings.addusertogroup = 'Adding user #1# to group #2#' strings.complete = 'complete' strings.copy = 'Copying #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)' strings.delete = 'Deleting #1# (#3#)' strings.move = 'Moving #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)' strings.title = 'Main XPlode who calls other .xml-files' } Items Block { Item Block: 'Users and Autologon' { Tag: 'execute' { arguments = 'accounts /maxpwage:unlimited' display = 'Turning off password expiration' hide = 'true' program = 'net.exe' } } } } Starting dialog { } Execution thread { Running item: 'Users and Autologon' { Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'net.exe accounts /maxpwage:unlimited' (hidden) } } } -=-=-=-=-=-=-> XPlode end at: 04/08/23 03:07:34 if something is different in this, then post it back here to track it down. hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
hi, have you tried the Universal Silent switch finder? you can find it here on the forums for your unattended pleasure. Or you could post a link so we can play around with it a little. hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
hi, just do a search for the switches for the executable and your probs should be gone. hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
hi, try to delete username and password in this example. I always had problems while using username and password-options inside the tags. hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
[Help] First attemp of unattended XP
killerbee replied to AznStyl's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
@westi, ****, you were a little faster than me cya Killer Bee -
[Help] First attemp of unattended XP
killerbee replied to AznStyl's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
hi, if you are using cariables that have a space in it after it is replaced with the original value u need " like this: %PROGRAMFILES%\hello.cmd will be c:\program files\hello.cmd but now there's a space in it and it won't work. so do this: "%ProgramFiles%\hello.cmd" which will lead to this and all is fine: "C:\Program Files\hello.cmd" hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee -
hi, <hidewindow> is from xpinstall, in xplode you can use hide='true' inside the execute tag. hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
Unattended Installation WIN XP_SP2
killerbee replied to clair's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
hi, looks ok to me, i've not seen any syntax errors. Best would be to test it in a VM. hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee -
hi, "xplode.exe /xml:xplode.xml /log:#SYSTEMDRIVE#\xplode.log" should be: "xplode.exe /xml:#XPLODE#\xplode.xml /log:#SYSTEMDRIVE#\xplode.log" hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
howto get svcpack.inf after SP2-update
killerbee replied to killerbee's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
hi, yes this link burned away the piece of wood in front of my head. it is even easier than that: 1. open a command-prompt and head to you i386-folder 2. run this one: expand svcpack.in_ svcpack.inf 3. create a folder named "hotfixes" under i386 and you are done. T-13min is back now i can put XPlode in there and add this to svcpack.inf: XPlode.exe /xml:"#XPLODE#\xplode.xml" /log:"#SYSTEMDRIVE#\xpsvcp.log" to launch it. thanks and hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee -
SP Automatic Updates just won't go away
killerbee replied to Tarran's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
hi, it should be like this: ;SetupMgrTag [Data] AutoPartition=0 MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall="Yes" [Unattended] UnattendMode=FullUnattended OemSkipEula=Yes OemPreinstall=Yes UnattendSwitch="yes" Repartition=No WaitForReboot="No" DriverSigningPolicy=Ignore TargetPath=\WINDOWS OemPnPDriversPath="Drivers\000_chipset_intl;Drivers\000_chipset_nv;Drivers\000_chipset_sis;Drivers\001_network;Drivers\002_sound; Drivers\003_graphics;Drivers\004_monitor;Drivers\005_SiL;Drivers\006_k7;" [GuiUnattended] AdminPassword=REMOVED OEMSkipRegional=1 TimeZone=110 OemSkipWelcome=1 [UserData] ProductKey=REMOVED FullName="xxx" OrgName="yyy" ComputerName=REMOVED [Display] BitsPerPel=32 Xresolution=1024 YResolution=768 Vrefresh=75 ConfigureAtLogon=0 AutoConfirm=1 [TapiLocation] AreaCode=0 LongDistanceAccess="0" [RegionalSettings] LanguageGroup=1 SystemLocale=00000409 UserLocale=00000407 InputLocale=0407:00000407 [Identification] JoinWorkgroup=REMOVED [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=No [NetAdapters] Adapter1=params.Adapter1 [params.Adapter1] INFID=* [NetClients] MS_MSClient=params.MS_MSClient [NetServices] MS_SERVER=params.MS_SERVER [NetProtocols] MS_TCPIP=params.MS_TCPIP [params.MS_TCPIP] DNS=Yes UseDomainNameDevolution=No EnableLMHosts=Yes AdapterSections=params.MS_TCPIP.Adapter1 [params.MS_TCPIP.Adapter1] SpecificTo=Adapter1 DHCP=Yes WINS=No NetBIOSOptions=0 [Components] msmsgs=off msnexplr=off zonegames=off upnp=off OEAccess=off IEAccess=off TerminalServer=off IndexSrv_System=off freecell=off Pinball=off [SetupParams] UserExecute="%SystemDrive%\Install\XPlode.exe /xml:#SYSTEMDRIVE#\Install\Phase3.xml /log:#SYSTEMDRIVE#\Phase3.log" [GUIRunOnce] "%Systemdrive%\Install\XPlode.exe /xml:#XPLODE#\Phase4.xml /log:#SYSTEMDRIVE#\Phase4.log" hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee -
SP Automatic Updates just won't go away
killerbee replied to Tarran's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
hi, it's UnattendSwitch and not UnattendedSwitch in your winnt.sif hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee -
hi, i've just slipstreamed SP2 onto a clean SP1-CD and now i am missing the update-folder and the svcpack.inf for T-13min installations, so how is the clean and easy way to get it back with just the minimal file-set? thanks in advance guys cya Killer Bee