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Posts posted by a06lp

  1. whoa, i didnt notice this until just now - can you make this "install each category seperately" an option? I like to have ONE runonceex window with a list of ALL the programs getting installed (they are in the order they appear in WAIT, by category, but it's just one list.)

    is this possible?


    Also, even with v9 I cannot get the %cdrom% variable to work. I set "CDFile=WIN51" in my wait.ini, but it doesn't work. could the problem have something to do with the fact that i am installing from a second HARDDIVE and not a CDROM drive?

    Possible suggestion:

    - Have wait scan it's own directory for the CDFile (in my case "WIN51"), and if it is not found, have it go UP one directory and scan there. If not found, go UP another, etc. until found. Once found, that path becomes %cdrom%.

    - If not found anywhere on the current directory tree, then scan other drives as well for the CDfile.

    - If not found on ANY drives, then use CDDEFAULT

    ps - awesome job with the "ColumnWidth=" variable, and the %LB% option!!!

  2. just a thought on the %crom% problem that BD and I seem to be having - maybe take a look at the way WPI finds its %cdrom% and use that method?

    i am really liking the way this software is coming along. if this %cdrom% variable is fixed, i am going to try and use it (instead of WPI) in my next install.


    P.S. - I can also confirm that installing via %systemdrive% works fine...it's just a problem with the %cdrom% variable.

    hopefully this gets fixed soon...

  3. How about a setting in the ini file for the size of each column?

    Sounds good to me.

    How about the %cdrom% file I mentioned above? Maybe we can set the file to look for (to determine %cdrom%) in the ini file as well?


    I'm also having problems installing the software. I have ALLDVD.TXT in the root of my xpcd ("G:\XPCD"). My WAIT is in "G:\XPCD\$OEM$\WAIT", and my apps are "G:\XPCD\$OEM$\Applications". When I try to install anything, I get the following error:

    Windows cannot find 'J:\O\BOOT2\ROOT\\$OEM$\\Applications\\MPC\\Mplayerc_SFX.exe'

    The path, starting from $OEM$ is correct ($OEM$\\Applications\\MPC\\Mplayerc_SFX.exe), but I don't know what all this about "J:\O\BOOT2\ROOT" is....

  4. also, how does the program determine %cdrom%? what file does it look for?
    It looks for ALLDVD.TXT in the root directory

    Can we configure this? Because I think a smarter solution would be to look for 'WIN51', which MUST be in the XPCD root...

    also, how do we put a line break in a description (ex: I list several tweaks in a certain 'tweak' item - i want each one on a seperate line)?
    currently you cannot - I will add code to handle this. How about %LB% (for line break)?


    found a slight bug:

    If a name is too long, it gets cut off.  see pic below (it's supposed to say "Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 SP1")

    This is not a bug as much as running out of room on the screen. There is a limit to the amount of text that can be displayed for each checkbox. There is really no solution to this problem. I can only allow so much space. Suggestions?

    I don't know. maybe some kind of calculation - depending how many columns there are (my example only had two) the columns get more spaced out?

  5. I'm kind of surprised that no one else posted this...

    The Firefox Homepage has posted Firefox 1.0.1.

    The changelog is here.

    Here's what's new in Firefox 1.0.1:

        * Improved stability

        * International Domain Names are now displayed as punycode. (To show International Domain Names in Unicode, set the "network.IDN_show_punycode" preference to false.)

        * Several security fixes.

    Have they allowed for silent installation yet? or is it time to update the first post with all new files for 1.0.1?

  6. another q:

    how would we run a reg file?


    and if we want the reg file to run before the installation, we just put that cmd before the installation cmd? and if we want it to run after installation, we just put that reg cmd line after the installation cmd?

    also, how does the program determine %cdrom%? what file does it look for?


    also, how do we put a line break in a description (ex: I list several tweaks in a certain 'tweak' item - i want each one on a seperate line)?


    found a slight bug:

    If a name is too long, it gets cut off. see pic below (it's supposed to say "Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 SP1")


  7. i know it's not a huge deal, but you should add a UID for "Photo Story 3" in the default config file...otherwise we cannot open the program without fixing it.

    also, i am interested to know more about the 'stability' of this program:

    - this program is written in C++, correct?

    - how does it's cpu useage compare to wpi (now that you fixed the 100% cpu problem)?

    - there is/was a problem with wpi getting an error:

    a script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive.
    (i believe it had something to do with the fact that wpi used a .hta file). the fix was to import a reg key first, and then delete it after using wpi. would/could this error apply? do we need that reg key? (more info here.)

    I think the background pic is a good idea...but only if it doesn't create errors and such (and obviously, if we dont specify a bgimage then make it default to the current color scheme).

  8. 2) make it more professional looking.  the boxes on the left are too wide, and take up too much space

    I have made the boxes more narrow. Remember these boxes are used to display information about each item. If they are too small you will not be able to put as much information on the screen.

    I'm not such a big fan of the description box in the first place. What was wrong with the 'tooltip-style' of WPI? Seems more practical.

    3) make the dependent programs automatically-select the things that are needed, instead of blocking them from installing until the other is checked.

    This will create an interesing question. If you check "ITEM A" and then I automatically check the other needed items, what do I do if you uncheck "ITEM A", do I leave all the others checked? do I uncheck all the other items? What if you really selected the other items one at a time? It will create a user interface nightmare (IMO).

    If A requires B, then it works like this:

    If you click A, B is auto-clicked.

    If you UNCLICK B, A is auto-unclicked.

    If you click A, and b is auto clicked, and then you unclick A, B would remain clicked (but could obvioulsy be manually unclicked by the user).

    It is written in MS VC++.

    Does that make this program 'more stable' than WPI?

  9. I install FlashFXP Final, using the switch:

    FlashFXP30Setup.exe /silent

    I then silently register it with an AutoIt exe.

    The problem is that, for some reason, this causes FlashFXP to create the files: "FlashFXP.ini", "Bookmarks.dat", "Sites.dat", & "Stats.dat" in the C:\.

    Is there any way to force FlashFXP to put these files into its own folder?

    deleting them doesn't help, since they will be recreated again....

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