If it warez, why winrar is not registered ? I dont think the process itself is illegal, why should we care about the content ? Whys shoud we envade privacy of users ?
tHank for the info, I will wait for a version with a boot disk (as annonced on the software website) . Because for now you cannot use it on a active partition...
About acronis true Image, I have use it installed, without the indexing service and it work well. I am not sure about the vss. But, you cant use the boot cd without any service for sure. That what I do, so I don't car about problem with service.
K, your fist statement was confusing. It seem like you were saying that any program can be portable as long as it doesn't use service. http://www.portablefreeware.com/ is a good website too.
Antivirus detec virus, Do you want do detec them or not catch them ? My opinion is hardening your system to not catch virus is better than dectecting them. It simple, it's better to use a condom than to do std testing
Why do you need an antivirus ? or How do you catch Them ? If you use IE and no firewall I would understand but, I just dont know how people catch virus.
I would like to make a perfect Last Session.ini , But I forgot to remove some thing. like for example : ;# Drivers # Scanners Sound Controller May I paste the scanners and soudncontroller in another Last Session.ini . Does the order of word count ? Thank for any tips
If you want to have kasperky free go to : http://www.activevirusshield.com/antivirus/freeav/index.adp? it's AOL active virus shield, it base on Kasperky. You just need to register a email with AOL, you dont need need to be a real customer ( I hope no one is one of their customer. )