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Everything posted by darks0ul

  1. 3rd party or Nero apps (recode, vision) need NeroAPI, too?
  2. Hi, I bought PSP from Dell, and it's very interesting because a) The Start Menu group is not the value on the msi file or transform (it's very weird) B) It doesn't need activation And it won't install snapfire or yahoo crapbar.
  3. Ehm the code works for me, because RunOnceEx launchs applications using %SystemDrive% as WorkingDir. However, I would be happy to hear if that works for WPA.
  4. I use RunOnceEx, have you tried running the compiled script inside Windows, without WPA? Here's the script I'm using now: #cs AutoIt 3.2 Script slightly based on an old Daemon Tools 4.0 script published at the MSFN.org boards. Author: Guillermo Miranda Alamo #ce ; Installer. $Name = "DAEMON Tools" $executable = 'daemon408-x86.exe' ; Default category folder in startmenu. $group = 'Recorder' ; Installation folder in Program Files. $directory = 'Recorder\Daemon Tools' ; Run the installer. RunWait($executable & " /S /D=" & @ProgramFilesDir & "\" & $directory,@ScriptDir) _Desktop('DAEMON Tools.lnk') ; Delete spyware installer. RegDelete("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run","DaemonTools_WhenUSave_Installer") If FileExists(@ProgramFilesDir & '\' & $directory & '\SetupDTSB.exe') Then FileDelete(@ProgramFilesDir & '\' & $directory & '\SetupDTSB.exe') EndIf ; Kill the spyware process If ProcessExists("DaemonTools_WhenUSave_Installer.exe") Then ProcessClose("DaemonTools_WhenUSave_Installer.exe") EndIf ; Remove that... Crap DirRemove(@ProgramFilesDir & '\' & "DaemonTools_WhenUSave_Installer",1) DirCreate(@ProgramsCommonDir&"\"&$group ) ; Move program menu folder DirMove ( @ProgramsCommonDir&"\"&$Name, @ProgramsCommonDir&"\"&$group , 1 ) Exit Func _Desktop($shortcut) ; Delete a Desktop shortcut. If FileExists(@DesktopDir & '\' & $shortcut) Then Return FileChangeDir(@DesktopDir) And FileDelete($shortcut) ElseIf FileExists(@DesktopCommonDir & '\' & $shortcut) Then Return FileChangeDir(@DesktopCommonDir) And FileDelete($shortcut) EndIf EndFunc
  5. Hi, I explored mozilla's source code to find out how the installer works. I eventually came across the NSIS source file for Thunderbird and the function .onInit can read a INI file with the unattended parameters. So here's mine: [Install] InstallDirectoryName="Internet\Mozilla Thunderbird" QuickLaunchShortcut=false DesktopShortcut=true StartMenuShortcuts=true StartMenuDirectoryName="Internet\Mozilla Thunderbird" ; More info here: ; http://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/mail/installer/windows/nsis/installer.nsi#986 Launch it using: "Thunderbird Setup 2.0 Beta 1" /INI="C:\setups\thunderbird\config.ini" Please note that the full path to the ini file must be passed. I use an auto-it script which looks like this: $Version = "2.0 Beta 1" $Setup = "Thunderbird Setup" & " " & $Version & ".exe" $ConfigFile = "config.ini" RunWait($setup & ' ' & '/INI="' & @ScriptDir & "\" & $ConfigFile & '"', @ScriptDir) This works for Firefox 2.0 and Thunderbird 2.0 Beta 1 (and newer). The Installer source code: Firefox Thunderbird You do not need to use the old -ms switch (it's deprecated and it won't work with the INI file), when the installer loads the INI file, it enters silent mode.
  6. I'm having errors (Retry/ignore/continue) with the nero lite i created using this sdk (version works fine).
  7. I don't see any debug.txt, I'm using, with the Lite code. I don't think it's related with Nero Lite. How many of you are using the infamous nero recode "addon"? The one found on demonoid.
  8. That addon is not based on your Nero Lite. It's a very simple shell script... I have modified Nero Lite to add Nero Recode, it's pretty easy.
  9. I'd like to take it over! I've also uploaded Spanish (English included) with Nero Recode. I removed your name (as you indicated previously), but I think I forgot to change the URL.
  10. I don't know why but in my case it stills runs WhenU. Are u lucky?
  11. The default installer will run "WhenUSave" spyware, if you read the script or try yourself, you'll see that it creates a new Run entry, it will be run when windows starts. However, it would be great to indicate the setup to not install ad/spyware.
  12. Hi, I've created a script that will install last Daemon Tools and remove spyware. It is based on a script posted at this board (I'm just using one function of the base script). You will be able to install Daemon to a subfolder of ProgramFiles (ie: ProgramFiles\Recorder\Daemon Tools), and the shortcuts can also be placed in a different subgroup (ie: Start Menu-> Programs -> Recorder -> Daemon Tools). The most important thing that this script does is to remove the bundled spyware. It is very little code and RunOnceEx capable. #cs AutoIt 3.2 Script slightly based on an old Daemon Tools 4.0 script published at the MSFN.org boards. Author: Guillermo Miranda Alamo #ce ; Installer. $Name = "DAEMON Tools" $executable = 'daemon408-x86.exe' ; Default category folder in startmenu. $group = 'Recorder\Daemon Tools' ; Installation folder in Program Files. $directory = 'Recorder\Daemon Tools' ; Run the installer. RunWait($executable & " /S /D=" & @ProgramFilesDir & "\" & $directory,@ScriptDir) _Desktop('DAEMON Tools.lnk') ; Delete spyware installer. RegDelete("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run","DaemonTools_WhenUSave_Installer") If FileExists(@ProgramFilesDir & '\' & $directory & '\SetupDTSB.exe') Then FileDelete(@ProgramFilesDir & '\' & $directory & '\SetupDTSB.exe') EndIf ; Kill the spyware process If ProcessExists("DaemonTools_WhenUSave_Installer.exe") Then ProcessClose("DaemonTools_WhenUSave_Installer.exe") EndIf ; Remove that... Crap DirRemove(@ProgramFilesDir & '\' & "DaemonTools_WhenUSave_Installer",1) ; Move program menu folder DirMove ( @ProgramsCommonDir&"\"&$Name, @ProgramsCommonDir&"\"&$group , 1 ) Exit Func _Desktop($shortcut) ; Delete a Desktop shortcut. If FileExists(@DesktopDir & '\' & $shortcut) Then Return FileChangeDir(@DesktopDir) And FileDelete($shortcut) ElseIf FileExists(@DesktopCommonDir & '\' & $shortcut) Then Return FileChangeDir(@DesktopCommonDir) And FileDelete($shortcut) EndIf EndFunc Please, post any feedback. By the way, I haven't tried if this installs SPTD Driver 1.37. I installed it previously using the silent package from the SPTD Driver thread. I'll be keeping a look out for any updates.
  13. I dont need to create this release anymore. Can anyone report back that the above command works requiring NO user interaction? I am not capable of testing x64 versions. HERE is a test version of x64. shark Would anyone comment if it works using RunOnceEx or SVCPack? Edit: New Daemon comes with spyware CRAP... don't know how to disable it.
  14. I have a reg code to switch to classic panel. Want it?
  15. If there is a file with extension MSP in the update installer, you should be able to patch the original MSI. I don't know if there's a method to combine both MSIs
  16. Your motherboard doesn't have the Silicon Image controller. Anyways, you can get the drivers here: http://us.dfi.com.tw/Support/Download/driv...G=A&SITE=US The first one is what you should download and extract to a floppy disk, and when installing Windows XP (the blue loading screen), press F6.
  17. Looks like you're using nForce RAID. If that's the case, check http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=27674 Otherwise, you're using the Silicon Image 3114 RAID, there must be a few topics about it.
  18. Hey you can try yourself adding nero vision, just like I added recode. Try installing nero lite, and then copy the nero vision exe plus the files that seem necesary (such as a dll in the Vision Folder). If it works, try removing some stuff until it works with the minimum. If it doesn't, try adding files . Edit the Inno Script file and you're done.
  19. I published scripts for nero recode. You "just" need to build the installer or tell me where I can upload it to you.
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