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Posts posted by a06lp

  1. wow.

    just read through this thread and i'm sooo confused.

    I've always used the classic:

    for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\WIN51 set CDROM=%%i:
    ECHO Found CD-Rom as drive %CDROM%

    to determine my CDROM drive. I used it because I always test out my batch files first from my external USB HDD, which i later compile & burn onto a DVD for installation.

    I am trying to figure out the best way to determine the drive. is my method best?

    i don't like the method with stuff on top and bottom, and i edit in between.

    i like having the file find the cdrom drive in the beg. and then i do what i want afterwards.

    what's best for me?

  2. ok, new q:

    I also want to create a backup cmd file. This is a litle more complicated.

    The first thing I want it to do is check if the folder "My Documents" exists on %BACKUP%. IF it does, I want it renamed as "My Documents (mm-dd-yy)".

    Same with bookmarks.html (IF it exists, then it becomes bookmarks (mm-dd-yy).html)

    and Administrator.wab (IF it exists, then it becomes Administrator(mm-dd-yy).wab).

    The other thing i need it to do is to go into the "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles" directory, get the folder name from in there (a random string of chars), then go into that directory, and copy the bookmarks.html to the %backup%.

    Can anyone help me with this?


    by the way, @Yzöwl:

    that code is incorrect - it copies all the stuff into %UserProfile%, not into My Documents.

    the modified, and correct, code is:

    XCOPY "%BACKUP%\My Documents" "%UserProfile%\My Documents\" /ECIQY

  3. i used to use a cmd file to auto-backup, and auto-restore my personal settings (eg - my docs, my pics, my music, outlook express accounts, outlook express settings).

    i lost the file, and am trying to re-write it.

    however, for some reason, "my documents" aren't copying over properly - they copy to "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents", but the desktop "my documents" icon leads to an empty folder. (and there is ONLY one account on the comp - the admin one, created by defualt with xp).

    Can someone check over my batch and tell me what's wrong?

    @echo off
    TITLE N Restore


    for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\Backup set BACKUP=%%i:
    ECHO Found Backup as drive %BACKUP%.

    ECHO Copying My Documents...
    XCOPY "%BACKUP%\My Documents\*.*" "%UserProfile%\My Documents\" /E /Q /Y
    ECHO Done.

    ECHO Copying Outlook Express Settings...
    regedit /s "%BACKUP%\N Outlook Express.reg"
    ECHO Done.

    ECHO Copying Outlook Express Address Book...

    ECHO Done.

    ECHO Copying Firefox Bookmarks...

    ECHO Done.

    goto :eof

  4. i used to use a cmd file to auto-backup, and auto-restore my personal settings (eg - my docs, my pics, my music, outlook express accounts, outlook express settings).

    i lost the file, and am trying to re-write it.

    however, for some reason, "my documents" aren't copying over properly - they copy to "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents", but the desktop "my documents" icon leads to an empty folder. (and there is ONLY one account on the comp - the admin one, created by defualt with xp).

    Can someone check over my batch and tell me what's wrong?

    @echo off
    TITLE N Restore


    for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\Backup set BACKUP=%%i:
    ECHO Found Backup as drive %BACKUP%.

    ECHO Copying My Documents...
    XCOPY "%BACKUP%\My Documents\*.*" "%UserProfile%\My Documents\" /E /Q /Y
    ECHO Done.

    ECHO Copying Outlook Express Settings...
    regedit /s "%BACKUP%\N Outlook Express.reg"
    ECHO Done.

    ECHO Copying Outlook Express Address Book...

    ECHO Done.

    ECHO Copying Firefox Bookmarks...

    ECHO Done.

    goto :eof

  5. Why do you need the TV to be the primary?  If you made the monitor primary everything would open in it; that's basically the point of having a primary and secondary.

    I'm sure it would be easier to get Meedio to run on the secondary then to get every one of your other programs to do so.

    Yeah, this ended up being my solution. At first I was told it was impossible, but a way was found. :blushing::thumbup

  6. I have a PC which I use both as a HTPC, and as a regular PC. Connected to my video card (ATI Catalyst), I have my TV (32") through S-Video, and a Monitor (17") through the reg. monitor port.

    I have my HTPC program (Meedio) set up to open and run on the TV (primary monitor), but NOT on the ComputerMonitor (secondary monitor). I want the ComputerMonitor to only display the desktop (and whatever else I decide to open).

    Is there some kind of regtweak to make all apps, by default, open on the secondary monitor (the extended desktop)?

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