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Posts posted by a06lp

  1. I want to do a semi-automated install, meaning: I want some answers selected by default, others typed in by the user.

    1) Am I doing this correctly?

    2) Also, anything not mentioned in my winnt.sif will be installed as WinXP normally does by default?

    3) If I enter a product key "ProductKey=xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx", (obviously a real key), but I don't set a "FullName" value, will windows prompt me to enter a name, but not a product key (because that is what I want to happen)

    Here is my winnt.sif:






       AreaCode = 718






  2. Yes, if you read my post above, I am wavering in my certainty. Now that I reread the guide, I think that you had it correct with your orignal option in 3.B

    ok, i know i'm being a pain, but this is one of the reasons i was so confused.

    ok, so 3-b is correct. that's what i thought, but i wasnt sure.

    two more q:

    once all the drivers are copied to the harddrive:

    1) Is there a way to test, for sure, that the drivers were INSTALLED (not just copied)?

    2) To delete the "temp" Drivers folder which was copied (b/c it was in the OEM folder), is this ALL that needs to be done:




    ECHO Deleting Temp Installation Files...
    RD /S /Q %systemdrive%\Drivers
    RD /S /Q %systemdrive%\Install

  3. Yes to both.

    You can also point to mulitple directories, just separate them with a semicolon in your OemPnPDriversPath statement.

    ok, one last time to confirm:


    is the same as saying "look in the root directory of the CD in the Drivers folder"?



    is the same as saying " look in the root directory of the drive installing to in the Drivers folder"?

    Because I had a totally different idea of how this worked from that guide...

  4. 3. Point to the directory - not the inf file. Windows will find it automatically if the hardware is compatible. I don't think any of your options will work because your drivers folder is now copied over to the hard drive but you are telling windows to look on the cd in the "drivers" folder. Suggestion: you don't have to put the drivers folder in the $OEM$ folder. You can create a directory in the root of your cd named "Drivers" (or anything else for that matter). You can also create subdirectories under that for organization. Just point to these folders with your OemPnPDriversPath="Drivers\....." statement.

    Ok, so in my exmaple:

    If the FULL PATH for the inf file for my sound driver is:


    Then, in my "winnt.sif", under "OemPnPDriversPath=", am I writing:



    And your suggestion is for me to make a totally new folder on the CD (like where the "I386" folder is) called "Drivers", and then writing in my "winnt.sif":


    Is that correct?

  5. 1. Yes

    2. Yes

    3. Point to the directory - not the inf file. Windows will find it automatically if the hardware is compatible.

    4. see above

    5. I don't know. You will have to look around the cd and see what looks like the drivers.

    Suggestion: you don't have to put the drivers folder in the $OEM$ folder. You can create a directory in the root of your cd named "Drivers" (or anything else for that matter). You can also create subdirectories under that for organization. Just point to these folders with your OemPnPDriversPath="Drivers\....." statement.

    #3) I'm probably slow, but can you be more specific? In my original post, I gave 4 options a,b,c,d. Which one is the correct way to do it?

    And could you elaborate some more on your suggestion? If I understand correctly, you are showing a way to install the drivers (if applicable), but NOT copy them to the hard drive first, right? How do I do this?

  6. 1) Is it possible to make a unattended winxp CD, and write it to a CD-RW? - Including all drivers, programs etc. ??

    2) If Q1 is possible, can I do the same onto a DVD-RW (I have a dvd burner), and will it work the EXACT same way, just allowing me to have more space on the disc ??

    3) When I want specific driver's to install automatically (assuming the machine has the proper hardware), and I am pointing within my "winnt.sif" file, I am very confused as to which directory to point to:

    For example, if the FULL PATH for the inf file for my sound driver is:


    Then, in my "winnt.sif", under "OemPnPDriversPath=", am I writing:

    a) "Drivers\004_audio\SMAXWDM\W2K_XP\smwdmCH4.inf"

    b) "Drivers\004_audio\SMAXWDM\W2K_XP\"

    c) "Drivers\004_audio\"

    d) something else? [please explain]

    4) Stupid question, but: Any drivers I put into my "C:\XPCD\$OEM$\$1\Drivers" will only install IF the hardware is there, and simply won't install if it isn't - correct?

    5) If I have a Driver CD that came with my Dell Truemobile 1300 Mini-PCI 802.11g wireless card, and I want to include the drivers on my winxp unattended CD, how do I know which directories I need to copy?

    There are many folders: "bin", "Omcixlt", "Setup", "User_Guide", and many files too: "autorun.inf", "setup.exe", "setup.ini", "TMSetup.exe".

    PLUS, tons of files in each of the above folders.

    However, the twist is that the CD includes a utility, which I do NOT want to install, but drivers, which I DO want. How do I know which files to copy, and point to in my "winnt.sif"???

    Thanks in advance!!!

  7. i really dont get it. doesnt the main page say to point "to the folder where the .inf files are stored"?

    in this case, the inf is NOT in "Drivers\003_Sound\".

    Rather, it is in "Drivers\003_Sound\SMAXWDM\W2K_XP\"

    I thought windows wont go looking down into subfolders?

    Sometimes you will find several sub-folders containing the INF files in which case you need to make seperate direct paths to them in OemPnPDriversPath. This is because Windows XP Setup will not scan any sub-folders for any INF files.

    ps - the other post is for something totally different.

  8. I installed a Dell TrueMobile 1300 MiniPCI Card into my laptop. This came with a CD, and I'd like to add the drivers for that as well. I did a "find files or folders" on the cd for "*.inf", and came up with:

    - autorun.inf (in D:\)

    - DELLOMCI.INF (in D:\Omcixlt)

    - bcmwl5.inf (in D:\Setup)

    - bcmwl5.inf (in D:\Setup\I8500)

    1) Should I copy the entire CD to my hard drive and add it into my "drivers" folder?

    2) Which file(s) would I point my winnt.sif to?

    I don't know if this helps, but in Device Manager, and looked in Dell TureMobile..., and saw the driver pointed to "c:\windows\system32\drivers\BCMWL5.sys". What does that mean in terms of copying drivers to my XP installation?


    here's all the files in the root dir of the CD:

    bin (folder)

    Omcixlt (folder)

    Setup (folder)

    User_Guide (folder)





    The CD includes the drivers and a utility (WHICH I DO NOT WANT TO INSTALL). I just want the drivers.

  9. 1) include everything, it really depends on the INF file, some infs use a setup.exe 2 install everything, if u want, look @ the inf file & see what files its using :)

    so if i'm including everything, then back to Q#2:

    what path do i put in winnt.sif?

    in this example, the inf file ("smwdmALI.inf") is buried all the way in:


    so I write "Drivers\003_Sound\SMAXWDM\W2K_XP\" ??

  10. 1) u put the device drivers drivers :P

    what the inf does is tell windows where 2 put the drivers/look 4 them so u need the files 2 :P

    2)your OEMPnPDriversPath = Drivers\003_Sound        thats it :)

    3) thats the point of the OemPnPDriversPath in your winnt.sif file , windows will search that directory for the best driver for your hardware :)

    1) how do i know which are the "device drivers drivers"? do you mean everything that is unpacked from the exe/zip? (because when I unpack, i then get a folder full of stuff, INCLUDING A SETUP.EXE!! do i copy all of that?)

    if not, how do i know which are the files to copy?

    2) I thought i have to point to the actual directory where the inf is...in this case, wouldnt that be:

    Drivers\003_Sound\SMAXWDM\W2K_XP ???

    3) OK, i understand that one. :)

  11. I have a diff post (http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?act=ST&f=88&t=25120), but I think I am misunderstanding some basics here.

    1) When I am trying to do a Silent Installation of Windows Device Drivers, and I make my directory (C:\XPCD\$OEM$\$1\Drivers), and my subdirectories (000_chipset, 001_network, 002_graphics, 003_tv_out, etc.), What Do I Put In The Subdirectories?

    Am I putting in ALL the files (and folders) from my extracted driver pack? (including setup.exe, .dll, .sys, .cab, etc.?) or JUST the .inf? or some other combination?

    ex: The inf file is "smwdmALI.inf", path: C:\XPCD\$OEM$\$1\Drivers\Sound\SMAXWDM\W2K_XP\smwdmALI.inf

    Do I have to include everything in "\Sound", AND "\SMAXWDM", AND "\W2K_XP" ???

    2) If I have to include ALL the files, then in my winnt.sif, where do I point it to? Each directory that has an .inf file?

    ex: The .inf file is: C:\XPCD\$OEM$\$1\Drivers\Sound\SMAXWDM\W2K_XP\smwdmALI.inf

    So do I write, in winnt.sif:

    a) C:\XPCD\$OEM$\$1\Drivers\Sound\SMAXWDM\W2K_XP

    B) C:\XPCD\$OEM$\$1\Drivers\Sound\SMAXWDM\W2K_XP\smwdmALI.inf

    c) C:\XPCD\$OEM$\$1\Drivers\Sound

    You can probably tell I'm confused...

    3) If I make this CD including these drivers, will it ONLY install if the system has the correct hardware? (i.e. - will it mess up another computer if I use the CD for it? or will it simply ignore these drivers?)

  12. Hmmm,

    I doubt that Toshiba wrote an install application and then needs to ZIP the file, could you post a list of the files you get once you UNZIP the exes?

    LAN Driver (s245ethx).exe >

    Maybe we can identify which setup tools has been used and help you further.


    i can't even begin to list them, there are TONS!

    ex: Display Driver (s245vidx) [btw, it's nVidia]

    - 22 .DLL

    - 16 .HLP

    - 2 .CAB

    - 5 .EXE (only one is "setup.exe", others are like "dmcpl.exe" or "nwiz.exe")

    - 1 .inx

    - 1 .iss

    - 1 .sys

    - 1 .cat

    - 1 .tvp

    - 1 .inf (NVTS.INF)

    I only copied the "NVTS.INF" file into my C:\XPCD\$OEM$\$1\Drivers folder for this one.


    For this one, I listed everything:

    ex2: SD Card Driver (s245sdcardx)

    - devpathXP.reg

    - DrvUpdt.exe

    - SD.exe

    - SDDEVMGR.dll

    - SDTOPCIA.dll


    - TosSdPCI.sys


    - TSDHD.sys

    - TSDHDEXL.sys

    - tsdpci2k.cat

    I only copied the "TOSSDPCI.INF" and "TSDHD.INF" to my C:\XPCD\$OEM$\$1\Drivers folder.

    Basically, what are all these other files for? Do I need them? Or will the .inf files I'm copying be good enough?


    Side note:

    I installed a Dell TrueMobile 1300 MiniPCI Card into my laptop. This came with a CD, and I'd like to add the drivers for that as well. I did a "find files or folders" on the cd for "*.inf", and came up with:

    - autorun.inf (in D:\)

    - DELLOMCI.INF (in D:\Omcixlt)

    - bcmwl5.inf (in D:\Setup)

    - bcmwl5.inf (in D:\Setup\I8500)

    which files would I copy for this hardware? or do I need to run the install for this too?

    * I had an idea as I was writing this, and went into Device Manager, and looked in Dell TureMobile..., and saw the driver pointed to "c:\windows\system32\drivers\BCMWL5.sys". What does that mean in terms of copying drivers to my XP installation?

  13. ok, forget that last post, i found a .inf file (smwdmCH4.inf), but there are lots of other files in there too. do i need anything besides that inf file?

    if not, whats the point of all those other files?

    also, some zip's have no inf file (like the DVD-RAM) - what do i do for that?

    and also, some have multiple inf's - (like my built-in SD card reader), do i copy all of them?

    sorry for being such a noob...

  14. Ok, I read through the how-to's, and i really think i understand this stuff, but when it came time to make my own, im confused.

    What I'm trying to do is create an Unattended Win XP SP2 CD with all my laptop's drivers on it (so if i use the CD on my laptop, the drivers are used; but if i use the cd on someone else's comp, those drivers are skipped since winxp has better matches).

    I have a Toshiba Satellite 2455-S305 laptop, and out of all the drivers on the site, i really only need to install 9 of them. But those 9 driver files I want are all self-extracting install files (unzips, then installs), so I dont get to see which drivers are installed where. there is no option to change the "install to" directory (so i can install into a temp and look around), rather they all install into their proper place in windows somewhere.

    Now I know I COULD auto-run these files as applications, but then no matter what computer i install this CD onto, they will get my drivers, and I dont want the drivers to install UNLESS it is on my machine...


    If you want to check the files for yourself, they are on the toshiba website (http://pcsupport.toshiba.com/) and then you have to go: Downloads (on top); Portables -> Satellite -> 2455-S305

    The 9 Files I want are:

    Audio Driver (zm10sndx).exe

    Display Driver (s245vidx).exe

    DVD Driver & Utility (tm1dvdramx).exe

    Infared Driver (s245firx).exe

    LAN Driver (s245ethx).exe

    Modem Driver (s113mdmx).exe

    SD Card Driver (s245sdcardx).exe

    Sound Driver (s245sndx).exe

    Touchpad Driver (s245tpadx).exe

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