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Mr Snrub

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Everything posted by Mr Snrub

  1. TechNet has ISO images for the Swedish flavours of Windows 8, here are just hte 64-bit ones:
  2. It's in the same place on Windows 8 - move the cursor to the bottom-right corner when you have the desktop up, and left-click.
  3. http://windowsteambl...ers-at-wpc.aspx
  4. Yes, booting the physical machine from a USB memory stick or DVD would be considered "bare metal" - and that would have worked, as your update indicates the problem was the change you made to the Data Execution Prevention setting within your current OS installation.Glad you figured it out though
  5. We would need to know the results of testing to install Win8 RP on the physical machine, to identify if it is a CPU check that fails on that hardware (and if so, get all the details about the hardware), or specific to VirtualBox with its virtualized presentation of the hardware. -X-, would you have the possibility to test a bare metal install on that system?
  6. From bugcodes.h: 0x5D == UNSUPPORTED_PROCESSOR Installed Win8 RP x86 and x64 versions from the ISOs in Hyper-V VMs without a problem. I guess VirtualBox needs an update for its emulated processor type.
  7. RSAT for Win8 RP is also available in x86 and x64 flavours: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=28972
  8. Announcement: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/news/Press/2012/May12/05-31Windows8RPPR.aspx Release Preview page: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-8/release-preview (Note the small link if you want to go to select an ISO instead)
  9. Build 8400 (Release Candidate) ISO & VHD links on this page: http://technet.micro...r/hh670538.aspx (Page briefly reverted from "Release Candidate" back to "Beta" shortly after initial posting, but it's back again now - check the name of the file has 8400 and not 8250 to be sure you don't waste your bandwidth!)
  10. So you have 2 physical disks, both with an active partition and Windows 7 installed, and your BIOS doesn't want to keep the SSD disk higher in the boot priority list over the SATA disk? The BIOS is unfortunately in control of the first stage of the startup process - enumerating devices and locating the first active partition. Are you definitely changing the boot order in the BIOS configuration saving the change, you're not just hitting ESC or an F-key during the POST and selecting the SSD disk from the boot menu (i.e. a one-time boot selection), are you? You could try marking the partition on the SATA disk as inactive, in the hope that the BIOS will then find the first active partition on the next (SSD) disk down the list and continue booting: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc766465(v=ws.10).aspx (Make sure to read the notes on the ACTIVE and INACTIVE commands carefully.) i.e. The following will give you the details on partition y on disk x (so you can verify you have the right partition selected before changing anything): LIST DISK SEL DISK x LIST PART SEL PART y DET PART Before doing anything from the partition perspective, make sure you have a bootable Windows 7 install media to hand (DVD or USB stick) so you can undo your changes from the WinPE environment if the system becomes unbootable.
  11. Of your 9 listed recommendations, I agree with only: 4. Use Disk Cleanup Tool 7. Sleep or Hibernate you PC when not using It. 9. Get a good Security program to protect yourself. Having more processes running but not doing anything will not consume any CPU time, and will eventually get its working set trimmed so it doesn't consume physical memory if something else requires it. Defragmentation is highly overrated in my experience, with the exception of files used for startup - which are automatically defragged & relocated over time by the system itself. I suspect most people run regular defrags to get a warm fuzzy feeling when it says it is done, or the disk is 0% fragmented, but have never performed any tests to prove it made any difference. Turning off services, especially Windows Update, is a really bad idea - you may think that the services are not "needed" because you don't know what they do, or don't notice any immediate impact of turning them off, but those that are running are either required or not a big overhead or security risk. At least there was nothing there about relocating or resizing the pagefile
  12. The tool you are looking for is msra.exe (Microsoft Remote Assistance) - it is designed for exactly what you describe. Users can request assistance, or remote assisters can offer it.
  13. Ah, so it quite literally is "cold" booting that has the problem.If it's not consistent between S-state changes, then I don't think software can be blamed here - fairly unlikely to be externally-connected devices too (but not impossible).
  14. New house, new Internet connection (fiber), new ISP, new test results (behind NAT router): When connected straight to the dirty switch:
  15. Odd, not seen that one before So a cold boot has the problem, but any warm reboot doesn't - what about hibernate & resume, does that show the problem too? (On a laptop I tend to use sleep when it's going to remain docked, and hibernate when I'm going to move it, rather than shut down.) Any USB devices connected when powering on, that maybe don't like the S5->S0 power transition? Resource Monitor ("perfmon.exe /res", or open through Task Manager) > Overview tab > CPU section - anything eating CPU cycles there, or is the Maximum Frequency reported as a lot lower after a cold boot than after a warm reboot?
  16. Conversely, a consistent interface is a big bonus for developers (and ultimately users) - they can be device-agnostic and get a predictable user experience (if you've ever tried web development you understand the pain of trying to get a standard look across machines with different resolutions, aspects, browsers, etc.).I would assume there'll be a method to disable Metro, or at least have the classic desktop experience as the default, but it's early days yet. (I was kind of surprised myself to see the Server had the Metro interface out of the box too.) The ribbons have auto-hide if the space is an issue - and "swiping" bars/charms in with Windows 8 is a more practical method of getting access to uncommonly-used icons, instead of having them pop-up unexpectedly with a mouseover.The user experience & interface evolves and adapts to demands - from the DOS prompt up to MS-DOS 6.22, Program Manager in Windows 3.x, various 3rd party "docks" for Windows 3.x (I used HP's Dashboard in the early 90's), the Start menu appearance with Windows 95 and its subsequent reinventions in XP (which at the time was also dubbed "Teletubby UI" ), Vista and 7. Software does, on occasion, require reinvention, or we'd all still be using command-line OS's (and consider running DOSKEY.COM a hack), editing documents with vi or EDIT.COM.
  17. I've only played briefly with the client and server in VMs, but the jury is still out on the Metro interface right now... however as a Windows Phone 7 user I'm probably a bit more inclined to accept it as a Good Thing before the majority. It did take me a long time to stop immediately reverting to "classic start menu" mode on XP, but I got to use the "libraries" feature of Windows 7 a lot more quickly, so I'm less of a luddite these days I do like the idea of chrome-less apps, including the web browser, filling the screen... but I have to wonder if my working style will need to change (even with 2 screens, I have a lot of not-quite-maximized windows that overlap). I love the file copy process dialogue boxes with the current & historical throughput, with ability to pause, and the new Task Manager is very cool. Built-in opening/mounting of ISOs and VHD through the shell is very handy and time saving for my kind of work. Hyper-V in the x64 client is a welcome addition, I know a lot of people have been wanting to run 64-bit VMs on laptopes without needing to install Server and losing all the power features - though the SLAT-enabled CPU requirement might throw a few people. There will undoubtedly be plenty of "so, where did they put the... ahhh, there it is..." moments in my future
  18. Not in itself, no - it entitles you to support for products no longer in mainstream support. It also gives the option to purchase an Extended Hotfix Agreement (EHA) which in turn allows you the right to request a hotfix be backported and pay per package (there is no guarantee it will be backported/backportable).
  19. Could be a packge intended for Custom Support Agreement (CSA) holders that ended up in the ISO by mistake, I guess.
  20. http://dev.windows.com/ ISO downloads available - also more for MSDN subscribers. This is the stage BEFORE beta, so don't expect to be able to use this as a production OS just yet
  21. Tip: avoid using ControlSetxxx when using scripts locally from within the running OS - use instead CurrentControlSet - this avoids a problem where nothing appears to happen because the control set in use is something other than 001 (e.g. Last Known Good has ever been invoked on that machine). If you were running offline or remotely, then there is no "CurrentControlSet", and instead you would need to look at the data held in the REG_DWORD value named Current under the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Select, then use this (padded out to 3 digits) to open keys & read values under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSetxxx. Just a heads-up in case you find the script works on most, but not all the clients
  22. Upgraded to 100/10Mbps a while ago, just had a replacement (Netgear) cablemodem as the previous (Cisco) one appeared to fry itself last weekend. Weird how they correctly use "Mbps" on the site, but then switch to the horribly ambiguous "Mb/s" in the dynamically generated summary...
  23. Aha, then it's the other way around Double-clicking a .reg file will run the native (x64) Registry Editor and the setting is imported exactly as it appears. If this Vtask thing is a 32-bit process, then when it calls registry APIs to import the file, it will get redirected to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SoftwareWow6432Node\AnyRandomAPP. This is expected behaviour for 32-bit apps running on 64-bit Windows, to allow for backwards compatibility but keeping them distinct (because the assumption is that if a 32-bit process writes the registry value, it is to be read by another 32-bit process). Using Registry Editor in the SysWOW64 folder will just do the same as Vtask.
  24. Which keys are you checking? The native 64-bit Registry Editor should be updating the keys directly, the 32-bit WOW64 one would update the keys read by 32-bit apps, under Wow6432Node... You could try the 32-bit Registry Editor in C:\Windows\SysWOW64 if the values are to be used by 32-bit processes...
  25. Both of those issues are resolved by using standard user accounts, and not having the users as members of the Administrators group. Access Control Lists (ACLs) by default prevent standard users writing to most areas other than their profile, and an attempt to install software will trigger an Over The Shoulder (OTS) prompt to provide administrative credentials.
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