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Posts posted by a06lp

  1. Hi,

    I am totally anal about not having anything copied over to the harddrive, even if it is later deleted.

    I've managed to get all of my programs to install from CD, and my drivers to install from CD.

    The only stupid thing that gets copied is one batch file, which I need to run from [GuiRunOnce] in winnt.sif.

    Right now, its:


    Is there any way to get this batch file to run from CD within winnt.sif?

    (Under DetachedProgram I know I can via:

    Arguments="/Q /C FOR /F %I IN (%SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\$WINNT$.INF) DO (FOR %J IN (%I$OEM$) DO (IF EXIST %J (start /min /D%J Drivers.cmd)))"

    I cannot run my install.cmd file from anywhere else besided GuiRunOnce (so please don't answer about using cmdlines.txt). I am trying to find a method to run a batch file that is located on my CD at the GuiRunOnce stage.


  2. Updated the guide to reflect all the minor changes in the past few threads:

    :: Fixed MultiBoot info regarding spaces in sourcepath (not allowed) and driver names (allowed). [this post.]

    :: Added DetachedProgram code for those who want to hide the cmd window. [this post.]

    Everything should now be up-to-date. :P

  3. [GuiUnattended]


    Arguments="/Q /C FOR /F %I IN (%SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\$WINNT$.INF) DO (FOR %J IN (%I$OEM$) DO (IF EXIST %J (start /min /D%J NirCmd.exe exec hide Drivers.cmd)))"


    it is working like champ now! :thumbup

    to hide it... i may add

    cmdow @ /HID

    in the cmd file as well right?

    i have cmdow.exe in $OEM$\$$\System32 as well

    Glad to hear its working.

    As for cmdow - yes, of course you can. But the point is that nircmd is already part of the driver method, so people have it already. it's a matter of preference if they want it hidden or not.

  4. passed another test with huge sets of BtS driver pack Chipset+GraphicsA+Lan+SoundAB(extracted size about 680Mb in HD).

    use NirCmd.exe exec hide Drivers.cmd in Arguments block if the script works. hides everything from poping up, save some cpu to repaint cmd window.


    Passing using BtS packs means we're working.

    As for the NirCmd.exe exec hide Drivers.cmd - I'll leave it up to the user. The cmd window opens minimized for me anyway (minimized for you too?), so all I see is a tiny bar in the bottom left, which I WANT to see, so I know it's working.

    Anyone with half a brain can look up what you just posted and use it themselves if they want that cmd window silenced. :whistle:

    Great news on the BtS driver pack Chipset+GraphicsA+Lan+SoundAB working, though!! :thumbup:thumbup


    P.S. - Get yourself a f'n Burner already! LOL ;)

  5. I've created some extensive guides, which are written in Invision Power Board code language (like using quote and code tags, color and size, etc.).

    Anyone know of a program that can convert such code to HTML so I can post it on my website without going through the posts and doing it by hand?

  6. Not correct. I think that Windows launches Setup.exe as one process. Using some function from a dll to install a driver is still possible. Reason for Setup to freeze is because of some internal timer-function to detect if Setup fails or not. It has nothing to do with SetupCopyOEMInf.exe

    Actually, Setup.exe is not freezing. It is simple waiting for instructions to resume.

    it's SetupCopyOEMInf freezing, not setup.exe. 'cause SetupCopyOEMInf freeze, so the following psSuspend -r setup.exe not executed, which makes u feel setup.exe freeze.

    currently i operate totally manual in command prompt @T-39. the setup.exe's been suspended, then WatchDriverSigningPolicy execute, and then SetupCopyOEMInf. the SetupCopyOEMInf freeze at some device inf, one of my laptop's modem driver. but, if i press Ctrl-C to terminate SetupCopyOEMInf, then execute it again, it works smoothly, nothing paused, everything's fine.

    So you can see that the freezing of SetupCopyOEMInf was the problem. Again, the theory was that SetupCopyOEMInf froze since it could not use setupapi.dll (a file which is needed, as said by the creator of the script that led to SetupCopyOEMInf.exe).

    In any case, I think we solved the problem. Check the first post for the new method.

  7. What follows was the AutoIt Method:

    I copied here from the first post, since we have now found a better way (see first post).

    However, for backup sake, and for those who want to still use this method, here it is:

    Drivers From CD (AutoIt Method)

    Updated: 10/11/05

    This is not my method. I merely tried out hp38guser's method, and outlined the steps.

    Thanks also go out to Pyron for making SetupCopyOEMInf.exe, which is used in this method.

    The info from this outline is from this post, and, more specifically: here, here, and here.

    This is a method of automatically installing drivers (which are located on your CD), for devices that are plugged into the computer that WindowsXP is being installed on. This new way uses AutoIt. Why another way, you ask? The reason is simple:

    This method does not need the use of a FAKE setup.exe, nor does it need extra lines in TXTSETUP.SIF (like other methods do). It's very simple and straightforward.

    It's as easy as 1, 2, 3:

    1. Download the attached zip file, and unzip its contents to $OEM$\.

    (There are 4 files in the zip: AutoIt3.exe, Drivers.au3, SetupCopyOEMInf.exe, WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe)

    (These files will run from the CD, and are never even copied to the Hard Drive.)

    2. Open up winnt.sif (located in i386), and add two lines under [GuiUnattended], as shown below:


    DetachedProgram = ".\system32\cmd.exe"
    Arguments="/Q /C FOR /F %I IN (%SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\$WINNT$.INF) DO (FOR %J IN (%I$OEM$) DO (IF EXIST %J (start /min /D%J Autoit3.exe Drivers.au3)))"

    (If you want more info on this coding, see this post.)

    3. Place any drivers you want to have auto-detected into $OEM$\Drivers (you must create the directory).


    -= Plug'n Play devices are detected during Windows Setup after the DetachedProgram stage (which is when this script is run), so Windows Setup will detect and install all applicable drivers.

    -= Any type of folder names can be used. (Don't worry about spaces in the folder names.) For example: "Wireless Card Drivers" will work just as well (even though there are spaces in the name) as "WiFi_Drivers". I've personally tested this method, and it works perfectly (I installed laptop OEM drivers, PCI card drivers, etc. - all without a problem).

    -= Also, please note this method will not work for MassStorage Device drivers.

    -= This method does not require any files to be copied over the the HDD - it runs totally from the CD.

    If you are still confused, here is a sample XPCD layout (colors correspond to the steps above):



    │................├───C-Media CMI8738 6.39

    │................├───Medion SAA7134



    │................├───nVidia ForceWare 77.72

    │................├───Samsung ML-1210



    │.......................├───Infared 12.6








    08/01/05: Re-uploaded the zip file. The only updated file in the zip is the Drivers.au3 - it's a smaller file, with less coding (i.e., no extra crap, as per hp38guser's request (here). It has been tested, and is working.

    10/11/05: New upload again. This time, the Drivers.au3 file is altered again, and the code to be entered into winnt.sif has been changed. This entire method runs from CD (no files copied over!) This is all from this post. Again- I personally tested this method (as has hp38guser) and it works!

    Attachment Updated: 10/11/05


  8. i'm creating my ISO image now - then comes burn, and test time.

    *crosses fingers*


    It Worked!

    Updating first post now.

    I'm going to re-post the AutoIt method (for backup sake, and for those who want to continue using it) in my next post.


  9. @idle.newbie:

    Looks good (in theory), I'm going to test this later.

    (Also, the code looks NICE ;))



    You said that SetupCopyOEMInf freezes when setup.exe suspended, because something with setupapi.dll has to be updated.

    It appears you are right. A while ago, someone asked about the source for SetupCopyOEMInf, and the response was:

    If you want to create your own utility it's a matter of scanning a directory structure for INF-Files and use the API call SetupCopyOEMInf (which is inside setupapi.dll) on every INF-File.

    So at least we know why setup cannot be paused totally...

  10. WatchDriverSigningPolicy Info

    I forgot who asked me a while ago, but the source for WatchDriverSigningPolicy is here.

    Although the attachment doesn't seem to be working, the basic outline of the code is in the post.

    Also, it should be noted that WatchDriverSigningPolicy works most of the time, but occassionally the dialog for the installation of unsigned drivers pops up nevertheless. Pyron said he has no idea why, but Setup seems to ignore the registry values sometimes. :(

  11. Hey guys approx how many pnp drivers are you installing? & is that the issue maybe? I do under twelve & no slow downs or issues here.

    i mentioned earlier it only effects you if there's like 30+ (maybe more)

    my lastest test, using NirCmd to detach another ticker script that resume-wait10sec-suspend-wait50sec-resume setup.exe, it works on my laptop with 63 driver paths. the modem driver which cause SetupCopyOEMInf stopped when setup.exe totally suspended, and it passed on resume-suspend-resume method.

    combine this method and setPriority, SetupCopyOEMInf gets more cpu without interlocked.

    I'm not understanding your method.

    But I know AutoIt has a built in process priority function, which we make use of in the first-post-method.

    What are you saying here? resume, suspend, resume? [i dont understand]

    Also maybe the 50 seconds is too small to cause the freeze-up. Have you tried with longer times?

  12. FOR /F "tokens=2 delims=	 " %%A IN ('pausep.exe ^| findstr /I /L "setup.exe"') DO SET Setup_PID=%%A
    pausep.exe %Setup_PID%

    this doesn';t work - i've opened up a (different) setup.exe, and this doesnt find the pid.

    but when i manually run pausep, i see setup.exe on the list....

    can we fix this code?

  13. I may have found the solution :)


    $list = ProcessList("setup.exe")
    $setuppid = $list[1][1]
    Run(@ScriptDir&"\pausep.exe "&$setuppid)
    Run(@ScriptDir & "\WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe")
    RunWait(@ScriptDir & "\SetupCopyOEMInf.exe Drivers")
    Run(@ScriptDir&"\pausep.exe "&$setuppid&" /r")

    Could you change that AutoIt coding into Batch file code?

    Then I'll test it :wacko::}:wacko:


    What I really need is a method to get the PID of "setup.exe" - pausep requires the PID, not the task name.

  14. I was thinking more along the lines of setting setup.exe to idle and your AutoIt script to high. Perhaps a double whammy like that could force the issue.

    That won't really matter - it may work now, but then, eventually, someone will have too many drivers and it won't finish in time.


    The method that's still in the first post of this thread works...sort of. It works in the sense that everything installs, but the problem is that if you try to install too many drivers setup moves on without installing all of them.

    idle.newbie and I have been doing some tests.

    Seems that the problem is that SetupCopyOEMInf freezes (but only when using this PsSuspend - not when using the first-post-method)

  15. I'm just wondering if using AutoIt's builtin function ProcessSetPriority has been explored here. On it's face, it seems like it would do what you want it to do.

    Yeah, it's been explored. It doesn't pause Setup, it slows it. Some people had so many drivers that setup continued without finishing copying the driver infs. hence all this pausing setup talk.

  16. i've done following tests


    This is the code I tested (although it can't be the problem, because I also tested the autoit scripts form page 8)

    When run in Windows, it works perfectly...But when I run it during setup, my setup freezes.

    TITLE Drivers-from-CD Installation
    color 1F

    :: Pause Setup
    .\PsSuspend.exe setup.exe
    :: Allow for Unsigned Drivers
    start .\WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe
    :: Install Drivers
    IF EXIST Drivers.7z (
    .\7za.exe x -y -aoa -o"%SystemDrive%\Drivers" ".\Drivers.7z"
    .\SetupCopyOEMInf.exe "%SystemDrive%\Drivers"
    ) ELSE (
    .\SetupCopyOEMInf.exe Drivers
    :: Close WatchDriverSigningPolicy
    TASKKILL /F /IM WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe
    :: Resume Setup
    .\PsSuspend.exe -r setup.exe


    (my driver lists' short)

    I need someone to test a CD with about 50 drivers .inf files, so that I can see if this is the problem I'm having.

  17. i tried AGAIN, but it froze.

    it had nothing to do with the driver itself (as i suspected).

    I counted how many drivers were processed - 30 before the computer froze.

    The only thing I can think of is that the Setup itself, if PAUSED for too long, will freeze the computer so that it will restart itself on next reboot.

    I have no way of really testing this theory, but I can tell you that the exact same disc, with the only difference being the addidtion of the pssuspend is what caused the problem.

    if im right, we shouldnt, and cant, pause the actual setup,. this brings me back to the original method - the one in the first post of this thread.

    i need other people to test and comment on this. this is me, calling for help.

    to those whose setup worked (using the pssuspend): how many drivers inf files were integrated/processed?

    about how long did it take?

  18. ok, im getting really p***ed off.

    this is the sixth reinstall i've done today.

    Doesn't make a difference if it's autoit or batch, my setup keeps freezing/stalling/pausing.

    And it's always at the exact same spot (Dell Dimension\D850 V.9X-56K Data-Fax Modem\del200fk.inf).

    The same drivers work fine with the old method (the one in the first post)...

    It's got to be something with the pssuspend, because when i run the batch in windows it works perfectly (except pssuspend says it cannot find setup.exe).

    I dont know why the batch and autoit files freeze me up though.

    I'm running out of ideas...

    I'm going to try to remove that driver from the cd and see what happens.

    But if anyone else has any ideas as to why this is happenening, i'd love to hear them.

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