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Posts posted by a06lp

  1. yup ... when comes to installation..

    it will copy a while... stop a while... copy a while.... and stop....a while...

    but when finish... everything is install well...

    I'm not ready to take that sitting down.

    This start/stop problem didn't exist before pssuspend.

    I'm trying my modified code to see if that helps-

    btw cyberloner, - which code did you use?

  2. @g8way2:

    No $1 folder. Follow the instructions in the first post of this thread. the unattended guide is for a different method. this is the autoit method.


    I tried your autoit code in this post but setupcopyoem was paused for some reason...

    i have modified the code and am retrying now. i'll post results in an hour or so, and then if it works, ill update the first post.

  3. If i use this method for installing drivers, whenever i install some new hardware on my computer, i will need my unattended dvd?

    you shouldn't...

    I've installed printers and mice after installation, and never was asked for the u-DVD.

    i havent tried a HDD, but i imagine it would be the same.

    if someone knows otherwise, let me know.

  4. I may have found the solution


    You need pausep.exe.

    First of all, the current first-post method works fine for me...

    Those who have problems: it's caused by having too many drivers, so setup continues without finishing the scan? [Am I correct that this is the problem??]

    Second, hp38guser:

    Are you saying pausep.exe (along with the modified autoit script) solved this problem that I just mentioned?

    Also, is this pausep.exe a full version or a demo?

    (and can you send it to me so I can test it, and update the first post?)

  5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    What Is Meedio?


    Using a television, remote control, and a standard PC or Meedio-powered media server, users of Meedio Essentials can manage and enjoy movies, photos, music, games, news, weather, and almost any other type of media or information stored on a PC, network, or the Internet.

    Download the Trial Version


    Backup Current Meedio Essentials Configuration


    save the following, and overwrite onto fresh install


    library <folder>

    plugins <folder>

    themes <folder>


    Silent Install of Meedio Essentials 1.37


    MEEDIO.1.37.setup.exe /SILENT /NORESTART
    TASKKILL /F /IM MeedioWizardHost.exe

    We still need to REGISTER the program, and I have been trynig to find out where...anyone want to help?

  6. Oh.. and by the way, Ive yet to find out how to silently apply the serial key. If someone is going to be installing a fresh copy, can they try using a Registry monitoring tool to see if thats where its kept?

    I'm using Meedio 1.37.

    I cannot find anywhere that the program saves the registration info.

    I've tried using regsnap, I've tried searching the registry for my serial - all come up with nothing.

    how can i silently register this program?

  7. HashTab is a Windows shell extension which adds a tab called "File Hashes" to the Windows Explorer file properties. The tab contains the MD5, SHA1 and CRC-32 file hashes. These are common hashes that are used to verify the integrity and authenticity of files. Many download sites list the MD5 hash along with the download link. The HashTab makes it very simple for Windows users to check these hashes on any file on the system without using external tools.


    Just use the /S switch:

    hashtab_setup.exe /S

  8. Updated first post.

    10/11/05: New upload again. This time, the Drivers.au3 file is altered again, and the code to be entered into winnt.sif has been changed. This entire method runs from CD (no files copied over!) This is all from this post. Again- I personally tested this method (as has hp38guser) and it works!

    For those of you who have been following this thread, the method is the one posted on the previos page by hp38guser (here). However, I call the autoit file Drivers.au3 (as opposed to presetup.au3) to avoid confusion. But all proper changes are in the first post.

    Follow the directions in the first post, and it will work perfectly. (I've tested it.)

  9. There was a problem when I tested the new method. Here's a new line to test:


    DetachedProgram = ".\system32\cmd.exe"
    Arguments="/Q /C FOR /F %I IN (%SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\$WINNT$.INF) DO (FOR %J IN (%I$OEM$) DO (IF EXIST %J (start /min /D%J Autoit3.exe presetup.au3)))"


    have you tested THIS one? is it confirmed to work?

  10. Rewritten the program. It's now even easier....(no need for copying to system32 folder anymore)

    Ok, I am going to test this on my next U-DVD.

    A small explanation of the code:


    DetachedProgram = ".\system32\cmd.exe"

    Arguments="/Q /C FOR /F %I IN (%SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\$WINNT$.INF) DO (FOR %J IN (%I$OEM$) DO (IF EXIST %J (%J\Autoit3.exe %J\presetup.au3)))"

    CMD = Starts a new instance of the Windows XP command interpreter

    /Q = Turns echo off

    /C = Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates

    FOR = Runs a specified command for each file in a set of files.

    /F = Filenameset - Each file is opened, read and processed before going on to the next file in filenameset.

    %I = First Variable name

    IN (%SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\$WINNT$.INF) = location to search (aka - "set")

    DO = Specifies the command to carry out for each file.

    FOR = Runs a specified command for each file in a set of files.

    %J = Second Variable name

    IN (%I$OEM$) = location to search (aka - "set")

    DO = Specifies the command to carry out for each file.

    (IF EXIST %J = Specifies a true condition if the specified filename exists.

    (%J\Autoit3.exe %J\presetup.au3))) = run presetup.au3 using autoit3.exe

  11. @totoymola:

    yes, that is clever.
    however, it poses a problem. i have firefox as an optional install - some systems will have firefox and others will have ie open when picasa is done. i dont want a ton of code, i wanted a simple switch (if possible)...

    i appreciate you help, but are there any other ways?
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