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Everything posted by darks0ul

  1. same happening here.... sometime ok sometime popup out ask for serial but the serial is inside... Same here, the dialog is in AdvrCntr3.dll. When it starts happening, it shows up after 4-5 nero runs (doesn't matter what nero suite program, including Burning ROM). And then you have to re-run the program. If the dialog is deleted using ResHacker, the only difference is that you don't see it, but the problem is still there.
  2. Updated script to deal with 4.11.2 (removes spyware and browser window). #cs AutoIt 3.2 Script slightly based on an old Daemon Tools 4.0 script published at the MSFN.org boards. Author: Guillermo Miranda Alamo #ce ; Installer. $Name = "DAEMON Tools Lite" $executable = 'daemon4112-lite.exe' ; Default category folder in startmenu. $group = 'Recorder' ; Installation folder in Program Files. $directory = 'Recorder\Daemon Tools' ; Run the installer. RunWait($executable & " /S /D=" & @ProgramFilesDir & "\" & $directory,@ScriptDir) _Desktop('DAEMON Tools.lnk') ; Delete spyware installer. RegDelete("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run","DaemonTools_WhenUSave_Installer") ; Kill the spyware process If ProcessExists("DaemonTools_WhenUSave_Installer.exe") Then ProcessClose("DaemonTools_WhenUSave_Installer.exe") EndIf if ProcessExists("AdVantageSetup.exe") Then ProcessClose("AdVantageSetup.exe") EndIf If FileExists(@ProgramFilesDir & '\' & $directory & '\SetupDTSB.exe') Then FileDelete(@ProgramFilesDir & '\' & $directory & '\SetupDTSB.exe') EndIf If FileExists(@ProgramFilesDir & '\' & $directory & '\AdVantageSetup.exe') Then FileDelete(@ProgramFilesDir & '\' & $directory & '\AdVantageSetup.exe') EndIf ; Remove that... Crap DirRemove(@ProgramFilesDir & '\' & "DaemonTools_WhenUSave_Installer",1) DirCreate(@ProgramsCommonDir&"\"&$group ) ; Move program menu folder DirMove ( @ProgramsCommonDir&"\"&$Name, @ProgramsCommonDir&"\"&$group , 1 ) #cs A better implementation for this would be a new process that waits for the browser window. This way, the current installation script would be over and other installations processes could go on. #ce ; Close "activation" window if it exists WinWait("Thank you for DAEMON Tools","",5000) $pid = WinGetProcess("Thank you for DAEMON Tools") If $pid >= 0 Then ProcessClose($pid) EndIf Exit Func _Desktop($shortcut) ; Delete a Desktop shortcut. If FileExists(@DesktopDir & '\' & $shortcut) Then Return FileChangeDir(@DesktopDir) And FileDelete($shortcut) ElseIf FileExists(@DesktopCommonDir & '\' & $shortcut) Then Return FileChangeDir(@DesktopCommonDir) And FileDelete($shortcut) EndIf EndFunc
  3. Uhm processclose does not work if the browser is not Internet Explorer. Silent mode installation should NOT open browser windows... EDIT: I managed to solve it in AutoIt, if anyone is interested, see this post
  4. I tried WinClose, but didn't work all the times in the virtual machine. A race condition, IMHO, opening iexplore could take a while, and the script would try to close a window that has not been opened yet. ProcessClose should work THanks!
  5. I can send you the recode add on I made, it does not alter your SDK files, just adds new ones. If you could take a look and validate it (since it's based on your work) that'd be great
  6. Hi johndoe74 can you please explain how did you get rid of the browser window in your custom DT package? I have an AutoIt script to install Daemon Tools, and haven't figured out a way to block the official installer from opening the browser window. Thanks in advance!
  7. I have the problem with both Nero Burning ROM and Recode. Never tried with only Burning ROM. Edit: did you had the activation problem with Nero Lite ONLY, or with that AND Recode 3.
  8. I've successfully created a Recode 2 add-on for and, but there's an issue with Recode 3
  9. Here's the list found on the SDK: Components: nero_core nero_core\anti_virus nero_core\nero_audioplugins nero_core\nero_audioplugins\mausau nero_core\nero_videocd nero_coverdes nero_waveedit nero_toolkit nero_toolkit\nero_burnrights nero_toolkit\nero_discspeed nero_toolkit\nero_drivespeed nero_toolkit\nero_infotool Language components are not included in this list. Tasks: desktopicon quicklaunchicon imagefile_assoc
  10. Thanks, and congratulations for this release Glad to see you're reading Inno and ISSI's path from the registry.
  11. By the way, how did you get rid of Nero SDK? Because Nero Recode seems to need it, and I think in the past other applications did, too. Edit: Nevermind, got it working (Recode).
  12. I'll take a look at the new recode very soon, I had it working with 7.5 Lite.
  13. After completing the installation (english micro, or lite european) I have an error: Runtime Error (at 104:197): Internal error: ExtractTemporaryFile: the file "WizardBitmapImage2.bmp" was not found. Everything else seems to be working.
  14. But we have to run those scripts to build lite, right? By the way the path to ResHacker isn't right in those scripts
  15. I don't have the Custom folder that the installer script needs. Any tip?
  16. The first image: it's not actually an error, but a succeed message. The third one, however, is an error, and I have the same problem
  17. Hi Acheron, I managed to install DT 4.10 using RunOnceEx, after a SVCPACK install of the STPD driver. I wonder where does daemon save the user preferences (such as secure mode). Doesn't seem to be in the registry, right?
  18. Hi, I've updated the script to work with 4.10. However, it doesn't seem to work for the first boot of RunOnceEx. If, after booting, I schedule another runonceex install, it does work. How are you currently installing daemon tools? PS: #cs AutoIt 3.2 Script slightly based on an old Daemon Tools 4.0 script published at the MSFN.org boards. Author: Guillermo Miranda Alamo #ce ; Installer. $Name = "DAEMON Tools" $executable = 'daemon410-x86.exe' ; Default category folder in startmenu. $group = 'Recorder' ; Installation folder in Program Files. $directory = 'Recorder\Daemon Tools' ; Run the installer. RunWait($executable & " /S /D=" & @ProgramFilesDir & "\" & $directory,@ScriptDir) _Desktop('DAEMON Tools.lnk') ; Delete spyware installer. RegDelete("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run","DaemonTools_WhenUSave_Installer") ; Kill the spyware process If ProcessExists("DaemonTools_WhenUSave_Installer.exe") Then ProcessClose("DaemonTools_WhenUSave_Installer.exe") EndIf if ProcessExists("AdVantageSetup.exe") Then ProcessClose("AdVantageSetup.exe") EndIf If FileExists(@ProgramFilesDir & '\' & $directory & '\SetupDTSB.exe') Then FileDelete(@ProgramFilesDir & '\' & $directory & '\SetupDTSB.exe') EndIf If FileExists(@ProgramFilesDir & '\' & $directory & '\AdVantageSetup.exe') Then FileDelete(@ProgramFilesDir & '\' & $directory & '\AdVantageSetup.exe') EndIf ; Remove that... Crap DirRemove(@ProgramFilesDir & '\' & "DaemonTools_WhenUSave_Installer",1) DirCreate(@ProgramsCommonDir&"\"&$group ) ; Move program menu folder DirMove ( @ProgramsCommonDir&"\"&$Name, @ProgramsCommonDir&"\"&$group , 1 ) Exit Func _Desktop($shortcut) ; Delete a Desktop shortcut. If FileExists(@DesktopDir & '\' & $shortcut) Then Return FileChangeDir(@DesktopDir) And FileDelete($shortcut) ElseIf FileExists(@DesktopCommonDir & '\' & $shortcut) Then Return FileChangeDir(@DesktopCommonDir) And FileDelete($shortcut) EndIf EndFunc
  19. tip: if you do echo szDir=%ProgramFiles%\PowerQuest\PartitionMagic 8.0\ in the console, it will print szDir=C:\Program Files\PowerQuest\PartitionMagic 8.0\ Or your program files dir. By the way, is that szDir standard in the ISS files?
  20. Is the autocheck new in 4.09? I'm using 4.08 and I don't see anything
  21. Autostart: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Run\DAEMON Tools Delete this entry.
  22. there are autoit scripts with even more functionality, I even posted one. just search, those are more flexible.
  23. VLC (NSIS): /S /D=C:\Appz\VLC iTunes (MSI): msiexec /i iTunes.msi INSTALLDIR=C:\Appz\iTunes iTunesProgramMenuFolder=Multimedia\iTunes For the others... read the unattended guide or http://unattended.sourceforge.net/installers.php#general
  24. You can "compile" a script, so it will be an exe file, that doesn't need AutoIt. Right clic on the AutoIt script file, and clic compile script.
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